What in heavens name is the larger model wearing on her knees


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No Tinkerbelle we can't 'Tone down the language' we are allowed to say what we think as this is a discussion Forum about shopping. If this range suits you then that's fine but I don't and have said so.[/]

I'm not asking anyone to change their opinion. I just don't understand the language used. I don't like some of the fashion QVC flogs but I'd be hard pushed to call any of it vile or hideous.

If a new member came here wanting to chat about Yong Kim and how much they liked it, they'd be heading for the hills quicker than they could buy a new YK number on QCut.
yong kim and join are two of the more expensive ranges. i dont like everything but i have some pieces that i love wearing some for many years. qvc are on to something as these two ranges are obviously selling to someone.

if you love these ranges and you cant afford it you can buy from e bay quite a lot cheaper. i cannot afford to buy them at full price. but join fabrics on the whole are pretty fabulous. wash dry are crease free and i adore the cuts. i hate skimpy clothes and join is not skimpy
I tried to make a similar point a while ago Boffy and Tink; that the expression of distaste and disgust some lines illicit might put off other forum members asking valid questions about size, washability etc. I'm not restricting free speech either but this forum's strength is the exchange of useful info. I also like to read opinions and I have a sense of humour.

Does YK do flame-proof clothing does anyone know?
A few years ago I seem to remember a fashion writer saying you could go on holiday with a pair of flip flops,a bikini and a sarong. Bikini during the day and the sarong for evening. Yeah right. Wonder if anyone tried it.

Yes, yes and $250 fine and bound over and refused entry to that country again ever..
In my teens I went touring the Eastern Seaboard and met a couple at a hotel in NYC doing a year long road trip and they had 2 pairs of underwear, 2 shorts and 2 tops and the shoes they were wearing, washing their stuff each night wherever they were staying. I was impressed but couldn't imagine ever coping like that. Their clothing came from a camping shop in fabrics that dried very quickly, so I have a pair of trousers for travelling and they're v useful and virtually indestructible - I've only repurchased twice in 30+ years (bigger sizes!).
My daughter in law was a soldier for 7 years and many a time they`d be on a field Exercise for weeks at a time. They lived out in the field in all weathers, lived off ration packs and had very little in the way of spare clothing. Showers and proper toilets were non existant, washing facilites were limited to face and hands and a wipe of other personal bits with anti bac wet wipes. By the end of the 3 or 4 week exercise their uniforms and their bodies were minging. When she left the Army 12 years ago she went totally the opposite way and now packs enough for a small Army even for just a weekend away.
YK clothes - I have a few - I like the look but I do NOT like the price and I think the quality has gone down (ok some will say could it go any worse) - you can buy this look much cheaper but if YK was cheaper I would buy again. It is not as unusual as it was when it first appeared therefore the premium price doesnt stack up for me.

IT - well she is as light as a fairy but sometime she makes me laugh she is so out of touch with us mortals

Packing - packing light - what is that? PS Mr L is even worse than me - but I so admire those who can do it - perhaps it is because of my work clothes I find it hard to do "casual" well so am never confident so end up taking loads "just in case"
YK show - not posting about YK or IT as such but the larger model looks as if she is wearing cycling shorts to the top of the knee and black socks up to the knee leaving a gap in the middle.

God love her!

Speaking of large models, anyone know what has happened to Joy? I thought she was the resident Big model....
That will be us next week exactly PP! We are off on our first cruise. :mysmilie_14: Ive never and will never do a capsule wardrobe!

Ooooo lucky you ! I guarantee you will be addicted to it by the time you get home. I'm a regular Cunarder and I adore seeing different places with a relaxing cabin to come 'home' to. That and no baggage allowance is holiday heaven for me.

Capsule wardrobes ????? only for the young - who in their right mind wants to spend their evenings in the bathroom washing through their smalls for the next day ?
I do try to temper my language when talking about Q fashion because I know a lot of people like it and wear it.I have afew items which I still wear but think the quality has gone down ,and there are some real duds.

I have tried to get into Yong Kim but it doesn't suit me and I think the layered look works out very expensive.Crinkle is a complete no no .Maybe it's the era I was brought up in when everything had to be ironed and creases were a sign of not bothering.
I do try to temper my language when talking about Q fashion because I know a lot of people like it and wear it.I have afew items which I still wear but think the quality has gone down ,and there are some real duds.

I have tried to get into Yong Kim but it doesn't suit me and I think the layered look works out very expensive.Crinkle is a complete no no .Maybe it's the era I was brought up in when everything had to be ironed and creases were a sign of not bothering.

I can identify with that. I remember being horrified when the fashion for going out without tights became common place - in my 'day' you were considered poor if you went out bare legged. Now, I cant remember the last time I wore them ! wearing long skirts / maxi dresses/trousers most of the time. Its like our mothers generation who also wore hat and gloves even in the summer with dresses, and God forbid if you didn't wear a hat in church !
For some reason this thread has made me think of the election possibly hanging on the 'shy' vote - those who will vote Conservative at the last minute or Scots who will quietly vote Labour. There must be a good number of 'shy' fans of qvc fashion who read this forum, who are reluctant to speak up for their favourites. Of course we all think certain things are hideous and we are most likely to post when we don't like something because it's more fun and can be very funny. It's also good to know what people like and why, and they shouldn't be afraid to share their views.

As for YK, personally I wouldn't buy it because it is very pricey and I don't think it is flattering for shorter women. I do however love soft fabrics and can see how the range can have appeal. I'm no good at capsule wardrobes either although after 32 years of huffing and puffing from OH I have got a bit better! These days the pills and potions need nearly as much room as the clothes!
Any YK or Join thread is usually made up of 95% of those who don't like and wouldn't buy it. Then you get the odd comment from someone who does like it. That's fair enough if people don't like it they're perfectly entitled to say so. But I don't always stand up and say I like it, simply because the comments of those who don't like are quite harsh. It feels a bit like sticking your head above the parapet ready to be shot at. Sometimes I will and sometimes I won't.

IRL I get compliments on my clothes and how nice I look. Only last week two of the women in my office building suggested I should give fashion advice. I've no intention of doing so but if I listened to the criticisms here I would wonder whether I ought to be ashamed to go outside my front door!

And the one that really gets to me is more money than sense ... not that anyone in this thread has actually used that. I've actually got far more sense than money. :)
No Tinkerbelle we can't 'Tone down the language' we are allowed to say what we think as this is a discussion Forum about shopping. If this range suits you then that's fine but I don't and have said so.[/]

I'm not asking anyone to change their opinion. I just don't understand the language used. I don't like some of the fashion QVC flogs but I'd be hard pushed to call any of it vile or hideous.

If a new member came here wanting to chat about Yong Kim and how much they liked it, they'd be heading for the hills quicker than they could buy a new YK number on QCut.

What's wrong with using words like 'hideous' and 'vile' to describe something when in my opinion it is exactly that? To be honest l could think of far worse adjectives to describe some of the offerings on QVC! You like it, l don't!!! At the end of the say this is a forum where everyone should be entitled to their own opinion.
Any YK or Join thread is usually made up of 95% of those who don't like and wouldn't buy it. Then you get the odd comment from someone who does like it. That's fair enough if people don't like it they're perfectly entitled to say so. But I don't always stand up and say I like it, simply because the comments of those who don't like are quite harsh. It feels a bit like sticking your head above the parapet ready to be shot at. Sometimes I will and sometimes I won't.

IRL I get compliments on my clothes and how nice I look. Only last week two of the women in my office building suggested I should give fashion advice. I've no intention of doing so but if I listened to the criticisms here I would wonder whether I ought to be ashamed to go outside my front door!

And the one that really gets to me is more money than sense ... not that anyone in this thread has actually used that. I've actually got far more sense than money. :)

Some people are just sensitive, of course if you like something you should say so and call it "lovely" "gorgeous" just like the people who don't like it can say it's "vile" and "hideous" because they're the words you find most fitting. If one person likes something and ten people don't, the ten have every right to say so, it's not fair that you describe it as "sticking your head above the parapet ready to be shot" just because more people don't like it that do.
I will probably never buy anymore QVC fashion. Just found a pair of Diane Gilman jeggings I bought a few years ago. They look terrible. The colour has all washed out and they fit so badly. Likewise a Kimmie dress. I also have a few pairs of Birkenstock sandals - very comfortable but certainly not a good look.
it's not fair that you describe it as "sticking your head above the parapet ready to be shot" just because more people don't like it that do.

By the same token if that's how someone feels then they can say so, surely?

Of course, as am I. I never said otherwise.

I was quoting your post, in what way have I misunderstood your statement? It's not fair to whom that some QVC fashion shoppers feel uncomfortable discussing clothes they wear when faced with scathing remarks from others?

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