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Our postman arrived literally 10 minutes ago. I was in the hallway as he was pushing mail through the letterbox and then he must have seen my outline through the glass in the door and changed his mind about trying to squash a packet through as well so he decided to knock. I opened the door and he was wearing a head torch plus another torch fastened onto his jacket. Our mail delivery staff have been like pic n mix, our regular postman left delivery to go and work in the sorting office and since then we never seem to get the same post person twice. Anyway thankfully the dog and cat worming pills were in one piece rather than crushed if he`d squashed the packet through the letterbox. Small mercies !

I may have mentioned this before, but my postie was FOLDING all my letters in half before posting.

A couple of weeks ago ago I stuck a note on the letter box asking them not to do this, and since than it has been OK.

I also have a parcel safe on the wall next to the front door, with a note saying to lock it if they leave items in it, but they never do. Neither do they bother to ring when they leave items in it.
I may have mentioned this before, but my postie was FOLDING all my letters in half before posting.

A couple of weeks ago ago I stuck a note on the letter box asking them not to do this, and since than it has been OK.

I also have a parcel safe on the wall next to the front door, with a note saying to lock it if they leave items in it, but they never do. Neither do they bother to ring when they leave items in it.
My postie is lovely, if it says do not bend she rings the bell to hand it to me.
On the odd occasion she is not delivering, the postie folds or screws everything. I got really annoyed when my son’s Masters certificate came through the post (due to COVID), large letters on the front saying Do Not Bend, he flipping well folded it in half.
Never mind eh, he’d only been studying for years for that with an IBD to contend with from his mid teens. Grrrrr.
Lloyd, Well done to your Son, but have you complained to RM? He should be issued with another certificate.
Thank you, no I didn’t, he didn’t want me to.
In my working life I dealt with complaints daily and do not have a problem complaining , but he wasn’t as upset as I was.
I am so very proud of him, he’s just a lovely young man.
Okay, I am going to have a rant! Dropped gifts off to my aunt yesterday, she mentioned she had received a card from my brother and SIL about a week before she mentioned it arrived early. So later my brother Skyped me from Canada and the first thing he said did you get your card and money? No! We posted the cards altogether you should have gotten by now.?

So, two years before the same thing happened some piece of **** in the sorting office along the way must have stolen it. Friends said oh it will turn up it might have fallen down somewhere, no it was stolen! Now, no matter what I tell my brother he is 73, he insists on putting money in a card. Never has it not arrived until the first time two years ago, came okay last year but gone this year. Some so f*cking floating turd has taken my £50!
The PO has so many temps at Christmas that sending cash in a card is a real risk. Our Postie is lovely, as are all the Posties I know in the local sorting office (though I no longer know them all as the office was merged with a larger one.

Our Postie did tell us a few years ago to watch the local press for the story of the temp who took all the sacks to a remote area, opened the 'interesting' post (handwritten addresses are a dead giveaway), and dumped the rest in a ditch. He did it for a few weeks until a load of complaints had been received of post not arriving. He was, according to the story, shocked that he was expected to walk around with the post and put it through people's letterboxes!
The PO has so many temps at Christmas that sending cash in a card is a real risk. Our Postie is lovely, as are all the Posties I know in the local sorting office (though I no longer know them all as the office was merged with a larger one.

Our Postie did tell us a few years ago to watch the local press for the story of the temp who took all the sacks to a remote area, opened the 'interesting' post (handwritten addresses are a dead giveaway), and dumped the rest in a ditch. He did it for a few weeks until a load of complaints had been received of post not arriving. He was, according to the story, shocked that he was expected to walk around with the post and put it through people's letterboxes!
I don't know how the postal service is organised across the country but this area hasn't employed temps this Christmas & our regular people are working double shifts.
Today I bought 2 balls of wool. I swore that I would not spend my retirement knitting, however I was somehow compelled due to other posters here to go out and buy some wool to make a neck cowl. I found knitting needles at home that haven’t been used in 30 years. I have moved house 4 times since using them!
I knit, would you believe, dolls clothes. Most of them go to America where there is a massive market. You would be surprised how much people will pay for a doll's jumper, however, they are for collectors mostly. I love making small things as I get fed up half way through people sized items and never finish them.

I love knitting but I'm easily bored, I can't tell you how many jumper fronts and cardigan backs I had knitted before they were abandoned.

I cleared them all out during the first furlough
When I saw those advertised I wondered if they had those small flat batteries and wouldn’t be convinced any cat I ever had wouldn’t have been able to rip it to pieces and swallow the battery.
No batteries, but a USB thing to charge it. It is more sturdy than I expected as the cat has been kicking the hell out of it and throwing in the air.

Oh, last month I was the 2nd highest fruit buyer in M&S in Belfast.

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