Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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If you`re freelance whether it be as a TV presenter, a model, a journalist or anything else then you always know things can change and quickly. It`s par for the course and like all self employed people it`s either feast or famine when it comes to work. Q are at liberty to choose whether they renew contracts or not and that`s why they employ freelance in the first place.
Anyone taking QVC to a tribunal need only present Jill Franks show reel to the panel to claim unfair dismissal whist less competent staff stay in their job! (don't try to claim this for real, I'm sure we've all worked for firms which aren't meritocracies). I'd like to think they've moved on to pastures new.

QVC are strangely touchy about announcing staff departures, some get a send off (Debbie Flint and Anthony Heywood), whereas others are simply never mentioned again. I wonder whether Q will explain where they've gone?
When did Debbie Flint get a send off????? Has she left again?

The first time she left it was to join the newly launched Ideal World with Paul Lavers. Look how well that worked out for both of them.

QVC are known for their wishing you well to join a rival company.
Anyone taking QVC to a tribunal need only present Jill Franks show reel to the panel to claim unfair dismissal whist less competent staff stay in their job! (don't try to claim this for real, I'm sure we've all worked for firms which aren't meritocracies). I'd like to think they've moved on to pastures new.

QVC are strangely touchy about announcing staff departures, some get a send off (Debbie Flint and Anthony Heywood), whereas others are simply never mentioned again. I wonder whether Q will explain where they've gone?

You crack me up, Akimbo!
When did Debbie Flint get a send off????? Has she left again?

The first time she left it was to join the newly launched Ideal World with Paul Lavers. Look how well that worked out for both of them.

QVC are known for their wishing you well to join a rival company.

I think it was a positive move for both of them. Whilst the IW venture definitely wasn't a success - Sir Michael Parkinson could have joined them, it wouldn't have made any difference! - Debs got the opportunity to forge other careers, and start other businesses, and Paul returned to shopping telly and, ultimately, his acting career. Anna Cookson has left, in my opinion, to expand her experience and knowledge; shopping tv perhaps does not offer her the challenge she needs. I think it ws the same with Debs.
Most of the people presenting on shopping television are showbiz who have fallen on lean times. Some are from journalism backgrounds (Jackie Kabler, Glen Thompsett, Suzanne Evett). Julia Robert used to present on some cable tv station in the 80s. I am sure she has done well out of QVC. She has been there a long time after all.
Would imagine its cost cutting if other measures are anything to go by; i.e. many items are now Advanced Orders only; ever increasing p & p '; QVC own brands being offered more and more.

Perhaps the move to Chiswick proved to be more costly than anticipated, so to cut the wages bill is generally the first line of attack.
Debbie Flint left originally Q to write a book with the "7 Secrets Of Slim People" ladies (don't think anything came of it). So she had a proper send off with bouquet of flowers etc. Curiously she resurfaced on Ideal World, Shop!, BidTV and a couple of dodgy "But Wait!" infomercials.

Credit to Julian, once Debbie Flint, Dave Bradford, Paul Lavers, Dean Wilson etc left Q, he was the only one who mentioned their names on air. It was as though he'd mentioned Voldermort by name! Does anyone else think working for QVC must be like being not very high up in the Scientology movement?
Would imagine its cost cutting if other measures are anything to go by; i.e. many items are now Advanced Orders only; ever increasing p & p '; QVC own brands being offered more and more.

Perhaps the move to Chiswick proved to be more costly than anticipated, so to cut the wages bill is generally the first line of attack.

I have been thinking the same!

Be interesting the next Richard Jackson hours, as he is generally on about his mate Juilan, even when he isnt on air. Gardening shows wont be the same

Ralph from Honora will be gutted if he never gets chance to do a show with Julian!!
I thought I hadn't seen Julian for quite a while. Such a shame if he has just been hoofed. I like Debbie G as well. How can Q keep people like Ms Franks, who I turn off even if I thought I wanted to buy the item, and ditch people who are watchable and cajole me to buy? I guess I'm just talking for myself. Q has millions of viewers and those kept must be selling the most.

Julian is one of my favourites, there must be more to this than meets the eye.
why JF is still there is beyond me. Quite a few of us on here say we switch off rather than put up with her, we can't be the only ones, surely that affects sales.
I agree it is a shame, Julian is by far one of the easiest presenters to watch, and I don't mind Debbie either, shame the viewers can't "vote" them off!
so, is it official that DG, JB, Carmel and Anna have been "terminated" ?

I think the point is that nothing has been said officially, or to be honest unofficially either! Only Anna has said she has left. This was done quite openly and does seem to rather kibosh the idea of a secret conspiracy theory of silence. Someone saw a Tweet from Carmel in which she sent "xxxxx"s (not hugs etc) to the other three and this has been taken as some form of confirmation. Because, when this person raised the point on QVC UK Facebook page and no answer was immediately forthcoming, this has also been taken as "proof". It may all be true, it may not be true. It may be true in one case and not in the others and QVC may not be able to deny one or more rumour without confirming the other. And it may be that they have other more pressing concerns than responding to gossip.
Whatever, no-one apart from the people concerned know, personally I feel this is as it should be - you don't expect Boots to tell you what's going on with their staff - but that isn't preventing a lot of supposition, assumption and guessing. What is it they say? A rumour with no leg to stand on will get around another way. Each to his or her own.
As far as I am aware Boots haven't set up Blogs and Twitter accounts for its staff which they have encouraged me to follow. QVC have and this mess is a consequence.
I usually enjoy the shows Debbie presents so think it would be a shame if she was no longer on our screens.

QVC need to get their media machine better oiled, their PR is disgraceful. This type of 'guessing' in public is doing no-one any favors at all.

I'm in agreement, although they seem to know how to do their own PR when it suits them, see the thread about QVC in The Mail, got enough publicity there to make them look good!
I'm not saying DG has gone but, when Dawn Bibby went not a word was mentioned, she just disappeared into the sunset. It was so odd it was farcical.
Very odd. Why encourage all this presenter interaction and then not mention if they've gone? Worse still, make a fuss of some leaving and not others.

If Debbie and Julian have gone, then it's a shame, but even more of a shame for it to be brushed under the carpet (if that's what's happened).

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