I have a good supply of masks just in case our Mayor decides to impose them on London Transport but I am not convinced they help much. I reckon they are more use as anti pollution aids rather than this virus which can get anywhere that isnt airtight. Rather than use up my supply of masks I wear a scarf when I go out and pull it up if people come a bit too close.
I went to Waitrose this morning at 8.00 and it was pretty empty and no queue for once at Sainsburys. But I am beyond excited as me neighbour has a click and collect slot at Asda tomorrow and offered to let me share it!!!!!! For bulky and heavy items!!!! Oh. My. Days. I tried all the major supermarkets online last week, just to see what was available in the next few weeks. NOTHING. Except Iceland but they really have quite a limited range and the last order came without the wine as it was sold out.

(P.S. No actual danger of the wine lake running dry though!)