What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?


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What action should QVC bosses take regarding Alison Young and the slapping incident?

  • No action, it was lighthearted fun.

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • A quiet word, its not the first time this has happened...

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • A formal reprimand for unacceptable behaviour... we have our eye on you Alison

    Votes: 49 41.2%
  • Dismissal. Touve done it once too often love, get your cards.

    Votes: 16 13.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have rung QVC this morning as not had a response to my email. I was told that it had been passed onto the presenter co-ordinator. Now surprise surprise I have received this email.

Thank you for contacting QVC.
Sorry for the delay in replying to your email. As I advised in our recent call. I have passed on your comments mentioned in the email below to our presenter co-ordinator.
If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
I have rung QVC this morning as not had a response to my email. I was told that it had been passed onto the presenter co-ordinator. Now surprise surprise I have received this email.

Thank you for contacting QVC.
Sorry for the delay in replying to your email. As I advised in our recent call. I have passed on your comments mentioned in the email below to our presenter co-ordinator.
If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Would that be the lovely Barbara who the presenters shout to on air to oder them item then ?

Would that be the lovely Barbara who the presenters shout to on air to oder them item then ?


Who knows but if it is I would not think she has a lot of clout. Anywhere else it would be her manager that would deal with this, but then maybe Gobby manages herself as anyone else would run for cover about having to have words with her.:bandit:
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset;"> Originally Posted by leopard_print
Pathetic poll!!! Get over it, there are far worse things happening, if Lee is bothered by it then it is up to her to complain, not everyone else.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
Couldn't agree more!

Then don't read the thread then. Simplz.
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset;"> Originally Posted by leopard_print
Pathetic poll!!! Get over it, there are far worse things happening, if Lee is bothered by it then it is up to her to complain, not everyone else.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Then don't read the thread then. Simplz.

I think you will find that under UK employment law it is unacceptable for any employee to touch another employee physically even if done in jest. Becoming physical with another person is an invasion of their private space & often unwelcome. It is a form of bullying. So whether Lee was happy, unhappy or however she felt about it, it is not actually up to her. It is how the employer views it.
bullying is abhorant in any form i agree.

Indeed it is: whether it is beating someone up, slapping them while they are trying to do their job (though clowns may well be excused from this), spreading malicious lies, or generally going out of your way to make other people's lives miserable.

We're not all the same, and if we all accepted that then maybe we'd all be a lot happier?

Threads are going to be posted on here about topics that aren't of interest to everyone. Yet they are of interest to the person who started them.

What does slating the thread achieve? Is it constructive? Is it helping forum members to better understand one another?

Not really.

So, rather than go out of your way to insult someone, why not ignore it if you really don't see the point in it?
All employers will have something similar in their business however here are some excerpts from beauty professional organisation's code of conduct:

As a member of FHT you must at all times:
• Act in the best interests of your clients and treat them with respect
• Take responsibility for your own actions
• Respect other practitioners and health professionals
• Practice only within the limits of your competence
• Ensure your behaviour does not damage your profession’s reputation.

Members are obliged to uphold the dignity of the profession and shall conduct themselves in conformity with good taste and professional decorum.

Members agree to act honourably towards their clients and fellow practitioners.


The British Association of Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology (BABTAC) has been the professional face of beauty and holistic therapy for over 30 years. It is the premier UK and international association for beauticians and therapists and is widely recognised as one of the longest standing and most influential bodies for the industry.

Formed in 1977 and currently based in Gloucester, the Association is a non-profit making and democratic organisation run by a Council proposed and elected by the membership. On application, potential members' qualifications are vetted to ensure they meet with national/international requirements, and all work to a rigorous code of ethics and accepted good practices - both in terms of the treatments and therapies they offer and the way they conduct their relationships with their clients.

As a professional that sort of behaviour is just not acceptable in the workplace.
Indeed it is: whether it is beating someone up, slapping them while they are trying to do their job (though clowns may well be excused from this), spreading malicious lies, or generally going out of your way to make other people's lives miserable.

We're not all the same, and if we all accepted that then maybe we'd all be a lot happier?

Threads are going to be posted on here about topics that aren't of interest to everyone. Yet they are of interest to the person who started them.

What does slating the thread achieve? Is it constructive? Is it helping forum members to better understand one another?

Not really.

So, rather than go out of your way to insult someone, why not ignore it if you really don't see the point in it?

Or those peeps in the New Order True Faith video :hi:
do you think that qvc should sack alison then!

I don't think it's so much a case of whether AY should be fired, more reprimanded. If she's done this three times on air AND countless number of times "under the table" then there's something wrong do you not think? :thinking:
If other presenters, guests and models are unable to complain for fear of losing their job (isn't this similar to what happened to model Jo?) then they do not have the rights that most of us take fr granted in the workplace. I for one would have swung at AY and in this climate it would probably have been me that would have been out of a job. Is it that the recipients of AY's bad behaviour do not want to complain or do they feel they can't complain?
What QVC should note though is that companies such as Bare Escentuals are now making a name for themselves outside of QVC as are L'Occitane so pretty soon they may not need to pander to the heavy hands of AY.
I don't think it's so much a case of whether AY should be fired, more reprimanded. If she's done this three times on air AND countless number of times "under the table" then there's something wrong do you not think? :thinking:
If other presenters, guests and models are unable to complain for fear of losing their job (isn't this similar to what happened to model Jo?) then they do not have the rights that most of us take fr granted in the workplace. I for one would have swung at AY and in this climate it would probably have been me that would have been out of a job. Is it that the recipients of AY's bad behaviour do not want to complain or do they feel they can't complain?
What QVC should note though is that companies such as Bare Escentuals are now making a name for themselves outside of QVC as are L'Occitane so pretty soon they may not need to pander to the heavy hands of AY.

two words...
Molton Brown
What was the reason for their exit BB? Was AY responsible or did they up sticks for face sake?

i dont recall jill *mrs overall* goldsmith ever getting a crack across the fizzog from AY but molton brown clearly decided that they didnt need QVC any more.
i dont recall jill *mrs overall* goldsmith ever getting a crack across the fizzog from AY but molton brown clearly decided that they didnt need QVC any more.

Good One

No I don't recall Julie or rather Jill being given a smack not on the face.

Though I maybe wrongly on the wrong 'evening of expectation' but I'm sure there could have been a few kicks under the table to get items back in stock.

Again I could be wrong but the mention of locking in the broom cupboard could possibly have been said to secure the low Christmas Molton Brown TSV pricing.

Surely the only person who has the right to ask for her to be reprimanded, sacked or whatever is the person that she slapped? I mean if that person saw it as a bit of fun why should it bother anyone else?
Maybe outside of work they are good buddies and do this sort of play slapping together all the time? I know that I used to play fight with my old supervisor at work and I would have been devistated if they had ever got in serious trouble because someone else said they didn't like the look of it but I wasn't bothered by it.
If your out in a pub or even just in a street and someone slapped someone else the police would only ask the person on the recieving end if they wanted to pursue the matter and take action if they did. They wouldn't care if just because you witnessed it and didn't like what you saw insist the person be prosecuted would they?

I know that not every presenter is everyones cup of tea but I think calling for a person to lose their job in these difficult times is very harsh when it isn't something that has effected us personally and there is a difference between a friend giving you a playful slap and a total stranger giving you a full on pelt round the face. The fact that she has done it to Alexis etc may indicate that this is just the way AY is and her friends except her for her slightly different behaviour even though to us it may seem out of order.
molton brown is always empty where i live. i think they shot themselves in the foot leaving qvc. they cant/wont/dont discount much anymore even in their outlet shops.

they shifted more soap on qvc in one christmas tsv day than they do in a year in their shops.:doh:

alison has a dry sense of humour and i find her very entertaining and a skilled salesperson. qvc would not find it easy to replace her.

same with julia a bit irritating far more so than alison but still highly skilled and good at what they do. i suppose the more gregariuos characters wind people up more thats the pay off.
Surely the only person who has the right to ask for her to be reprimanded, sacked or whatever is the person that she slapped? I mean if that person saw it as a bit of fun why should it bother anyone else?
Maybe outside of work they are good buddies and do this sort of play slapping together all the time? I know that I used to play fight with my old supervisor at work and I would have been devistated if they had ever got in serious trouble because someone else said they didn't like the look of it but I wasn't bothered by it.
If your out in a pub or even just in a street and someone slapped someone else the police would only ask the person on the recieving end if they wanted to pursue the matter and take action if they did. They wouldn't care if just because you witnessed it and didn't like what you saw insist the person be prosecuted would they?

I know that not every presenter is everyones cup of tea but I think calling for a person to lose their job in these difficult times is very harsh when it isn't something that has effected us personally and there is a difference between a friend giving you a playful slap and a total stranger giving you a full on pelt round the face. The fact that she has done it to Alexis etc may indicate that this is just the way AY is and her friends except her for her slightly different behaviour even though to us it may seem out of order.

There are some FM who completely agree with everything you have said and we have said exactly the same but it is not the view of others who I'm sure will be along to reply very soon.:flower:

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