Just Beauty Direct
For all your beauty needs
Many Happy Returns from me too. Hope you have a lovely day
oh aren't we just!! I think we'll have to swop mobile numbers then can text each other at 3am "how you doing tonight girl.."!
Are you dreading it Mam, like i was or is it just another day to you
Poor Tinks - DD's b/f has a similar thing, terrible pain, on steroids for the rest of his life, attacks come & go & can only be held at bay to a degree, not cured. he has suffered terrible pain & other inconveniences too horrid to mention but I'm sure you know all about such things, so we shall not dwell on such nasties. Has really dragged him down being so ill & very frightening for DD having to call out paamedics late at night & seeing him carted back off to hospital.
I really feel for you. xx
Absolutely dreading it Barbs, and can't quite believe it's almost here. :sad:
I didn't have a good day yesterday. Was stuck in a meeting and getting the stomach cramps. It makes me panic a bit thinking what *might* happen. But the worst hasn't happened yet and it didn't happen yesterday either. But Linford Christie had nothing on me when I left that meeting I can tell you. Smiling, shaking hands but once they were out the door then I was off!!
Anyway, I have only skimmed through the majority of the posts so forgive me if this has already been raised. I read somewhere that Charcoal Tablets can be a great help - anyone tried them as a matter of interest?
As a side-line perhaps we could set up the exclusive "Wherever You Be Let Your Wind Blow Free" Society.......:wink: