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Thanks very much everyone for the responses about grocery deliveries. I was beginning to think I was going bonkers, not being able to see any available slots but it isnt just me! Phew! I dont think I would qualify for any special treatment other than being an OAP but of course we have the dedicated shopping hour so I suppose that is it unless you have health issues. If the Waitrose service in store does dry up I shall just buy food for the week over a couple of visits instead of the one I do now and book any delivery I can for the heavy duty stuff. Or throw myself on the mercy of a neighbour with a car.
Thanks very much everyone for the responses about grocery deliveries. I was beginning to think I was going bonkers, not being able to see any available slots but it isnt just me! Phew! I dont think I would qualify for any special treatment other than being an OAP but of course we have the dedicated shopping hour so I suppose that is it unless you have health issues. If the Waitrose service in store does dry up I shall just buy food for the week over a couple of visits instead of the one I do now and book any delivery I can for the heavy duty stuff. Or throw myself on the mercy of a neighbour with a car.
As rare as hen's teeth! Our older daughter is pregnant & our son in law has asthma so neither of them are going out & we live 90 miles away so can't shop & drop. They have deliveries booked until the end of the month but don't know what'll happen after that. We usually shop at Aldi & Sainsburys but the queues to get into both are so long I'd probably celebrate my birthday standing in one of the car parks. We now go to a local farm shop first thing on Saturday mornings for fresh stuff & I walk to Waitrose mid week for the rest. It's a small branch & the queue moves quickly, I buy the same items so I'm not in there for long & what's more they're the same price as the ones we used to buy in Sainsburys. I've looked at what we're spending & it's dropped by a significant amount which seems the wrong way about with both of us being at home all the time.
I’ve just looked on Asda and there are slots in my area on 27th which is the latest day currently available to book, so it is worth keeping checking back. If you get a slot you can edit the order nearer the time with ASDA, though I think some supermarkets will only let you edit the order up to two or three days before.
Brissles it’s the bliddy one way system - you spend 3 times longer going up and down isles you have no interest in (dog food and fire lighters) and when it comes to the fresh food part you have to queue again and if you dont want the fresh food you still have to queue as no overtaking allowed.

i saw people queuing for an hour then going around the system and exiting with 1 carrier bag, I don’t know what they bought but was it worth 2 hours? I would have just gone to the corner shop.
My neighbour said she queued up for almost an hour before she got inside Tescos. Its easy to wonder when outside queuing, ..."what the hell are they doing in there ?" ... when it takes so long for just one person to come out, and then another 15 minutes for someone else to emerge.
Mr CC's just gone to Asda, returned 10 minutes after he'd gone (forgot his wallet), set off again. No doubt I'll see him on Monday :LOL::LOL::LOL: I'd rather go hungry than stand in a queue for an hour to do shopping which I hate doing anyway. Corner shop for me any day and yes, they had flour AND toilet rolls (selling them loose so you only buy what you need and not huge amounts).

Well I was right to suspect the worst, no delivery for me today. Although the driver saw me and said he would see me later, so he didnt know his job had been cancelled! He insisted he would still come but I told him not to in case he got into trouble. And I was spoken to in a very testy manner by a manager when I was trying to suss the situation. In Waitrose!!!! ****** cheek. He more or less denied that I could possibly have booked it online and when I said well a number of us do it every week, he just refused to accept that. He then told me I should be using Waitrose Rapid and when I said I had never heard of that, what was it, please explain, he stomped off. The guy behind the desk was mortified. So I lugged the shopping back on the bus which was tiring but luckily I didnt have many stock items just a week's food. I am sure he is very stressed but I did see him later having a go at some hapless worker.
I’ve not bothered with ordering shopping online because it’s only me in the house and I’m one of the lucky ones who isn’t in the “at risk” group. I was well stocked up before the lockdown and so have enough food to keep me going for quite a long time. I’ve been to Lidl once, since the lockdown, to get fresh fruit and veg, but if I need anything like bread I pop into my local small supermarket, which is always well stocked.
My local Sainsburys has been really well stocked I just go up after 9 am and get in quickly. Never tried online ordering as I am weird and need to pick which pack of grapes or even single bananas I want. Also, Delilah must have 7+ food and I worry they will just send the 1+ instead.

M&S can be a bit hit and miss what they have on the shelves. Sadly I get over-excited when able to get Count On Us lemon mousse for weeks all they had was the chocolate one.
I’ve just had the confirmation for my Asda click and collect for later on today. I must say that I’m pretty happy with what I’m getting. There are some substitutions and a few items are unavailable, but the main items are all coming. I’m getting quite a lot of currant teacakes as they were substituted for fruit loaf and hot cross buns but that’s not a big problem. My cat also eats OAP cat food and although I didn’t order any for today I have got it in earlier orders.
The situation does seem to be improving with more order slots available. I looked at Morrison’s earlier and they seemed to have quite a lot of slots, but of course it will vary by area. I’ve also noticed some of the shops are extending their opening hours which will spread the demand
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Our council isn’t doing recycling at the moment. Feels really weird but don’t have any choice.

I've just been able to book a slot for next week for Sainsbury's in case anyone wants to try to get one. Think the dates have just been released.

Wow! Ive been trying at random times for days. No luck. Did you use the app or website? I’ve tried both.
Well, I've had letters and phone calls, identifying me as both elderly (oh god !) and vulnerable, but that doesn't cut any ice with any of the stores if you're not on their dreaded 'list' ! which they say I'm not, and I've been trying since the lockdown for a delivery slot. Given up and don mask and gloves to go to the Co-op.
Have you registered on the site Brissles,that's were the lists to the supermarkets come from. That's how we got our priority pass.

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