Social Media - That was an eyeopener


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Re the advance orders and early payments - am I being a bit harsh in saying if you are so strapped that you are living from pay day to pay day with no days leeway should lotions and potions and other unnecessary items from Q be your priority?
Re the advance orders and early payments - am I being a bit harsh in saying if you are so strapped that you are living from pay day to pay day with no days leeway should lotions and potions and other unnecessary items from Q be your priority?
Couldn't agree more, it's no way to budget. Most people get to the end of the month before payday with little or no money left, but at least with direct debits, credit cards etc you know exactly what day your money is going out - relying on advanced orders is pretty foolish when they do clearly say nowadays that it might come out sooner.
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Maybe I'm wrong but their main audience seem to be people who can't get out much or people who are clearly very very very easily influenced!

These posters who constantly review everything is tremendous have to wake up!
Yes, good review where merited but every 5mins and with the same Pics too!
What planet are they on? :mysmilie_867::mysmilie_867:
Latest shameless plug for DF's merchandising tat on Q's FB page

DF plug 230117.JPG
Today we have an outraged customer complaining she bought a palette last week at £53. Then QVC dropped the price by £10 and it went on easy pay. She is not happy as they should have the price they are going to charge from the start when it first appears on the website! Also it seems other people have been refunded for other items that changed price yet some have not again not fair! This seems to be the Ninji as someone put a screen print of a letter on the thread.
Shops lower prices all the time, re: the palette - I can't see any reason why QVC should give that lady £10 back to be honest. It's happened to all of us at some point in our lives, it's just bad luck.
Shops lower prices all the time, re: the palette - I can't see any reason why QVC should give that lady £10 back to be honest. It's happened to all of us at some point in our lives, it's just bad luck.

I agree and if this happened to me with anything I'd bought other than from Q, I'd order it at the lower price and get a refund for the higher price item. The problem is the postage with Q and the fact they've set a precedent by refunding some not others - as people have also rightly pointed out, why do some people get automatic refunds and others not, either it's your policy or it isn't. Basically it's yet another Q cock up!
I've rung CS a couple of times and suggested that if I send cosmetics or skincare back and re-order at a clearance price we both lose - me the to-and-fro postage and they have to bin the returned set if it's been used. Always worth asking if the higher priced item is still withing its 30 MBG period. You're right though, there's no reason for QVC to refund the difference.
Today we have an outraged customer complaining she bought a palette last week at £53. Then QVC dropped the price by £10 and it went on easy pay. She is not happy as they should have the price they are going to charge from the start when it first appears on the website! Also it seems other people have been refunded for other items that changed price yet some have not again not fair! This seems to be the Ninji as someone put a screen print of a letter on the thread.

I've been caught out with this before, by ordering Lola Rose items ahead of the shows (as I often don't get to watch). Yes, of course it's annoying, but it would never occur to me to ask Q to refund the difference, as I chose to buy the item at the price they were selling it at. I swiftly noticed that I was finishing up out of pocket, so now no longer do this. For Q to be refunding some and not others is not on, though, but - as per usual - the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing.
This is a BIG ONE.

Woman complaining that she lost her debit/credit card and then got a new one. Went into her account on QVC and the new card details already on there!!!

A few others have come forward and said the same thing happened to them. Seems your bank informs QVC automatically! So QVC got the new card details before she received the new card in the post!! One lady said she was shopping and had her card refused, as the bank sent the new card details to QVC so the new card was live and the one she had was automatically void before she got the new card!
This is a BIG ONE.

Woman complaining that she lost her debit/credit card and then got a new one. Went into her account on QVC and the new card details already on there!!!

A few others have come forward and said the same thing happened to them. Seems your bank informs QVC automatically! So QVC got the new card details before she received the new card in the post!! One lady said she was shopping and had her card refused, as the bank sent the new card details to QVC so the new card was live and the one she had was automatically void before she got the new card!

Yes I wondered about this - I've got Apple Pay and when the linked credit card was cloned and had to be cancelled and replaced, the Apple Pay app got the details of my new credit card number immediately before it was even sent out. Think the banks need to answer a few questions here, bit too free and easy with their customers' card details.
I mean what about data protection? The bank just forward your new details without you even knowing. One on the thread said they complained to their bank and was given £30 by the bank to say sorry.
I mean what about data protection? The bank just forward your new details without you even knowing. One on the thread said they complained to their bank and was given £30 by the bank to say sorry.

One of the people who replied to the post said that it is definitely a bank thing and you have to 'opt out of automatic updates' - I just don't understand how this is monitored, can anywhere you've paid by card before ask for details of your new card?!?!?!?
This is a BIG ONE.

Woman complaining that she lost her debit/credit card and then got a new one. Went into her account on QVC and the new card details already on there!!!

A few others have come forward and said the same thing happened to them. Seems your bank informs QVC automatically! So QVC got the new card details before she received the new card in the post!! One lady said she was shopping and had her card refused, as the bank sent the new card details to QVC so the new card was live and the one she had was automatically void before she got the new card!
This is interesting because when my ccard run out and I didn’t put the new one in I’ve lost a couple of orders on AD that were cancelled by QVC because they couldn’t get my money. I think this was in the last two years, perhaps what they are doing now is new.
This is interesting because when my ccard run out and I didn’t put the new one in I’ve lost a couple of orders on AD that were cancelled by QVC because they couldn’t get my money. I think this was in the last two years, perhaps what they are doing now is new.

This happened to me recently. I purchased something (vac or something big I wanted to try out) so unusually I opted for the 4 EP. My card expired mid way and I got rather a nasty letter and phone call from Q. Who thinks about your card expiry date 4 months in advance ?

I also was surprised and a bit doubtful about that FB post.
I'm not sure banks can actually do this (not only the data protection laws, but imagine the workload!), I wonder whether that lady is telling the full truth.

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