The Huntley - where has she gone ?


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I have noticed a trend, no not the little white T as QVC love.

But reading online newspapers, the hate that is now being aimed at pensioners from posters. Mainly, it was always the unemployed, or scroungers as they are called, people not being able to work due to ill health and add pensioners. Get rid of the free bus passes for pensioners I read a lot, let them pay like the rest of us, getting free rent etc. The I work, why should I have to fund them? Look at the extra money they get from the government winter fuel allowance etc.

One local online newspaper put up the COL payments given to those who qualify, including pensioners. A few posters kept up the get out get a job, even when it was pointed out many are on the extra benefits because they are pensioners and no in good health.
I have serious heart issues, in remission from lung cancer and believe me we cannot claim a thing because my husband has a private pension. No help with council tax no extra benefits whatsoever! Even before this I would get annoyed at hand outs to people who have never worked or earned. However if you can't work then I'm happy we have the help they need. Imo opinion we have a lot people being funded by the state who should never receive it!
Gosh all these statistics sounds like people will get bumped off for planning on claiming thier pension. Hospitals generally have not gone back to normal post covid. Its a case of work all your life then just die. Probably waiting for an op or treatment
I have noticed a trend, no not the little white T as QVC love.

But reading online newspapers, the hate that is now being aimed at pensioners from posters. Mainly, it was always the unemployed, or scroungers as they are called, people not being able to work due to ill health and add pensioners. Get rid of the free bus passes for pensioners I read a lot, let them pay like the rest of us, getting free rent etc. The I work, why should I have to fund them? Look at the extra money they get from the government winter fuel allowance etc.

One local online newspaper put up the COL payments given to those who qualify, including pensioners. A few posters kept up the get out get a job, even when it was pointed out many are on the extra benefits because they are pensioners and no in good health.

According to the letter from the DWP my pension is a benefit.
My husband has an NHS pension,that figure is deducted from his state pension and he is taxed on his NHS pension as I'm sure every person who has an occupational pension is.
It does need means testing,surely MP's,many Civil Service personnel etc don't need a state pension as well.
A friend had to retire in his mid fifties due to a star burst stroke in his brain stem,his pension is index linked and started at £75k pa. He is in his mid sixties now and I doubt he needs a state pension.
Some people may have a long working life but do not plan a pension and many people of my age depend on a spouses’ pension.Those on the basic state pension I presume rely on additional benefits.When I was approaching middle age I was in employment where I could contribute to a pension, I wanted security and whether single or married that pension was important.Now retired I am comfortable, not overly so!, but meet all my payments, pay income tax and the only payment I receive is the Winter Fuel.That decision I made in middle age was the best, more so than I realised at the time.
Some people may have a long working life but do not plan a pension and many people of my age depend on a spouses’ pension.Those on the basic state pension I presume rely on additional benefits.When I was approaching middle age I was in employment where I could contribute to a pension, I wanted security and whether single or married that pension was important.Now retired I am comfortable, not overly so!, but meet all my payments, pay income tax and the only payment I receive is the Winter Fuel.That decision I made in middle age was the best, more so than I realised at the time.
What I don't understand is why all our working lives we paid NI contributions and why,as in compension schemes, a percentage couldn't have been set aside to pay or at least, go towards the state pension.
What I don't understand is why all our working lives we paid NI contributions and why,as in compension schemes, a percentage couldn't have been set aside to pay or at least, go towards the state pension.
I think it does though. If one reaches State pension age & you've not paid any 'stamps' I believe that the pension is reduced - or even not paid????
For years, many married women who worked opted to only pay what is called a small stamp. In other words, not the full N.I stamp and only got a very small pension. If you are on benefits, you get a contribution towards your pension. I remember a woman who was not entitled to unemployment as her husband worked going to the local job centre to sign on as it counted towards her pension.
I have always worked. When my children were of school age, for about 15 years, I only paid the married women’s stamp, which meant that when I retired I didn’t receive a full pension. My friend who was a single mother, hardly ever worked, received the pension she was entitled to,but it is made up to the full pension with pension credits. She hardly pays any rent or council tax, and because she gets pension credits, that entitles her to many other ‘perks’. She got free vet treatment ( well, her dog did!) at the PDSA for years, but now that’s changed and she has to pay a small amount toward treatment.
I have always worked. When my children were of school age, for about 15 years, I only paid the married women’s stamp, which meant that when I retired I didn’t receive a full pension. My friend who was a single mother, hardly ever worked, received the pension she was entitled to,but it is made up to the full pension with pension credits. She hardly pays any rent or council tax, and because she gets pension credits, that entitles her to many other ‘perks’. She got free vet treatment ( well, her dog did!) at the PDSA for years, but now that’s changed and she has to pay a small amount toward treatment.
It's totally wrong when some people work all their life pay taxes etc and struggle because they can't get extra help.
Bit off tangent but we went to collect our prescriptions and the assistant was telling us about the large bags of medications that had not been picked up in months and there were lots and huge amounts of medication in them.
I knew a woman, well my aunt knew her and I remember her when I was young. So she lived with her widowed mother and did get a job when she left school for a few months, as it was mentioned. Then just lived with her mother on the widow's pension, all I remember is people saying poor name cannot work, she and her mother just used to lay in bed most of the day with the electric blanket on. When my aunt used to visit and take me, I remember the delay in answering her door. The home help who came because the mother was frail said name never lifted a finger to do anything. Move forward in time I am adult and name's mother passed away, and she started claiming benefits for herself still neighbours did the poor name cannot work. A friend who lived next door told me that name was given tablets for high blood pressure but never took them, so each time her blood pressure never came down when she was at the doctor. She also was endless going to the doctor saying she had diabetes, which she never did have. It was almost as if she wanted to have it. Still laying in bed all day never answering the phone or opening the door but quite able to go away on little holidays. Oh, and she always lied about her age, saying she was much younger, but most in the area knew her real age. Forward again to about 5 years ago, by then on full pension and other benefits had carers come in 4 times a day and had to have a special hospital bed in her flat, refused any attempt to get her out of the bed and into a chair. Her feet and legs by then twisted as she never used them. The carers many times said they thought she was dying suddenly, made a sudden recovery, some of us used to joke the Pope will make her a saint the number of times she has come back. Anyway, she did die just over a year ago left no money to bury herself it all went on credit cards. How I knew is the neighbour's daughter did her cleaning and shopping for her and used to say name refuses to even start a funeral plan when I suggest it. So the council paid for her burial and she went into her mother and father's grave.

When I hear people go on about the poor pensioners and how hard they have it, and yes most did. I just think of name as well who played it all her life.
I think it does though. If one reaches State pension age & you've not paid any 'stamps' I believe that the pension is reduced - or even not paid????
Yes. I opted out of SERPS (I reduced my NI contributions) about 25 years ago and my state pension was reduced. My saving grace is that my employer added the NI saved to my company pension which was carefully managed and given me a decent private pension.
I knew a woman, well my aunt knew her and I remember her when I was young. So she lived with her widowed mother and did get a job when she left school for a few months, as it was mentioned. Then just lived with her mother on the widow's pension, all I remember is people saying poor name cannot work, she and her mother just used to lay in bed most of the day with the electric blanket on. When my aunt used to visit and take me, I remember the delay in answering her door. The home help who came because the mother was frail said name never lifted a finger to do anything. Move forward in time I am adult and name's mother passed away, and she started claiming benefits for herself still neighbours did the poor name cannot work. A friend who lived next door told me that name was given tablets for high blood pressure but never took them, so each time her blood pressure never came down when she was at the doctor. She also was endless going to the doctor saying she had diabetes, which she never did have. It was almost as if she wanted to have it. Still laying in bed all day never answering the phone or opening the door but quite able to go away on little holidays. Oh, and she always lied about her age, saying she was much younger, but most in the area knew her real age. Forward again to about 5 years ago, by then on full pension and other benefits had carers come in 4 times a day and had to have a special hospital bed in her flat, refused any attempt to get her out of the bed and into a chair. Her feet and legs by then twisted as she never used them. The carers many times said they thought she was dying suddenly, made a sudden recovery, some of us used to joke the Pope will make her a saint the number of times she has come back. Anyway, she did die just over a year ago left no money to bury herself it all went on credit cards. How I knew is the neighbour's daughter did her cleaning and shopping for her and used to say name refuses to even start a funeral plan when I suggest it. So the council paid for her burial and she went into her mother and father's grave.

When I hear people go on about the poor pensioners and how hard they have it, and yes most did. I just think of name as well who played it all her life.
Which gives genuine people a bad name and real cases unable to claim. This does not just apply to pensioners benefits think of all the other benefits which are being paid out to people who have never worked. The system is broken you have to know how to play it and there are many who do. Sorry this is a subject that frustrates which in turn I frustrate my local M.P. With he must dread my emails. This has nothing to do with my situation!!
I knew a woman, well my aunt knew her and I remember her when I was young. So she lived with her widowed mother and did get a job when she left school for a few months, as it was mentioned. Then just lived with her mother on the widow's pension, all I remember is people saying poor name cannot work, she and her mother just used to lay in bed most of the day with the electric blanket on. When my aunt used to visit and take me, I remember the delay in answering her door. The home help who came because the mother was frail said name never lifted a finger to do anything. Move forward in time I am adult and name's mother passed away, and she started claiming benefits for herself still neighbours did the poor name cannot work. A friend who lived next door told me that name was given tablets for high blood pressure but never took them, so each time her blood pressure never came down when she was at the doctor. She also was endless going to the doctor saying she had diabetes, which she never did have. It was almost as if she wanted to have it. Still laying in bed all day never answering the phone or opening the door but quite able to go away on little holidays. Oh, and she always lied about her age, saying she was much younger, but most in the area knew her real age. Forward again to about 5 years ago, by then on full pension and other benefits had carers come in 4 times a day and had to have a special hospital bed in her flat, refused any attempt to get her out of the bed and into a chair. Her feet and legs by then twisted as she never used them. The carers many times said they thought she was dying suddenly, made a sudden recovery, some of us used to joke the Pope will make her a saint the number of times she has come back. Anyway, she did die just over a year ago left no money to bury herself it all went on credit cards. How I knew is the neighbour's daughter did her cleaning and shopping for her and used to say name refuses to even start a funeral plan when I suggest it. So the council paid for her burial and she went into her mother and father's grave.

When I hear people go on about the poor pensioners and how hard they have it, and yes most did. I just think of name as well who played it all her life.
When I hear about these sort of people I feel sad rather than angry. What a waste of a life
I discovered when I was unemployed for a few months when I moved house that those that have never worked and live a life on benefits get their National Insurance paid for them so that when they get to state pension age they get a full state pension. Meanwhile those that have worked all their lives but had a career break for whatever reason may fall short on their NI stamps and not get a full pension. I've always worked and paid my way and I don't want a medal or a paper hat for doing so, that's the way I am, but now I'm in poor health I am entitled to exactly nothing and so I continue to work. People that can't work should of course be helped financially. People that choose not to work - that's another story.

I discovered when I was unemployed for a few months when I moved house that those that have never worked and live a life on benefits get their National Insurance paid for them so that when they get to state pension age they get a full state pension. Meanwhile those that have worked all their lives but had a career break for whatever reason may fall short on their NI stamps and not get a full pension. I've always worked and paid my way and I don't want a medal or a paper hat for doing so, that's the way I am, but now I'm in poor health I am entitled to exactly nothing and so I continue to work. People that can't work should of course be helped financially. People that choose not to work - that's another story.

Couldn't agree with you more well said.
I discovered when I was unemployed for a few months when I moved house that those that have never worked and live a life on benefits get their National Insurance paid for them so that when they get to state pension age they get a full state pension. Meanwhile those that have worked all their lives but had a career break for whatever reason may fall short on their NI stamps and not get a full pension. I've always worked and paid my way and I don't want a medal or a paper hat for doing so, that's the way I am, but now I'm in poor health I am entitled to exactly nothing and so I continue to work. People that can't work should of course be helped financially. People that choose not to work - that's another story.

I didn't return to work from maternity leave due to moving house and location, the DWP wrote to me about my missing NI payments and I had to call them. They told me I had to 'sign on' at the job centre, however I wanted to have some time to settle in my new location so I felt it was dishonest to say I was actively looking for employment, I was sent a form to state that I was caring for children and told I would have gaps that I should try to make up, either by paying a lump sum or working the required time in the future. I have been redundant twice since returning to work, so I did go to the job centre during those two brief periods of unemployment to ensure I didn't have any further gaps. I am still employed and I reached the 35 years required years ago, despite starting work at 22 due to being a student.
I have serious heart issues, in remission from lung cancer and believe me we cannot claim a thing because my husband has a private pension. No help with council tax no extra benefits whatsoever! Even before this I would get annoyed at hand outs to people who have never worked or earned. However if you can't work then I'm happy we have the help they need. Imo opinion we have a lot people being funded by the state who should never receive it!
Are you able to claim Attendance Allowance? It’s not means tested. It mainly concentrates on mobility and needing help to do things.Even if it’s your hubby who is helping you.
I can’t claim anything either due to a small local government pension . I still pay tax on my income even after working 50 years and claiming no benefits.
I don’t mind paying tax to support real needy people but I know people who choose not to work and live off the state. It’s annoying.
Despite two bouts of cancer I can’t claim AA as I’m too well.
I suppose I should be grateful for that.
Are you able to claim Attendance Allowance? It’s not means tested. It mainly concentrates on mobility and needing help to do things.Even if it’s your hubby who is helping you.
I can’t claim anything either due to a small local government pension . I still pay tax on my income even after working 50 years and claiming no benefits.
I don’t mind paying tax to support real needy people but I know people who choose not to work and live off the state. It’s annoying.
Despite two bouts of cancer I can’t claim AA as I’m too well.
I suppose I should be grateful for that.
It's definitely not right.

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