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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Sarah Wait - I bow low..
      I dunno, if it was some ruling from the ASA or another watchdog surely they would all be doing it? Because Ms Davies was back with the...
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      SnowMoon posted the thread Sarah Wait - I bow low. in Gemporia.
      Okay, I have warmed to Sarah. She did shows today where she said, from the outset, she was not going to say jewellery was worth...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Gemporia accounts.
      Quick update. On 8th Jan accounts were submitted to Companies House. They are now showing as being processed "and will be available in...
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      SnowMoon posted the thread Sale in Gemporia.
      As we post our thoughts about Gemporia here - good and bad - here is a positive one for a change. I have to admit I am rather enjoying...
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      I think Screechy Sarah might read her, if not someone has told her about this post. Yesterday, she was going on about how someone had...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Gemma collins.
      Ah, looking at your previous posts I am not surprised satire is lost on you. Think I will opt out of your future posts. Better for my...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Ludicrous Prices.
      Gemporia are currently bunging out a South Sea Mother of Pearl bangle (mosaic style) for £249. However, you can go to WalMart and pick...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Gemma collins.
      They probably thought Gemma and Gemporia worked well. But, ye Gods, going for someone who is such total Marmite. Mind you, I should...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Black Friday tat.
      They put a pair of earrings on this morning as a load from code. On the web for £200.45 with an additional 10 per cent off via code...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Glenn Lehrer.
      Interestingly, if you go to their site now and search "Lehrer" only empty ring boxes come up. I can't help but wonder if they have...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Jade Troth is back.
      Speaking of Jade I found it interesting to see the difference in prices between products on Gemporia and very similar products on TJC...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Steph.
      I would just be happy if they learned when to use "is" and when to use "are". Language like: "There is seven of them." This happens all...
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      SnowMoon replied to the thread Ms and Ms Motormouth.
      I thought it was just me. I tuned in, Sara Davies was shouting and yelling. I thought: "Oh my God this is like Gemporia." I immediately...
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      The hour seems to be called "Mystery Showcase" (although it reads "Mystery howcase" because their rubbish Christmas Tree graphic gets in...
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      Just tuned in. New presenter? Blonde, glasses, very toothy, drops her aitches and shouts a lot. Another one with the patronising, faux...
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