What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?


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What action should QVC bosses take regarding Alison Young and the slapping incident?

  • No action, it was lighthearted fun.

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • A quiet word, its not the first time this has happened...

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • A formal reprimand for unacceptable behaviour... we have our eye on you Alison

    Votes: 49 41.2%
  • Dismissal. Touve done it once too often love, get your cards.

    Votes: 16 13.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The thing which makes me smile is those who say AY is fun and a great sales woman.

Er, no she is rude and down right nasty if in a mood. She is suppose to be a professional, she is representing QVC on live TV therefore should act like one. No matter what relationship she has with the reps from the brands in private. The moment those cameras roll she is representing QVC the Shopping Chanel, end of.

I will also say she serves no useful purpose and hasn't done for a very long time on QVC. Their best sales woman???? The beauty shows always sold out no matter who was presenting. AY gives no information about products, well if you count "Oh X,Y and Z in the celeb world use this." Or the mythical clients for whatever brand. That is not a beauty expert giving professional information. Just a middle aged woman who has been reading Hello and OK and whatever celeb mags. When she is off the the representive from the brand is able to explain products and how to use. When was the last time AY actually did that one???
I haven't thought about it until now but thank you for your post Donna it has got me thinking.

Years ago I did find I gained a lot more from the beauty shows, just what this is due to I don't know.
Was it because we had more in the salon with Alison shows, when she had a variety of products for different skins and problems when she advised what to do and whom they were suited to without a company guest present ?
I don't know if I'm correct and if so who's made the changes ?
Certainly customers did ring in with their problems, Alison was hands on and were advised which items to purchase.
I'm I wearing rose tinted specs or does anyone else recall the old days ?

I've followed this thread with interest and voted for a reprimand. In my opinion it's unacceptable for anyone to tap/smack/slap/strike/clout/hit/punch/assault (however you want to dress it up or down, they all mean physical contact which can only make the recipient feel bad) another person, and even more so on live television. I can't imagine what AY was thinking. She's so full of her own self importance that she probably thinks she's above any kind of discipline. She regularly broadcasts the fact that she's "scary" and "not in a good mood today" etc etc. :yawn: Whatever!! (as my son would say)

Isn't AY self employed? She used to bang on about being impartial, which is why she was able to mention non-QVC brands such as Clarins and Guinot. This may well not be the case now but I think that's why she didn't used to present Liz Earle shows. I remember reading it once I'm sure. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that she thinks she can behave however she wants.
I haven't thought about it until now but thank you for your post Donna it has got me thinking.

Years ago I did find I gained a lot more from the beauty shows, just what this is due to I don't know.
Was it because we had more in the salon with Alison shows, when she had a variety of products for different skins and problems when she advised what to do and whom they were suited to without a company guest present ?
I don't know if I'm correct and if so who's made the changes ?
Certainly customers did ring in with their problems, Alison was hands on and were advised which items to purchase.
I'm I wearing rose tinted specs or does anyone else recall the old days ?

Totally true. The shows were different and so was she. Maybe there was not so much of celebrity mania like today. I personally am not interested in what make up a z lister wears, but it must impress some people and influence them to buy. I also think many of the big beauty brands on qvc will sell themselves these days regardless of who is presenting.
Surely the only person who has the right to ask for her to be reprimanded, sacked or whatever is the person that she slapped? I mean if that person saw it as a bit of fun why should it bother anyone else?
Maybe outside of work they are good buddies and do this sort of play slapping together all the time? I know that I used to play fight with my old supervisor at work and I would have been devistated if they had ever got in serious trouble because someone else said they didn't like the look of it but I wasn't bothered by it.
If your out in a pub or even just in a street and someone slapped someone else the police would only ask the person on the recieving end if they wanted to pursue the matter and take action if they did. They wouldn't care if just because you witnessed it and didn't like what you saw insist the person be prosecuted would they?

I know that not every presenter is everyones cup of tea but I think calling for a person to lose their job in these difficult times is very harsh when it isn't something that has effected us personally and there is a difference between a friend giving you a playful slap and a total stranger giving you a full on pelt round the face. The fact that she has done it to Alexis etc may indicate that this is just the way AY is and her friends except her for her slightly different behaviour even though to us it may seem out of order.

Some people have rather strange relationships with friends if they go around 'play slapping' each other. I honestly don't think any of my friends have ever done that to me and we're not boring old so and so's either. It's just that our idea of fun is not hitting each other. Actually, I don't mean to criticise what people do in their private life, but it was completely inappropriate for AY to slap/kick under the table etc anyone on air. I don't care if they're knocking holes out of each other off air, all in the name of 'fun,' - I do NOT want to see it on a shopping channel.
I don't want AY to lose her job but I do expect her to be warned by the bosses about her behaviour, as it has happened too many times now. I know we're unlikely to find out what, if any, action has been taken, but if we never see that sort of behaviour from her on-air again, then we can hope that something has finally been done.
Missed the poll:angry:

Does anyone think AT is a) Serial Slapper?
b) Happy Slapper?

Answers on a postcard please. Prize will be tickets to the "Beauty Bash":clapping:
Nah, she's just a slapper.

I agree with Donna. I prefer beauty hours that don't feature AY. The guest is usually fully able to demonstrate and sell. The host is supposed to act on the viewer's behalf, asking questions, etc. Other presenters do that perfectly well, often much more competently than the 'resident beauty expert'. I find Pipa a pleasure to watch during beauty shows, and Kathy Tayler - when she's occasionally allowed to do one - asks intelligent questions and is genuinely interested. Presenters such as these don't embarrass me by being rude and aggressive to the guest, under the guise of 'just a bit of fun'. AY makes me feel uncomfortable, and I don't watch - or buy - when she's on.

Perhaps we need a poll for our least favourite presenter?
Years back at the begiining I used to love watching AY shows & really looked forward to them. To her credit I learnt a lot from her & think it has contributed to the condition of my skin today. Now I just trurn the sound off or even switch channels. Her voice grates on my nerves. Frequentyly she shrieks & I can't bear the supercilious attitude she has.

I think its a case of familarity breeding contempt. I would be interested to know just how many of the beauty companies have biten the dust on QVC because of AY.Shisheido, Molton Brown, L'zartique, Aveda & loads more all gone. I'm convinced she & Liz Earle loathe each other. Their shows together always come over as quite tense.
Years back at the begiining I used to love watching AY shows & really looked forward to them. To her credit I learnt a lot from her & think it has contributed to the condition of my skin today. Now I just trurn the sound off or even switch channels. Her voice grates on my nerves. Frequentyly she shrieks & I can't bear the supercilious attitude she has.

I think its a case of familarity breeding contempt. I would be interested to know just how many of the beauty companies have biten the dust on QVC because of AY.Shisheido, Molton Brown, L'zartique, Aveda & loads more all gone. I'm convinced she & Liz Earle loathe each other. Their shows together always come over as quite tense.

Lets face it if you were Liz wouldn't you been tense ?

She doesn't know when the slap is coming, her face is her fortune.
The item no. with the video is 220765 (for those who haven't seen it). Not sure if it has been edited at all as I didn't see the original.
Why oh why did she behave like that? Was it jealousy? Goodness knows what went through her mind. Very very odd and not something I personally like to see.
Well I'm glad I voted for a reprimand after seeing that. I'm sure AY thought she was being highly amusing, but it's obvious the recipient didn't think it was OK. AY did appear to look slightly uncomfortable afterwards too when she realised her SOH hadn't been appreciated.
The item no. with the video is 220765 (for those who haven't seen it). Not sure if it has been edited at all as I didn't see the original.
Why oh why did she behave like that? Was it jealousy? Goodness knows what went through her mind. Very very odd and not something I personally like to see.

This is the last twopenneth that I am going to add as I've now added probably a pound or so over a few of the AY threads. :giggle:

Alison was talking about muffin tops, something to do with the lipgloss and Lee said she didn't know about that. Alison then asked how many marathons Lee had done and Lee said four, then Alison slapped her for "us". Is that acceptable? I don't remember asking her to slap Lee because I'm a lazy old trout. Is that jealousy? Der - yes. :envy:
This needs to be looked at n the bigger context, if AY is allowed to get away with it even when the presenters are "friends" (I use the term loosely - I'd never have a friend who slapped me across the face even if I'm hysterical!:mysmilie_867:) then where will she draw the line. If she's happy to slap someone she likes what is she prepared to do to someone she hates?

The point is a reprimand is not a P45, some people may want to get rid of the wailing banshee, I myself can take or leave her (the latter though is my preferred option). I don't watch the beauty shows anymore because I don't like the fact that she overtalks everyone but to wish her to be jobless and inflict that on her husband and horses, not sure I could do that either. I feel now that any more discussion on her from my part means that she is actually and literally as important to me as she thinks she is.

There endeth my lesson :mysmilie_455: :mysmilie_11:
I really do think some who are sooooo outraged by what they have seen on a tv shopping channel should try switching on sky news. You would find a whole lot more worth while things to get outraged about than a sales woman on tv:wonder:

On the other hand maybe thats not such a good idear the stories of real suffering and disaster may send some of you right over the edge!
I really do think some who are sooooo outraged by what they have seen on a tv shopping channel should try switching on sky news. You would find a whole lot more worth while things to get outraged about than a sales woman on tv:wonder:

On the other hand maybe thats not such a good idear the stories of real suffering and disaster may send some of you right over the edge!

So you're basically saying that unless something is of world-shattering importance, we should all keep our typing fingers off the keys and our mouths closed in real life?

Begs the question why you bothered to register on a forum which is never going to be discussing world-shattering events really doesn't it?
Better pop back to reading the Daily Mail, you might miss something important!
So you're basically saying that unless something is of world-shattering importance, we should all keep our typing fingers off the keys and our mouths closed in real life?

Begs the question why you bothered to register on a forum which is never going to be discussing world-shattering events really doesn't it?
Better pop back to reading the Daily Mail, you might miss something important!

I registered on a SHOPPING forum to get info on things regarding SHOPPING for example what is going to be in upcoming tsv's, details of one time onlys etc etc which some people on here are kind enough to do.

The fact you appear so outraged by such a non event as something on qvc indicates you probably don't have much of a life other than to get your knickers in a twist on a internet forum.
I was simply pointing out that there is life beyond qvc but that I understood that it was probably not such a good idea for some to reach for the remote as it would appear that happenings in the real world would just be far too scary.

Oh and the daily mail isn't really my paper of choice but I will bear it in mind next time I visit the newsagent. Thank you for the recommendation!
The fact you appear so outraged by such a non event as something on qvc indicates you probably don't have much of a life other than to get your knickers in a twist on a internet forum.

I'm not in the least bit outraged. Why on earth would you think someone has to be outraged in order to express an opinion? If anyone seems outraged, it's you which is why I suggested the Daily Mail as the commenters on there seem to get all uppity and judgemental most of the time. Try the online version - it's free. :hi:

I just don't understand the people who come on here and lambast others for stating an opinion. If you don't like the thread, click the back button instead of making personal attacks.

As for my life (your concern is appreciated) I'm only on here so much recently because I'm quite ill and awaiting a hysterectomy if you must know - so yes, I haven't much of a life right now. I'm too anaemic to walk up the stairs, let alone get outraged. My knickers? they are far too big right now to get into a twist as a result of my problems...but hey ho, once I've had the OP and I'm a new woman who knows? :grin:
Ok when I stated "you" I prob should have said "some" because there are post on this thread going on about reprimands, warnings and assalts even legal action against AY. That to me is kind of OTT for some who weren't actually on the recieving end of said slap.

I have no problem with people expressing there opinion but like I said before I think calling for someones job when we are experiencing such hard times is very harsh especially as it didn't effect us directly!
If the person she slapped made a complaint and she was treated harshly then I would say that person had every right to do so as they where the one she put her hands on. I was also trying to get across that some peoples relationships with others are somewhat different to what we might percieve as the norm but it is still not our place to call for their head on the block.

As for you being ill I would never wish that on anyone no matter how differing our opinion on things are and I am in every way sincere in saying I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you RPP, I could do with a bit of sympathy as I'm feeling rotten :confused:

Much as I don't like watching AY, I would never want anyone to lose their job over something like this, but I'm in agreement that it's not really something I want to see on TV either, especially when someone is made to feel uncomfortable. As we're the customers, I do think we are entitled to comment as our views could impact on QVC business and they need to know our views (too many of them are not allowed on their own site after all :blush:)

I understand what you're saying about Lee complaining if she didn't like it, but in these hard economic times, she might just keep schtumm if she's worried that QVC will take the hump and not ask her back. I've been self-employed for years (have tried not to hit my clients lol) but you do tend to take more flack sometimes in an attempt to keep the peace! :sun:

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