What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?


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What action should QVC bosses take regarding Alison Young and the slapping incident?

  • No action, it was lighthearted fun.

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • A quiet word, its not the first time this has happened...

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • A formal reprimand for unacceptable behaviour... we have our eye on you Alison

    Votes: 49 41.2%
  • Dismissal. Touve done it once too often love, get your cards.

    Votes: 16 13.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

the two happy slapping threads are the gifts that keeps on giving arent they?

oodles of opinion:wait: lashings of laughter :grin: fall-outs :angry: reconciliations :handshake: dramatic walk outs (he'll be back!) :movie:,

i LOVE IT :clapping:

i only hope someone at QVC towers has printed them out and anonymously left them in gobsh*te's pigeon hole... give the nasty old bag summat to chew over.
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the two happy slapping threads are the gifts that keeps on giving arent they?

oodles of opinion:wait: lashings of laughter :grin: fall-outs :angry: reconciliations :handshake: dramatic walk outs (he'll be back!) :movie:,

i LOVE IT :clapping:
Has made for interesting reading that's for sure!

the two happy slapping threads are the gifts that keeps on giving arent they?

oodles of opinion:wait: lashings of laughter :grin: fall-outs :angry: reconciliations :handshake: dramatic walk outs (he'll be back!) :movie:,

i LOVE IT :clapping:

i only hope someone at QVC towers has printed them out and anonymously left them in gobsh*te's pigeon hole... give the nasty old bag summat to chew over.

You do give me a laugh Burlz. Don't hold back about AY will you:mysmilie_497:
rollypollypud;445756[B said:
]I registered on a SHOPPING forum to get info on things regarding SHOPPING for example what is going to be in upcoming tsv's, details of one time onlys etc etc which some people on here are kind enough to do.[/B]The fact you appear so outraged by such a non event as something on qvc indicates you probably don't have much of a life other than to get your knickers in a twist on a internet forum.
I was simply pointing out that there is life beyond qvc but that I understood that it was probably not such a good idea for some to reach for the remote as it would appear that happenings in the real world would just be far too scary.

Oh and the daily mail isn't really my paper of choice but I will bear it in mind next time I visit the newsagent. Thank you for the recommendation!

This forum is about all things 'shopping telly,' and rightly so. The title of each thread gives you a good idea of what it's going to be about. Perhaps if you are solely interested in upcoming TSV's, one time only's etc, you should stick to just reading about these things and leave those of us with no life to chew over the 'non events.'
I genuinely love getting a heads-up on future TSV's etc, but I really do think this site would be pretty boring if thats ALL that it was about. I think the people who continously shout down anyone who dares say anything critical about a presenter should consider that. Is that ALL you want this forum to be about?
I find this forum very informative and it would indeed be tedious if we all agreed and liked the same things but I find it a shame when some members disagree with a presenter bashing they are shouted down.
I find this forum very informative and it would indeed be tedious if we all agreed and liked the same things but I find it a shame when some members disagree with a presenter bashing they are shouted down.

I do genuinely appreciate your point and your opinions, but don't you think the forumites who criticise a presenter get shouted down too? Recent shout-downs include calling others pathetic and angry, as well as saying they should 'get over it.' A new member was also criticised for starting a thread (their very first post!) that some poeple thought had been done to death already. Not to mention questioning whether other FMs have a life and calling others bullies.
This has really got out of hand. There are no innocent parties in the 'shouting down.' For example, you put your point across very concisely without using capitals or engaging in any name-calling, but you are very persistent sometimes and I firmly believe that that is just a more subtle way of 'shouting down.' It feels like on every post that is remotely critical of a presenter, up you pop trying to kill it off. This is, of course, your right as a forum member. Personally, I normally don't bother posting on a thread I don't agree with. I just let everyone get on with it. If it's something I feel strongly about, I may make a comment. I'm not saying people shouldn't comment if they don't agree (that's just the way I do things) but this forum is going to get very boring if people keep getting attacked for not sticking to talking about TSVs and reviewing products.
I really do think some who are sooooo outraged by what they have seen on a tv shopping channel should try switching on sky news. You would find a whole lot more worth while things to get outraged about than a sales woman on tv:wonder:

On the other hand maybe thats not such a good idear the stories of real suffering and disaster may send some of you right over the edge!

Sorry but I do switch on to Sky News and others too, Some in the recent years have shown video images of people being slapped by complete strangers while on their journeys round town on buses or other public transport, or simply walking round town.

Is this not "important"?

I hate the whole "well its not as if someone has died" response or the "well there are bigger things to worry about" response.

Do you not realise that it is always the little "unimportant" things that effect people the most rather than the larger things in life.

Look through the history books, everything bad starts out with small "unimportant" things first, then leads on to much bigger things "important" things.

So you're basically saying that unless something is of world-shattering importance, we should all keep our typing fingers off the keys and our mouths closed in real life?

Begs the question why you bothered to register on a forum which is never going to be discussing world-shattering events really doesn't it?
Better pop back to reading the Daily Mail, you might miss something important!

Agree with you there.
I do genuinely appreciate your point and your opinions, but don't you think the forumites who criticise a presenter get shouted down too? Recent shout-downs include calling others pathetic and angry, as well as saying they should 'get over it.' A new member was also criticised for starting a thread (their very first post!) that some poeple thought had been done to death already. Not to mention questioning whether other FMs have a life and calling others bullies.
This has really got out of hand. There are no innocent parties in the 'shouting down.' For example, you put your point across very concisely without using capitals or engaging in any name-calling, but you are very persistent sometimes and I firmly believe that that is just a more subtle way of 'shouting down.' It feels like on every post that is remotely critical of a presenter, up you pop trying to kill it off. This is, of course, your right as a forum member. Personally, I normally don't bother posting on a thread I don't agree with. I just let everyone get on with it. If it's something I feel strongly about, I may make a comment. I'm not saying people shouldn't comment if they don't agree (that's just the way I do things) but this forum is going to get very boring if people keep getting attacked for not sticking to talking about TSVs and reviewing products.

Some people like to play the devils advocate. Makes it all the more interesting as long as its done skilfully & without spite which unfortunately does not always get done on here.
Sorry but I do switch on to Sky News and others too, Some in the recent years have shown video images of people being slapped by complete strangers while on their journeys round town on buses or other public transport, or simply walking round town.

Is this not "important"?

I hate the whole "well its not as if someone has died" response or the "well there are bigger things to worry about" response.

Do you not realise that it is always the little "unimportant" things that effect people the most rather than the larger things in life.

Look through the history books, everything bad starts out with small "unimportant" things first, then leads on to much bigger things "important" things.

On my other post I did say there is a differance in a total stranger walking up to someone and giving them a full on whack round the face and somebody play fighting with somebody they know.
The first senario is shocking and very scary for whoever to be approached by someone they have never met before and to be hurt by them in this way.
The second and in the case of AY these people know each other and maybe this has come to be expected or excepted as part of AY personality. I am not saying it is ok to act like that if the person on the recieving end doesn't like it but like I said on my other post just because someone views anothers behaviour as shocking or inopproriate or slightly strange does not makes us all judge, jury and executioner.
If the person AY slapped wanted to make a formal complaint she has every right to do so.
What I was just trying to point out was that on the grand scale of things this was a pretty minor event and with some of the things going on in the world today there are lots more important things to get outraged about.
However I will fully except that this has truely affended some of qvc's viewers a lot more than it bothered me and that in future I will try to be far more open minded to those who may be more sensitive to these kids of events.
This forum is about all things 'shopping telly,' and rightly so. The title of each thread gives you a good idea of what it's going to be about. Perhaps if you are solely interested in upcoming TSV's, one time only's etc, you should stick to just reading about these things and leave those of us with no life to chew over the 'non events.'
I genuinely love getting a heads-up on future TSV's etc, but I really do think this site would be pretty boring if thats ALL that it was about. I think the people who continously shout down anyone who dares say anything critical about a presenter should consider that. Is that ALL you want this forum to be about?

The thing is it has kind of become a lets slag off all things/people qvc and I just can't understand why if it enrages people so much why they continue to watch?

Yes I absolutley agree so why is it than anyone who comes along who isn't one of the regular posters on here gets hung, drawn and quarted for daring to post a difference of opinion?
On my other post I did say there is a differance in a total stranger walking up to someone and giving them a full on whack round the face and somebody play fighting with somebody they know.
The first senario is shocking and very scary for whoever to be approached by someone they have never met before and to be hurt by them in this way.
The second and in the case of AY these people know each other and maybe this has come to be expected or excepted as part of AY personality. I am not saying it is ok to act like that if the person on the recieving end doesn't like it but like I said on my other post just because someone views anothers behaviour as shocking or inopproriate or slightly strange does not makes us all judge, jury and executioner.
If the person AY slapped wanted to make a formal complaint she has every right to do so.
What I was just trying to point out was that on the grand scale of things this was a pretty minor event and with some of the things going on in the world today there are lots more important things to get outraged about.
However I will fully except that this has truely affended some of qvc's viewers a lot more than it bothered me and that in future I will try to be far more open minded to those who may be more sensitive to these kids of events.

People watch because they want to and because they want to spend money, buy things from them.

In the case of my mum, who is disabled and housebound, she watches most of the shows with the sound off, she wont hear the "playfull" things being said, she saw the slap and the look on lees face and switched off. She orders me, as gifts, stuff from nails inc, she wont order anything if AY is presenting cause she can't stand her voice and the way she acts, she is not professional in alot of her behaviour, the way she interrupts, talks over guests etc etc.
She watches QVC if there is nothing else on or if she is reading or if there is something she likes on that hour. She lives alone now and it is purely for background stuff really.
She was a teacher, infant, and if she "playfully" slapped another staff member or guest, she would have been reprimanded or sacked, slapping someone in the workplace, playfully or otherwise is not acceptable.

She has to remember that she works for QVC and is a representative of QVC. Her behaviour on screen needs to be more responsible given the huge number of people who watch, buy and will turn off and complain at such behaviour.

This may have been "playfull" but it is not the first time she has slapped someone and sher has a habbit of trying to belittle models and guests.

She needs to remember who she works for and how many people watch.
The thing is it has kind of become a lets slag off all things/people qvc and I just can't understand why if it enrages people so much why they continue to watch?

Yes I absolutley agree so why is it than anyone who comes along who isn't one of the regular posters on here gets hung, drawn and quarted for daring to post a difference of opinion?

i dont think many people if anyone at all is really "enraged". when people post on here we're doing something that we hope people will want to read. if we just posted bland statements without any strength of opinion it wouldnt be very interesting would it. if i say i HATE alison young do you really think ive spent more than a nanosecond thinking about her outside of catching her on TV or slating her on here? ST.com is just as much showbiz as QVC is, we all have an audience every time we post. so please lets be allowed a little "verve" in our musings without being accused of overreaction otherwise i'm going to die of boredom and the forum will die from lack of interest.

and no that doesnt include being rude to other FM's, ive never agreed with in-fighting. there are cleverer ways of getting one over on someone without resorting to name-calling. however if someone starts a "fight" or is rude to a fellow FM then they cant expect to just get away with it without someone saying something back.

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