Warning - Rant! (IBS/Food/Ingredients)


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Hope you get some joy with your GP's appointment kitten and that your daughter gets a diagnosis asap. Not knowing what's happening to you has to be the scariest thing ever, it's hardly surprising your symptoms are exacerbated with everything you've got on your plate at the moment. Thinking of you.

Hugs for you both
Back from the Dr and yes the sinvastatin is aggregating my stomach problems. She's told me to stay off them for 2 weeks and then try them again but on a lower dosage of 20mg.If that doesn't help then she will change.me onto another one, but apparently they can all bugger your tummy up.
Thinking of you kitten,BL ,tinks and everyone suffering. X
Back from the Dr and yes the sinvastatin is aggregating my stomach problems. She's told me to stay off them for 2 weeks and then try them again but on a lower dosage of 20mg.If that doesn't help then she will change.me onto another one, but apparently they can all bugger your tummy up.
Thinking of you kitten,BL ,tinks and everyone suffering. X

they give you a pill for something, then they have to give you a pill to sort out what the first pill causes..etc etc, it's a vicious circle most of the time. Hope that the lower dose will be better for you LEL x
they give you a pill for something, then they have to give you a pill to sort out what the first pill causes..etc etc, it's a vicious circle most of the time. Hope that the lower dose will be better for you LEL x

Thanks BM, I think you're right. Lol
Blimey Kitten that sounds awful. No wonder you're worried about her.

Let it blow free?! Not on your life. I can't risk it ... lol!! If I ever lose my sense of humour, this supposed Crohn's disease will be unbearable.
GPs are generalists and cannot know everything. Specialists are doctors who know a lot about their own fields and a fair amount about other fields. Unfortunately it can take months and months to get a correct diagnosis. I told this to my old dad and eventually he saw the specialist who diagnosed his problem correctly. When my knee started hurting back in Feb last year I was treated by the go. Eventually the pain went away but a recurring bout and treatment by gp didn't work and I was referred to a knee specialist who immediately referred me to a back specialist. Problem diagnosed. The morale of the story it takes time to diagnose in some cases and sometimes diagnoses are wrong
I get occasional attacks of IBS, I also get rare attacks of GORD I find that ranitidine, however good it is for reflux can cause IBS/diarrhoea anything up to a few days later. I know why babies cry when they get colic!!!!! Sooooo horrifically painul. I have a tried and tested self help for Tietze's Syndrome, I place a hottie or cherry stone/wheatbag on my chest and when my chest area is lovely and warm I do some serious stretches, works every time, takes a few days, but I hate taking anything stronger than paracetamol and aspirin. For the pain associated with IBS, I find deflatine or Windeaze (sp) both quite helpful and during really bad attacks, good old John Collis Browne is very soothing. I find pork is one of my triggers (but not every single time), as it is with my brother for his Crohn's. Good luck all! ms x
Just came across this thread today as well. I really do feel for all of you and my problems are probably quite minor compared to most of yours but they can cause so much embarrassment and inconvenience. I have never actually been diagnosed with anything and I reckon the fact that I'm still around means it's probably not too serious but it can interfere with so much with the simplest everyday tasks. I have been caught out so many times and I always have to "toilet map" when I go anywhere new!

Years ago I was told I had Tietze's syndrome - I thought I had breast pain but was informed that my breasts were nowhere near where the pain was and it was something to do with my sternum.

I put everything down to being overanxious about everything!
Just came across this thread today as well. I really do feel for all of you and my problems are probably quite minor compared to most of yours but they can cause so much embarrassment and inconvenience. I have never actually been diagnosed with anything and I reckon the fact that I'm still around means it's probably not too serious but it can interfere with so much with the simplest everyday tasks. I have been caught out so many times and I always have to "toilet map" when I go anywhere new!

Years ago I was told I had Tietze's syndrome - I thought I had breast pain but was informed that my breasts were nowhere near where the pain was and it was something to do with my sternum.

I put everything down to being overanxious about everything!

You and me both felinewoman, I am definitely what my mum used to call a wittle-arse! Welcome to the club!
Years ago I was told I had Tietze's syndrome - I thought I had breast pain but was informed that my breasts were nowhere near where the pain was and it was something to do with my sternum.!

Interesting - I get breast pain with it and was told quite categorically that it IS referred pain from my sternum. As a result I have a check up and mammogram every year just to be on the safe side - at the suggestion of my rheumatologist.
Wittle-arse - never heard that one before but I like it! :)

perhaps it's wittling that's made my a**e so big..?!

Interesting - I get breast pain with it and was told quite categorically that it IS referred pain from my sternum. As a result I have a check up and mammogram every year just to be on the safe side - at the suggestion of my rheumatologist.

I googled it Dis but didn't go any further when it said similar pain to a heart attack and gave a link to the symptoms of that...whoa there, no thanks, I'll worry myself into one without that!

Breast pain can be quite worrying, I was referred to the breast clinic myself a few years ago with it. At the moment I am suffering breast ITCHING..I've had this before too and was told no no no, it's not inflammatory breast cancer because it's both breasts..! So can't you have it in both..?!

My new year resolution each year is to stop worrying..lol..have broken it by quarter past midnight..!
Breast itching, could be the washing powder, deodorants, shower gels, i have to be careful, or i start itching so use fairy powder and very gentle shower gels, do you have mammograms regularly, if worried i would still go to the doctor and keep at him
Breast itching, could be the washing powder, deodorants, shower gels, i have to be careful, or i start itching so use fairy powder and very gentle shower gels, do you have mammograms regularly, if worried i would still go to the doctor and keep at him

yes I have my mammogram done every time Barbs and yes, have thought of washing powder and so on, it's been a couple of weeks on & off, but nothing to see - I've been putting aqueous calamine on after showing and that calms it down a bit. Difficult to actually scratch innit, have to resort to rubbing - of course not in public!!
Well, following on from my earlier post I've decided to give the Charcoal Capsules a go and will report back at some point. Anyone else tried them?
yes I have my mammogram done every time Barbs and yes, have thought of washing powder and so on, it's been a couple of weeks on & off, but nothing to see - I've been putting aqueous calamine on after showing and that calms it down a bit. Difficult to actually scratch innit, have to resort to rubbing - of course not in public!!

"after showing"!!! after SHOWERING I meant!:blush:
BusyMum, are you on tramadol tablets, they make you itch. Or you can buy tablets in Boots to stop itching, must see if i can find them, to tell you name of them
yeah, right!:giggle:

you caught me out Dis..been moonlighting as a pole dancer at the local OAP club - perhaps it's the nipple tassels causing the itching..? :cheeky:

BusyMum, are you on tramadol tablets, they make you itch. Or you can buy tablets in Boots to stop itching, must see if i can find them, to tell you name of them

I used to have a tube of Eurax - I do get these phases of itching, I think it's just me - no not on tramadol...BP tabs and acid suppressant tabs..and inhalers. I was itching on my thigh last night in bed, kept scratching and rubbing and this morning a beautiful bruised area - I've had this before too..also one bruised ****y!

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