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For the first time today Mr CC took a mask to wear at Asda. He can do all the shops, I'm not wearing a ****** muzzle to buy mince and pizza :mad: I'm really not buying into all this. I have to wear a mask to buy food and I queued up to go into a shop today when there was TWO people in it (co-op), but I have to work in a place where the rules are a joke, 32 kids, 12 staff and no one abides by the rules because you can't! Nowhere near enough space and children that don't understand. Fed up, fed up, fed up.

Sorry to moan and I know people will disagree with me.
For the first time today Mr CC took a mask to wear at Asda. He can do all the shops, I'm not wearing a ****** muzzle to buy mince and pizza :mad: I'm really not buying into all this. I have to wear a mask to buy food and I queued up to go into a shop today when there was TWO people in it (co-op), but I have to work in a place where the rules are a joke, 32 kids, 12 staff and no one abides by the rules because you can't! Nowhere near enough space and children that don't understand. Fed up, fed up, fed up.

Sorry to moan and I know people will disagree with me.

Oh, Candy....Sorry you feel like this. I sympathise & understand. As humans, we hate change, & also feeling we cannot control something that affects our life/lives.
I've been fed up & still am to...
Really, if you don't feel safe at work, you don't have to go in. I don't know how that works with pay of course, but I'm sure you can find out. Nothing's worth dying for.

The children need to be taught to understand social distancing, it's going to be around for a long time. Chimps have been taught sign language, so it CAN & should be done.
Oh, Candy....Sorry you feel like this. I sympathise & understand. As humans, we hate change, & also feeling we cannot control something that affects our life/lives.
I've been fed up & still am to...
Really, if you don't feel safe at work, you don't have to go in. I don't know how that works with pay of course, but I'm sure you can find out. Nothing's worth dying for.

The children need to be taught to understand social distancing, it's going to be around for a long time. Chimps have been taught sign language, so it CAN & should be done.

I meant to say also: Keep your pecker up!
Yesterday I had my first Morrisons delivery since lockdown was really exciting seeing all that shopping and better still no substitutes. Sorry you are so fed up candycane, but I do understand what you say, I didn't know that there was any schools open.
For the first time today Mr CC took a mask to wear at Asda. He can do all the shops, I'm not wearing a ****** muzzle to buy mince and pizza :mad: I'm really not buying into all this. I have to wear a mask to buy food and I queued up to go into a shop today when there was TWO people in it (co-op), but I have to work in a place where the rules are a joke, 32 kids, 12 staff and no one abides by the rules because you can't! Nowhere near enough space and children that don't understand. Fed up, fed up, fed up.

Sorry to moan and I know people will disagree with me.
HSE legislation still applies so tell the management to get things sorted. I'm fed up too, wake up several times in the night aware that I've been thinking in my sleep & I haven't listened to the news because I'm so twizzled about the future. This virus will be around for some time & we'll have to live with it the way people had to live with tuberculosis, polio & other contagious conditions, we may laugh about being alert but awareness is the key. How old are these children?
I don’t know how anyone can say ‘ I’m not buying into all this’ what a reckless statement. It is a killer virus and if your work conditions are unsafe you must do something about it. My daughter hasn’t had her two young teenage sons living with her for seven weeks as she is a front line nurse caring for people dying with this disease and in the past few week has had to stay while they breathed their last breath as their relatives couldn’t be there. The NHS could be overwhelmed if we had a second wave of this virus so please stay safe protect yourself and others. STAY SAFE.
It's a keyworker hub I'm working in, the children are aged between 5 and 12. A lot of them are special needs children and they really don't understand about anything. If I don't go to work I don't get paid (unless I'm ill, which I'm not) and as Mr CC has no work and we don't qualify for UC then there really is no choice. I'll get over it, sorry for whingeing. Everyone at work is doing the same lol but it doesn't mean I have to continue it at home.

Yesterday I had my first Morrisons delivery since lockdown was really exciting seeing all that shopping and better still no substitutes. Sorry you are so fed up candycane, but I do understand what you say, I didn't know that there was any schools open.
I know how you feel & I never thought that I'd get excited by grocery shopping 🥳 Some schools are open for the children of key workers. Our daughter's on a three week rota for going into school, the rest of the time she's setting & marking distance learning, making well-being phones calls & writing this year's reports. She said that it'll be chaos when the children do go back.
It's a keyworker hub I'm working in, the children are aged between 5 and 12. A lot of them are special needs children and they really don't understand about anything. If I don't go to work I don't get paid (unless I'm ill, which I'm not) and as Mr CC has no work and we don't qualify for UC then there really is no choice. I'll get over it, sorry for whingeing. Everyone at work is doing the same lol but it doesn't mean I have to continue it at home.

Please don't apologise for whingeing, we all do it & if we didn't it would build up & then explode out of us which would be messy 🌋
No, you need to sing Queen's I Want To Break Free.

There are posts going around on Facebook encouraging people to meet up in different public parks on mass this Saturday. There is one for the Ormeau Park in Belfast! Yes, the morons known as Anti Vaxxers are saying corvid19 is a lie and nurses are told when signing death certificates they must put covid19 on every one! Now as nurses do not fill in or sign the death certificates shows you what a pack of cupid stunts they are.
No, you need to sing Queen's I Want To Break Free.

There are posts going around on Facebook encouraging people to meet up in different public parks on mass this Saturday. There is one for the Ormeau Park in Belfast! Yes, the morons known as Anti Vaxxers are saying corvid19 is a lie and nurses are told when signing death certificates they must put covid19 on every one! Now as nurses do not fill in or sign the death certificates shows you what a pack of cupid stunts they are.
I love Queen, often do 'a Hilda' along with Freddie & almost perfected David Armand's mime to Don't Stop Me Now. As for your other piece of information I despair. It's my sister's birthday on Friday & we are taking our own tea & cake & meeting in our park. We always have measuring tapes in our bags so will have the 2 metre gap between us & even though I can't give her a hug I'll be able to see her open her gifts. We would have been doing all this & more next Tuesday at Chelsea grrrrrrrrrr.
I’m pretty fed up too but in reality I have very little to get up tight about compared to a lot of others. I’m on furlough and if I’m being honest since I only do 2 days to keep my hand in the reduction in pay isn’t a deal breaker and if I go back I won’t have to go on public transport which must be a nightmare for city workers.

We could never get delivery slots this side of Christmas so Mr L runs around Tesco and I do Marks. I really hate the dodging people in the isles but as it is only a small food M&S it’s hard to avoid and even more hate disinfecting everything when we get home, the shop now takes up the whole day.

If it hadn’t been for the glorious weather keeping us outdoors and able to do all the gardening jobs which should have been done years ago I think most of us would be in a sorrier state than we are.

Here we are still in full lockdown so no garden centres or anything to get out to. I think I would rather stay at home than wear masks to do everything albeit I wear gloves and carry a mask in my bag in case I feel the need. I certainly couldn’t work in one so if that happens I will retire fully. I just dont know how NHS and carers wear them all day but obviously they have to and one hopes the safety factor helps to offset the terrible discomfort they must go through in a daily basis.
Possibly the fact that cancelled holidays are looming makes us depressed but safety is far more important than holidays or a beach BBQ.

my immediate neighbours have worked from the start, she at home but he has had to go to a factory with the bare, and I mean gloves not until the third week and paper masks last week, minimum . Told either do this or no job which is impossible with a mortgage to pay and also has to think of the long term.
No, you need to sing Queen's I Want To Break Free.

There are posts going around on Facebook encouraging people to meet up in different public parks on mass this Saturday. There is one for the Ormeau Park in Belfast! Yes, the morons known as Anti Vaxxers are saying corvid19 is a lie and nurses are told when signing death certificates they must put covid19 on every one! Now as nurses do not fill in or sign the death certificates shows you what a pack of cupid stunts they are.
Yes Donna, blaming G5 towers and Bill Gates and his vaccine?????? I mean WTF are these people on. If they had brains they would be really stupid. Then you get the ones who are saying it is all a conspiracy,no Covid19 and satellites are keeping watch to ensure people are keeping 2 metres apart. I think there was a similar demo in London last weekend.

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