Warning - Rant! (IBS/Food/Ingredients)


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Poor Tinks - DD's b/f has a similar thing, terrible pain, on steroids for the rest of his life, attacks come & go & can only be held at bay to a degree, not cured. he has suffered terrible pain & other inconveniences too horrid to mention but I'm sure you know all about such things, so we shall not dwell on such nasties. Has really dragged him down being so ill & very frightening for DD having to call out paamedics late at night & seeing him carted back off to hospital.
I really feel for you. xx
Happy 60th Barbs from all your friends down here in The Drop

oh aren't we just!! I think we'll have to swop mobile numbers then can text each other at 3am "how you doing tonight girl.."!

Mustn't grumble at the moment Carol. I've had a good week with the IBS, just the bluddy arthritis to contend with. Hey ho, it could be worse, look after yourself.
Happy Birthday BarblySparks, I'm not far behind you, mine's coming up in August. Have a lovely day.:cake: Good luck with your outing today Kitten. Let us know how you get on won't you.
Are you dreading it Mam, like i was or is it just another day to you
Poor Tinks - DD's b/f has a similar thing, terrible pain, on steroids for the rest of his life, attacks come & go & can only be held at bay to a degree, not cured. he has suffered terrible pain & other inconveniences too horrid to mention but I'm sure you know all about such things, so we shall not dwell on such nasties. Has really dragged him down being so ill & very frightening for DD having to call out paamedics late at night & seeing him carted back off to hospital.
I really feel for you. xx

Ah thank you. That sounds a lot worse than mine. Somehow you get used to it. It's only when you say it out loud to someone who has no idea that it sounds awful. A friend said, when I told her, "you can't live like that" but of course I can and I do. :eek:)
Absolutely dreading it Barbs, and can't quite believe it's almost here. :sad:

I sympathise with you both. I hit 50 last year and dreaded it. Actually it makes no difference other than now when I blithely say I'm in my 50s people kindly look flabbergasted. I'm milking that for all its worth.
Saw this thread again and realised that I hadn't seen any posts from kitten since her doctor's appointment - hope all is well.
I was thinking a couple of days ago that this thread hadn't made an appearance and I must come and look, thank you for nudging us Disenchanted! Hope you are ok Kitten, and that everyone else is doing ok. The last two nights I for one have actually slept reasonably well, only waking twice - wow..! Don't worry about your 60th Mam..it's nowt! I remember turning 40, then 50, then 60..I don't know where the years go, but go they do - you younger lasses..make the most of it, before you know where you are you're an OAP like wot I am!
I didn't have a good day yesterday. Was stuck in a meeting and getting the stomach cramps. It makes me panic a bit thinking what *might* happen. But the worst hasn't happened yet and it didn't happen yesterday either. But Linford Christie had nothing on me when I left that meeting I can tell you. Smiling, shaking hands but once they were out the door then I was off!!
Thanks Dis & BM, yes sorry, been preoccupied with thinking about DD, not logged on recently.

(She has been off work since Christmas, after fainting for the second time at work on Xmas Eve, it has only got worse with her fainting &/or collapsing virtually every day; on one occasion she tells me she went down & her b/f found her lying in a pile of shattered glass & another time he found her when he got up, being so ill himself, she thought she'd been there for a few minutes, turned out 4 hours had passed with her lying out cold!
So far the wondrous NHS has only had her see a cardiologist, though nobody thought it was heart related & today she is off for an MRI scan & I think to see the neurologist & then in April, yes, friggin' April, she has a tilt table test if nothing shows on the MRI!
She is constantly light headed & struggles with her memory & stuff; she can't go out alone or cook or have a bath without somebody there all the time & she is so frightened as to what it might be..........!) :sad:

As for me, I have been to doctors twice, have two further appointments this week & have so far managed to rack up:
Blood tests
Treatment for back
Starting food/IBS investigation
Hoping to start sleeping pattern/disorder investigation
Looney bin appointment for mental state/issues
More help for FM

I didn't have a good day yesterday. Was stuck in a meeting and getting the stomach cramps. It makes me panic a bit thinking what *might* happen. But the worst hasn't happened yet and it didn't happen yesterday either. But Linford Christie had nothing on me when I left that meeting I can tell you. Smiling, shaking hands but once they were out the door then I was off!!

That's just how DD's b/f feels Tink; he does a lot of driving & is sometimes terrified of what 'might' happen, a horrible feeling I would imagine because, not to put to fine a point on it, I guess like him you only have a small window of opportunity between 'made it' & 'disastrously not made it'....? :sad:
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Sorry to hear this kitten - such a huge worry for you - and presumably not remotely helpful for your own health problems. April does seem a hell of a long way off but, hopefully, the neurologist can intervene and speed things up. Isn't there a governmental ruling on how long it takes from initial GP's visit to specialist consultation and associated tests? Sorry I only have a hazy recollection of a hospital nurse telling me about it.

Fingers crossed all goes well for her today and that you get some answers too. x
blimey kitten you have a lot on your plate. Firstly i wish your DD well. I had exactly the same two years ago,its both terrifying and frustrating being pushed from Dr to Dr. The first thing that was established was that i was severely anemic, and the second was a virus i had had for months had worked its way into my heart and flipped the sinus node. ( not as serious as it sounds) It took months of being told. I had everything from a virus to their favourite diagnosis stress to get sorted.
My IBS and heartburn are horrendous at the moment and i'm sitting in the Dr waiting room as i type. Want to see if the sinvastatin is ccausing it.

Love and hugs to you and your daughter KWC, i hope you get some answers soon xxx
Not around much these days but just stumbled across this thread and, boy I can relate to so much already posted. Like others on here, some days I feel dreadfully bloated and uncomfortable but I know a lot of mine is due to day-to-day stress. It all started when my late Mum was giving me worries in her little bungalow (9 nine years ago now) and I was really hoping it would ease over time but, of course, we are then faced with other concerns so the health problems continue and generally get worse. Some days I feel like I could completely blow up several hot air balloons and still have some in reserve.......:cheeky:

Anyway, I have only skimmed through the majority of the posts so forgive me if this has already been raised. I read somewhere that Charcoal Tablets can be a great help - anyone tried them as a matter of interest?

As a side-line perhaps we could set up the exclusive "Wherever You Be Let Your Wind Blow Free" Society.......:wink:
Anyway, I have only skimmed through the majority of the posts so forgive me if this has already been raised. I read somewhere that Charcoal Tablets can be a great help - anyone tried them as a matter of interest?

As a side-line perhaps we could set up the exclusive "Wherever You Be Let Your Wind Blow Free" Society.......:wink:

As to the first part of the above, I haven't but I might well try, charcoal's been used for yonks for such things, hasn't it? :nod:

As to the second part...........am already a fully paid up member & as such I can 'blow free' unrestricted & unrestrained as much as I wish...........& I do! LOL
Gordon Bennett Kitten, you are going thru the mill at present by the sound of it - I do hope they get to the root of your DD's problems and pretty damn quick too..I know the mills of God grind exceeding slow but not as bloody slow as those of the NHS at times, it's so frustrating and you'd sooner be ill yourself than have your kids suffering wouldn't you.. Forgive my ignorance but what's this tilt table business about? It all sounds pretty dreadful for the poor girl and of course the stress piles on you too..

On a (not very) lighter note, can you please add several of us to your "loony bin" appt too my duck..I want to be second in line after you, the rest of you can fight for position!

Thinking of you Kitten, your DD, and all the rest of you with far worse probs than mine ((xx))

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