Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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As far as I am aware Boots haven't set up Blogs and Twitter accounts for its staff which they have encouraged me to follow. QVC have and this mess is a consequence.

Yes, I agree with this.
They want to encourage us to spend more money with them by trying to forge some kind of 'Family Atmosphere', so the least they can do is be honest when someone leaves/gets sacked.
As far as I am aware Boots haven't set up Blogs and Twitter accounts for its staff which they have encouraged me to follow. QVC have and this mess is a consequence.

Perhaps, but my point was that I wouldn't want my employment details being bandied about to all and sundry, even if I was required by my employer to write a blog or chose to have a Twitter account. And I wouldn't be discussing my employees' business publicly either.
They do the same with brands that disappear. Not a word on air when smashbox went. However I imagine they have a reciprocal duty of confidentiality. It will be in their contract not to present each other in a bad light.

Why do we think Julian is going? He only does a few shows here and there and has done for ages.
Julian is on holiday at the moment. It was the Carmel tweet to DG,Anna and Julian, made someone on FB query. Carmel only works part time now too, when last on it seems she was off to Glastonbury(she has not been seen since, perhaps she is still there waiting for next year.:grin:). Anna seems to have left with a friendly bye everyone.

But the DG thing is causing so many rumours etc. She has been at QVC since 2001, so if she left you would expect the whole, "Sorry to see you go and a cake thing." She has removed QVC from her Twitter name account. So has she walked out because a row, contract????? Or just decided to move on and doesn't want a big goodbye.????? Is she ill????
Perhaps, but my point was that I wouldn't want my employment details being bandied about to all and sundry, even if I was required by my employer to write a blog or chose to have a Twitter account. And I wouldn't be discussing my employees' business publicly either.

I think most people are just interested to know if she is still working at QVC or not, they're not looking for all he ins and outs. If you left your company, and someone rang up and asked for you, the company would just say she doesn't work here anymore if that was the case.
I am surprised a big company like QVC doesn't handle things better. They make a big issue of having twitter/facebook etc but then are pants at communication! If they are letting staff go it would have been more respectful to everyone involved to make a short statement announcing their departures and thanking them for their service. Viewers are going to notice their absence and wonder what is going on so best to be upfront about it. Otherwise it looks as though they have left under a cloud :confused:
Not fussed whether she's gone or not, there is turnover with any company, QVC aren't any different in that. There is always the possibility that if she has left/is leaving Debbie herself has requested no announcement be made. Where I work some leavers get announced internally some don't regardless of why they're leaving, nothing sinister about it.
Just thinking..... can you EVER imagine JR going quietly ??? she'd be making a meal of it for weeks beforehand, going coy at viewers remarks, all the kissy kissy actions with guests and not forgetting the constant reminders of how long she had been there !!!!! Perhaps at least DG and JB have made a dignified exit, if that IS the case.
I think JR's job is probably the safest. Followed closely by Debs. Dale. Charlie. Realistically, however, no-one's job is 100% guaranteed.
Assuming that DG has been 'let go' by QVC, I wonder if it was a warning shot across the bows of the other presenters? If a popular and experienced presenter can be axed, some of the others must be quaking in their Rockports.
Assuming that DG has been 'let go' by QVC, I wonder if it was a warning shot across the bows of the other presenters? If a popular and experienced presenter can be axed, some of the others must be quaking in their Rockports.

I bet they are all terrified and yet still have to smile and be jolly on the airwaves.
I think we're getting carried away. If anyone had been removed from their post I think their photo and blog would be removed from the website. Debbie, Carmel, Julian or whoever may choose not to broadcast their reasons for leaving (if they've already gone) but it's odd for QVC not to give them a send off and to let viewers know they're going to "pastures new" or similar vague phrase.

Debbie G, Carmel and Julian's names don't feature in the TV Guide on the website for the next few weeks.
I should imagine the atmosphere at HQ is dire, awful to work under a regime who couldn't give two hoots about their loyal and hard working staff. There must be a lot of whispering going on in the corridors, lots of hushed conversations..... I would hate to work for a business that doesn't care about its staff.
Downsizing and cost cutting measures are happening everyday in business and the public sector - it doesn't necessarily mean that the business doesn't care... it just means that "needs must". If something has to give, then something has to give.

Most presenters will be media professionals self employed or employed by their own companies... contractors rather than direct employees... decisions not to continue that contract will have been based on business drivers and not personal attacks.

If Debbie can't just accept that business is business then she shouldn't be in the entertainment / media area of work.
Blimey some of there hypotheses are being developed to the Nth degree.

Think I'll wait and see what transpires.
I just can't believe they would let Julian go and keep ass licking CR......

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