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jealous people always say mean things when your good looking part of life sadly!
I look like Tamsin Greig/Harriet Walter with a grey version of a Richard III hair cut & have never turned hads in the street! By the way I love Richard III & was delighted when he was found in that car park. I believe in making the most of what we've got, both physically & mentally, so make up, jewellery & coordinated clothes are second nature.

I miss my Purdy soooooooooo much. I actually dreamed of her last night. Of course I love Obie, but Purdy didn't roll in fox poo & empty the airing cupboard.

There will be several mice families in that wall, Strato, for sure. Lets hope that puss does a good job.

Decorative but shallow! Oh!
Purdy's a wonderful name, I'm sorry you miss her. Are the fox poo & airing cupboard attacks done on the same day? Independently difficult, but together 😱 :sick::poop:
If people I know do well and have a great lifestyle I always think good luck to them. If they win or are given something really expensive I say congratulations.

A friend goes on holiday 3 times a year another friend is always whining how can she afford it? No, idea but good for her if that is her thing.
The things that really gets me is:
It’s ok for you you don’t have kids - now how do they know what my situation is. At my lowest I had to refrain from mentioning child benefit and choice.

It’s ok for you you have Mr L pension - well he worked 50 years, the last 15 with a pay rise which was a lot lower than inflation and paid into a pension scheme (compulsory) even when we could barely rub 2 pennies together

Its ok for you now you aren’t working to be able to keep your garden tidy - well when we worked full time and travelled away every weekend to look after relatives we still managed to keep the weeds from brushing against the windows you lazy git.

I look like Tamsin Greig/Harriet Walter with a grey version of a Richard III hair cut & have never turned hads in the street! By the way I love Richard III & was delighted when he was found in that car park. I believe in making the most of what we've got, both physically & mentally, so make up, jewellery & coordinated clothes are second nature.
At the moment hair wise I’m in danger of being mistaken for Ed China from Wheeler Dealers
I look like Tamsin Greig/Harriet Walter with a grey version of a Richard III hair cut & have never turned hads in the street! By the way I love Richard III & was delighted when he was found in that car park. I believe in making the most of what we've got, both physically & mentally, so make up, jewellery & coordinated clothes are second nature.

Purdy's a wonderful name, I'm sorry you miss her. Are the fox poo & airing cupboard attacks done on the same day? Independently difficult, but together 😱 :sick::poop:

Lordy! He's not allowed in the house after a fox incident! Washed,dried etc outside & then confined until dry. He doesn't mind at all - I do!
If people I know do well and have a great lifestyle I always think good luck to them. If they win or are given something really expensive I say congratulations.

A friend goes on holiday 3 times a year another friend is always whining how can she afford it? No, idea but good for her if that is her thing.

My BIL absolutely HAD to have a minimum of 3 foreign holidays a year. Oh, and replace their 3-piece suite annually. After several years of this, my sister had to ask my mum to lend them money for essentials. Sis never did pay her back. Mum wouldn't ask but died needing that money for her essentials. I'll never forgive my BIL as he pushed my sis to ask by being his usual unpleasant self (though my sis should have put a stop to this spending in the first place - or gone out and got a job as she gave up work while expecting my nephew and never went back).

My own family disgusted me at times. I'm a lot younger than my siblings so only found out too late to do anything. But holidays and new furniture will never be at the top of my "needs" list.
My BIL absolutely HAD to have a minimum of 3 foreign holidays a year. Oh, and replace their 3-piece suite annually. After several years of this, my sister had to ask my mum to lend them money for essentials. Sis never did pay her back. Mum wouldn't ask but died needing that money for her essentials. I'll never forgive my BIL as he pushed my sis to ask by being his usual unpleasant self (though my sis should have put a stop to this spending in the first place - or gone out and got a job as she gave up work while expecting my nephew and never went back).

My own family disgusted me at times. I'm a lot younger than my siblings so only found out too late to do anything. But holidays and new furniture will never be at the top of my "needs" list.
That's shocking! They sound vile! Presumably they took exactly 50% of the estate without 'paying back' when probate went through? (itms)
Some kids even though they`re adults are just greedy and selfish. Mr V`s estranged daughter was one of them. No matter how much money she had it was never enough. She worked full time and Mr V and his late wife looked after her children more or less from birth and even took them on holiday with them and she was often on their doorstep asking for money.
Her now divorced husband worked with Mr V and she used to ring her Dad every day asking how much money her husband had made that day. She spent their money on keeping 3 horses , expensive cars , expensive mobile phones for her and their teenage daughters, lots of clothes, nights out with her mates,, holidays, tanning, manicures, hair extensions etc etc etc and when she began an affair with her boss and told her husband he had to leave the family home, she still tried to milk him for every penny she could get even though her new man was paying for everything.
She`s just a greedy money orientated cow who thinks the World and everybody in it should keep her in a style as the princess she thinks she is. Sadly her daughters now act the same way and she has refused to talk to her Dad for over 2 years because he still chats to her ex husband but her ex lost everything when she began her affair. He lost his home, his kids because her new man has bought the kids with expensive holidays etc, he lost his marriage and when Mr V retired from his business through ill health, her ex lost his job too.
She remarried a few months ago but didn`t invite her Dad to her wedding and neither of his grand daughters have contacted him even though he still sends them cards and money for Christmas and their birthdays. It has hurt Mr V beyond belief and made him ill at one time but he also partly blames himself for her behaviour because he admits he put her on a pedestal when she was growing up and spoiled her rotten, she was one of those kids who could never do no wrong in her Dad`s eyes but his eyes have now been opened and he says he is ashamed of her and if her Mum was still alive he reckons she would be ashamed too.
Wonderful gent unfortunately the charity does not allocate any money to N Ireland which is a pity as many here gave donations. However it doesn’t take away from him but it’s now getting a bit out of hand with every OAP doing something!
Yep, my mum was doing plenty of moaning o_Oo_O Did I say that!!! Sorry mum (she's a very independent woman and is finding all this staying in very hard).

That's shocking! They sound vile! Presumably they took exactly 50% of the estate without 'paying back' when probate went through? (itms)

What estate? My dad married his mistress a year to the date of mum's death then died a few years later. All my mum's precious belongings after her mum and dad - worth very little in money but priceless in sentiment - went to his widow. I was gutted as I knew how much they meant to mum.

I searched second-hand shops for years after and even managed to recover one item, but the rest I'll never see. I know they're only "things" but I still hurt about their loss to people who thought little enough of my mum to carry on behind her back while she was ill and even less of her belongings to think of passing them back to the family.

Bitter? Moi? Damn right I am. I feel a bit better venting here, though. Thanks, everyone, for letting me.
I have been standing on my own two feet since I was a young teen and up until this month have always worked. The longest I have ever been off was a 3 day hospital stay, my mothers funeral and my fathers funeral, everything else has been annual leave.

We don’t go out much, never smoked, drink in moderation but enjoy our food and now that we no longer have a mortgage are able to enjoy a few modest holidays and like to keep our home and garden nice. Mr L has a weakness for cars and I for jewellery but it’s our money with no one to leave it to so I say stuff it.

For many years in our early marriage we had it tough enough (nothing like previous generations) but there was no such thing as bank of mum and dad in those days. A unwanted pair of curtains or old chest of drawers was about as much as we ever asked for.
I have been standing on my own two feet since I was a young teen and up until this month have always worked. The longest I have ever been off was a 3 day hospital stay, my mothers funeral and my fathers funeral, everything else has been annual leave.

We don’t go out much, never smoked, drink in moderation but enjoy our food and now that we no longer have a mortgage are able to enjoy a few modest holidays and like to keep our home and garden nice. Mr L has a weakness for cars and I for jewellery but it’s our money with no one to leave it to so I say stuff it.

For many years in our early marriage we had it tough enough (nothing like previous generations) but there was no such thing as bank of mum and dad in those days. A unwanted pair of curtains or old chest of drawers was about as much as we ever asked for.

You sound like my twin :)
What estate? My dad married his mistress a year to the date of mum's death then died a few years later. All my mum's precious belongings after her mum and dad - worth very little in money but priceless in sentiment - went to his widow. I was gutted as I knew how much they meant to mum.

I searched second-hand shops for years after and even managed to recover one item, but the rest I'll never see. I know they're only "things" but I still hurt about their loss to people who thought little enough of my mum to carry on behind her back while she was ill and even less of her belongings to think of passing them back to the family.

Bitter? Moi? Damn right I am. I feel a bit better venting here, though. Thanks, everyone, for letting me.
Gosh I really feel for you. My father was quite a self centred man and wouldn’t have got the prize for the best husband. A couple of years after my mother’s death he acquired a lady friend and treated her like a queen despite her putting her family first in everything and used him like a little lap dog. On one hand I didn’t mind him having company as he was well into his 80s but I really begrudged the way he treated her in comparison to my mother. In his final years he was in a home and as far as I know she visited no more than 3 or 4 times but yet he idolised her.
Some kids even though they`re adults are just greedy and selfish. Mr V`s estranged daughter was one of them. No matter how much money she had it was never enough. She worked full time and Mr V and his late wife looked after her children more or less from birth and even took them on holiday with them and she was often on their doorstep asking for money.
Her now divorced husband worked with Mr V and she used to ring her Dad every day asking how much money her husband had made that day. She spent their money on keeping 3 horses , expensive cars , expensive mobile phones for her and their teenage daughters, lots of clothes, nights out with her mates,, holidays, tanning, manicures, hair extensions etc etc etc and when she began an affair with her boss and told her husband he had to leave the family home, she still tried to milk him for every penny she could get even though her new man was paying for everything.
She`s just a greedy money orientated cow who thinks the World and everybody in it should keep her in a style as the princess she thinks she is. Sadly her daughters now act the same way and she has refused to talk to her Dad for over 2 years because he still chats to her ex husband but her ex lost everything when she began her affair. He lost his home, his kids because her new man has bought the kids with expensive holidays etc, he lost his marriage and when Mr V retired from his business through ill health, her ex lost his job too.
She remarried a few months ago but didn`t invite her Dad to her wedding and neither of his grand daughters have contacted him even though he still sends them cards and money for Christmas and their birthdays. It has hurt Mr V beyond belief and made him ill at one time but he also partly blames himself for her behaviour because he admits he put her on a pedestal when she was growing up and spoiled her rotten, she was one of those kids who could never do no wrong in her Dad`s eyes but his eyes have now been opened and he says he is ashamed of her and if her Mum was still alive he reckons she would be ashamed too.

My partner's family is very much like this. After I divorced my ex (whose family were just awful) and met my partner I honestly thought they were a tight and loving family. It seems they are when they want something! Otherwise, they're nowhere to be seen.

I'm not my partner's mum's biggest fan (some here might remember some of my run-ins with her) but his dad is okay. It's not nice seeing older people being ripped off by their family no matter your relationship with them.
Gosh I really feel for you. My father was quite a self centred man and wouldn’t have got the prize for the best husband. A couple of years after my mother’s death he acquired a lady friend and treated her like a queen despite her putting her family first in everything and used him like a little lap dog. On one hand I didn’t mind him having company as he was well into his 80s but I really begrudged the way he treated her in comparison to my mother. In his final years he was in a home and as far as I know she visited no more than 3 or 4 times but yet he idolised her.

Oh yes, definitely my twin. I'd go further to say I was disgusted at my father the way he treated his second wife compared to how he treated my mum. Everything mum did was for his comfort and happiness. A week before she died my mum admitted to me how unhappy she was that her family didn't care about her (apart from me). It was like that revelation was the end for her and she just seemed to give up.
What estate? My dad married his mistress a year to the date of mum's death then died a few years later. All my mum's precious belongings after her mum and dad - worth very little in money but priceless in sentiment - went to his widow. I was gutted as I knew how much they meant to mum.

I searched second-hand shops for years after and even managed to recover one item, but the rest I'll never see. I know they're only "things" but I still hurt about their loss to people who thought little enough of my mum to carry on behind her back while she was ill and even less of her belongings to think of passing them back to the family.

Bitter? Moi? Damn right I am. I feel a bit better venting here, though. Thanks, everyone, for letting me.
That's incredibly sad & you're not bitter, you're hurt 💐What a horrible group of people.
Some kids even though they`re adults are just greedy and selfish. Mr V`s estranged daughter was one of them. No matter how much money she had it was never enough. She worked full time and Mr V and his late wife looked after her children more or less from birth and even took them on holiday with them and she was often on their doorstep asking for money.
Her now divorced husband worked with Mr V and she used to ring her Dad every day asking how much money her husband had made that day. She spent their money on keeping 3 horses , expensive cars , expensive mobile phones for her and their teenage daughters, lots of clothes, nights out with her mates,, holidays, tanning, manicures, hair extensions etc etc etc and when she began an affair with her boss and told her husband he had to leave the family home, she still tried to milk him for every penny she could get even though her new man was paying for everything.
She`s just a greedy money orientated cow who thinks the World and everybody in it should keep her in a style as the princess she thinks she is. Sadly her daughters now act the same way and she has refused to talk to her Dad for over 2 years because he still chats to her ex husband but her ex lost everything when she began her affair. He lost his home, his kids because her new man has bought the kids with expensive holidays etc, he lost his marriage and when Mr V retired from his business through ill health, her ex lost his job too.
She remarried a few months ago but didn`t invite her Dad to her wedding and neither of his grand daughters have contacted him even though he still sends them cards and money for Christmas and their birthdays. It has hurt Mr V beyond belief and made him ill at one time but he also partly blames himself for her behaviour because he admits he put her on a pedestal when she was growing up and spoiled her rotten, she was one of those kids who could never do no wrong in her Dad`s eyes but his eyes have now been opened and he says he is ashamed of her and if her Mum was still alive he reckons she would be ashamed too.
Sounds horrible, just like my sister......yuk.

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