What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?


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What action should QVC bosses take regarding Alison Young and the slapping incident?

  • No action, it was lighthearted fun.

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • A quiet word, its not the first time this has happened...

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • A formal reprimand for unacceptable behaviour... we have our eye on you Alison

    Votes: 49 41.2%
  • Dismissal. Touve done it once too often love, get your cards.

    Votes: 16 13.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This ISN'T the QVC website; it's supposed to be independent and impartial. If it wasn't, could people like PinkPussyCat been able to air their frustrations and get support with issues she was having? (sorry for picking on you lovey, but your recent problems with QVC were the first that sprung to mind).
No problem here. :flower: I've been commented on and singled out many times on the forum over the years :tongue: but on this occasion I was gratified by the volume of support I was given. And who knows, it may even have been influential in QVC looking at my account again in a different light and deciding to reinstate it?? I'm sure the suits at QVC do read this site because it gets so many thousands of hits daily and it was an actual literal well known 'peoples champion' journalist who told me about it.
But what I object to is all the "If you don't like it, then sod off" or "I don't like this thread/comment

'I'm sure I'm not
the only one who would rather
you found somewhere else to
troll around'

This is what you told Leopard Print to do in an earlier post.. Bit hypercritical don't you think?
And to the poster who told another poster to 'get stuffed, well I hope you were reported!
'I'm sure I'm not
the only one who would rather
you found somewhere else to
troll around'

This is what you told Leopard Print to do in an earlier post.. Bit hypercritical don't you think?
And to the poster who told another poster to 'get stuffed, well I hope you were reported!

I hadn't just told someone in an open forum that their poll was pathetic, so no.

If leopard_print hadn't started things off by insulting Burlybear in public, then my response would not have been so public either.

I am mature enough to communicate without resorting to insults, or indeed physical violence (which is what started all this off).

If other people cannot do just that, then maybe they would be better off visiting a site where such behaviour is welcomed?

I do not see any hypocrisy there Daisy, so sorry love. Unless you are OK with people casually bullying others just for expressing their opinions?

In which case I would take a GOOD look in the mirror love: weren't you accusing me and others of picking on you yesterday by doing just that?
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'I'm sure I'm not
the only one who would rather
you found somewhere else to
troll around'

This is what you told Leopard Print to do in an earlier post.. Bit hypercritical don't you think?
And to the poster who told another poster to 'get stuffed, well I hope you were reported!

MEOW :mysmilie_484::mysmilie_515:
She didn't insult BB personally (though it may have been taken personally) she commented on the poll.. LP was insulted personally back, thats the difference.. There seems to be one rule for some here and another rule for others!..
She didn't insult BB personally (though it may have been taken personally) she commented on the poll.. LP was insulted personally back, thats the difference.. There seems to be one rule for some here and another rule for others!..

Calling someone's post "pathetic" IS insulting them; LP is stating publically that she considers BB's thoughts to be worthless - that's hardly a positive thing, is it?

And I quite agree: SOME people on here do seem to think there's one rule for them, and another for the rest.

Though we may not see eye to eye on who's who.

Oh yes: yesterday, you were VERY vocal about telling all and sundry to make formal complaints and stop moaning on here about AY's behaviour.

I take it then that you're not just moaning here, and that you've raised a formal complaint to a mod/admin about how you feel LP was treated?

I'm sure the mods would find how that started fascinating.
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Oh don't say that am looking forward to going and having some fun with like minded folks! Unfortunate heading tho!

I thought it had an unfortunate title too!

You'll have a great time. I went a long time ago and really enjoyed it.

If it is being shown live then I expect all forumites attending to give us all a wave! :happy:
I hadn't just told someone in an open forum that their poll was pathetic, so no.

If leopard_print hadn't started things off by insulting Burlybear in public, then my response would not have been so public either.

I am mature enough to communicate without resorting to insults, or indeed physical violence (which is what started all this off).

If other people cannot do just that, then maybe they would be better off visiting a site where such behaviour is welcomed?

I do not see any hypocrisy there Daisy, so sorry love. Unless you are OK with people casually bullying others just for expressing their opinions?

In which case I would take a GOOD look in the mirror love: weren't you accusing me and others of picking on you yesterday by doing just that?
Actually love, I expressed that some on here are a clique and at certain times, act like a pack against other posters.. If you don't see it, thats because you are IN IT Love!
I thought it had an unfortunate title too!

You'll have a great time. I went a long time ago and really enjoyed it.

If it is being shown live then I expect all forumites attending to give us all a wave! :happy:

You'll probably all have to wear padding like Gladiators' contestants in case things get out of hand... :giggle:
Actually love, I expressed that some on here are a clique and at certain times, act like a pack against other posters.. If you don't see it, thats because you are IN IT Love!

I'm actually (and quite possibly literally) insulted that you think I need someone to fight my battles for me.

And you haven't answered me: I find that rather telling, Daisy love

Actually - what is this achieving? Unlike some people, I'm not into cheap point-scoring.

So I apologise to members of this forum for letting myself get drawn into this "tangent" - let's get this thread back onto track without the sniping.
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I thought it had an unfortunate title too!

You'll have a great time. I went a long time ago and really enjoyed it.

If it is being shown live then I expect all forumites attending to give us all a wave! :happy:

Ha ha you won't be able to stop me!
The top and bottom of it some QVC customers / viewers are not happy with what they broadcasted and have broadcasted previously when AY has taken her hand to guests as well as models.

Whether any of these have been done in jest, the fact people have been unhappy with what they saw, they have a reasonability to deal with the matter to viewers statisfaction.

Surely QVC run the risk of being reported and taken off air.


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