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This isn’t that far from reality in our house.
We collect all our cans (drink and washed out food ones) for one of the local charities that work with vulnerable adults. They crush and sell to raise funds.
At the moment, they’re not taking them so the bags have been piling up.
It only dawned on us yesterday to put them in the loft for the time being.
When I suggested to Mr L that we could clear out clothes and those which would normally go to charity shops and to the recycling centre could be stored TEMPORARILY in the loft he went berserk as he has only just cleared it out of 40 years of rubbish.

Not too worried as no where to go to wear anything - not that the trolly dash is done in the buff but you know what I mean.

An okay sort of day here fine for working but certainly not for sitting out but my neighbours are sitting in their front garden with a visiting daughter drinking tea. Do they think that keeping it in the fresh air makes it ok? If so does that mean all families can freely visit as long as it’s not indoors?
There is a problem at the moment in Northern Ireland and supermarket slots for the vulnerable. Quite a few people complaining they have the letters and tried to register for delivery slots but it seems they are only for England. Our system here is different and they have to sort it out that is the supermarkets in N.I. It was even mentioned on the local news.
Yes we’ve done that and even had a letter from Sainsbury’s confirming it, but just can’t get a slot. Any tips?
We're the same with Sainsburys but have a priority pass with Tesco. It took a few weeks from registering with for us to get a pass. I believe atm over 70's are not included, their is a list of illness otherwise you don't get anything. My sister and brother in law are both over 70 but they can't get a pass. I have asthma and had pneumonia 4 times.
Our council isn’t doing recycling at the moment. Feels really weird but don’t have any choice.

Wow! Ive been trying at random times for days. No luck. Did you use the app or website? I’ve tried both.

I used the website ILC. Maybe it is just my area then. I get the impression they are just releasing one week at a time.

An okay sort of day here fine for working but certainly not for sitting out but my neighbours are sitting in their front garden with a visiting daughter drinking tea. Do they think that keeping it in the fresh air makes it ok? If so does that mean all families can freely visit as long as it’s not indoors?

Our neighbours son's birthday was this week. All their friends turned up in their cars and handed over the presents to him. Then some more friends turned up and they stayed for over an hour. Silly me in thinking that the lockdown applied to everyone.
There is a fascinating thingy on BBC online from John Hoskin University which shows the different countries cases daily from January to today and the way the US started late but rapidly overtook the rest of the world. Quite whether it was as rapid as that or The Donald suppressed the figures I wouldn’t like to say. Sorry can’t do links.
Research suggests Covid19 started September, I think a lot of people would agree with that after having horrendous coughs and feeling really unwell and for a number of weeks.
After coming back from holiday in October I had a really bad dose but put it down to the normal problems with people spluttering and coughing on an airplane with recycled air. Makes you think.

We're the same with Sainsburys but have a priority pass with Tesco. It took a few weeks from registering with for us to get a pass. I believe atm over 70's are not included, their is a list of illness otherwise you don't get anything. My sister and brother in law are both over 70 but they can't get a pass. I have asthma and had pneumonia 4 times.
I’ve just read about this so have absolutely no idea if it works. Apparently an ex Apprentice contestant had developed an app which searches all the companies for possible delivery slots, imagine it a bit like those comparison websites.
Research suggests Covid19 started September, I think a lot of people would agree with that after having horrendous coughs and feeling really unwell and for a number of weeks.
Interesting. I had a horrendous cough/chest infection from November, only whooping cough a couple of years ago was worse. It took 2 courses of antibiotics to have any effect and I did wonder if they actually did nothing and it was just the passage of time which saw it off. And after Christmas when I had shingles it took a double course of antivirals to see an improvement. Whereas now when covid 19 is raging I have been all right so far (touch wood!).
I reackon it was this virus doing its rounds months ago some family members were coughing like hell for months last October going to work, school etc etc I have no doubt it was this doing the rounds many months ago. the only way to control it would be testing many months ago and isolation then....self isolating months and months later is too little too late
My SIL in Canada was constantly ill since last September, she had a flu-like thing which didn't seem to go away then two chest infections one after the other. She never takes to her bed but had to this time. Back on her feet again but has started feeling unwell again. I said she needs to watch her immune system because of the repeat chest infections she has had she is in her early 70s.
I'm sick & tired of all the experts who are bobbing up with their theories, however, there's a doctor in New York who believes the virus is more like high altitude sickness than pneumonia & ventilation is doing more harm than good. The world saw how the Chinese were treating patients & copied their procedures, this could be the reason why the numbers of those who don't survive this invasive treatment are so high.

My SIL in Canada was constantly ill since last September, she had a flu-like thing which didn't seem to go away then two chest infections one after the other. She never takes to her bed but had to this time. Back on her feet again but has started feeling unwell again. I said she needs to watch her immune system because of the repeat chest infections she has had she is in her early 70s.
Tell her about the breathing techniques video, it may help her.
I'm sick & tired of all the experts who are bobbing up with their theories, however, there's a doctor in New York who believes the virus is more like high altitude sickness than pneumonia & ventilation is doing more harm than good. The world saw how the Chinese were treating patients & copied their procedures, this could be the reason why the numbers of those who don't survive this invasive treatment are so high.
its funny you should say this friend of mine was saying the same thing that the invasive treatment has caused more harm than good ...very interesting!
In comparison to US with the Fwits protesting with guns to stop lockdown we are lucky that most people are keeping* to the rules. My neighbour might have have her family around but at least she hasnt got a gun. We will never stop this when just a massive country are in denial. Thank god 60% don’t have a passport!

now if we just could stop the celebs from singing and preaching at us.
I'm sick & tired of all the experts who are bobbing up with their theories, however, there's a doctor in New York who believes the virus is more like high altitude sickness than pneumonia & ventilation is doing more harm than good. The world saw how the Chinese were treating patients & copied their procedures, this could be the reason why the numbers of those who don't survive this invasive treatment are so high.

Tell her about the breathing techniques video, it may help her.

That breathing vid has been disputed, don’t know if the disputed statement has now been thrown out, such confusion. ICU are putting patients on their tummies to drain their lungs, especially overweight people with belly fat, because of pneumonia. CPAP is used more than vents and we don’t have a shortage of vents now perversively.
You know the lockdown rules, only dogs are allowed to go for walks

You know the lockdown rules, only dogs are allowed to go for walks 93824958_.jpg
That breathing vid has been disputed, don’t know if the disputed statement has now been thrown out, such confusion. ICU are putting patients on their tummies to drain their lungs, especially overweight people with belly fat, because of pneumonia. CPAP is used more than vents and we don’t have a shortage of vents now perversively.
You know the lockdown rules, only dogs are allowed to go for walks

View attachment 18688
I love animals & people get twizzled when I say that I prefer them to humans. I particularly love black & white cats & have lived with several over the years. For the first time in ages we're living with just one, he's grey & white, has a white triangle above his lip & My Mr T says that he's the most spoiled cat he's ever known. I think he's jealous 😚
I love animals & people get twizzled when I say that I prefer them to humans. I particularly love black & white cats & have lived with several over the years. For the first time in ages we're living with just one, he's grey & white, has a white triangle above his lip & My Mr T says that he's the most spoiled cat he's ever known. I think he's jealous 😚

A black cat with white patches (paws etc) appears in my garden several times every day. He just sits looking at my dry-stone wall, there must be some small animal living there. He keeps perfectly still for ages, and sometimes adopts the stalking/pouncing pose, but I've never seen him catch anything.

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