So Julia thinks we dont have a life?


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It's only the people who are buying loads of crap that are keeping the presenters in work. IMO.
I've had some superb buys from QVC so I wouldn't personally say it's "loads of c**p" however I can't watch some of the presenters, the ones who go into full red alert shouting panic, BUY, BUY, BUY NOW COS IT'S LIMITED STOCK mode. Although...thinking about it, if you've ever ordered some of the diet chef offerings Bettyboo then I can understand your view lol.
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Well i suppose all of us on this forum are guilty of keeping them in work, as i;m sure we've all spent loads on QVC , either in the past or even still now
I've had some superb buys from QVC so I wouldn't personally say it's "loads of c**p" however I can't watch some of the presenters, the ones who go into full red alert shouting panic, BUY, BUY, BUY NOW COS IT'S LIMITED STOCK mode. Although...thinking about it, if you've ever ordered some of the diet chef offerings Bettyboo then I can understand your view lol.
I would rather eat a Ken Pavers hair piece than spend money on that crap.
It's only the people who are buying loads of crap that are keeping the presenters in work. IMO.

I agree that a lot of the products are pretty crappy, but there are a lot of excellent products too. Going to the shops is a problem for me so I do almost all my shopping online. I buy quite a lot from Q but I'm very selective. Don't buy anything just to try it, because don't want to pay postage to send it back when I don't like it. I make considered purchases, never impulse buys unless it's something I instantly know I'm going to love, and in ten years this policy has meant I've never sent a single thing back. What I've bought I really wanted, and I've had really good value, good quality purchases that I'm still using after having them for years.
I've bought many more great products than crap over the years. QVC suits my shopping lifestyle. But I don't give a monkeys what Julia or anyone else thinks about my QVC viewing habits.

Don't take offence Tristar. I'm sure Julia and everyone else at QVC is grateful for your contribution to their wages.
You're getting upset over nothing Tristar. In your first post you said that JR said "'we always assume people watch all the time, but they dont of course, because they have a life'. That's not the same as saying people who watch don't have a life. She's saying that the QVC folk automatically think that people can't tear themselves away, but that Q folk are wrong and that people don't watch all the time because we're off living our lives. She's acknowledging that we have better things to do than watch QVC all the time. That's not an insult, it's a compliment

Just what I was going to say, you've saved me the trouble:angel:
I buy very little from Q these days but I do pop in, during ad breaks mostly, just to see what's going on AND for the car crash claims
We have a guest house here and when I'm working upstairs its not unheard of for me to have QVC on in 4 or 5 different rooms. Once I'm finished up there its often on in our lounge and down in the kitchen. My husband can't bare it but to my mind its ten times more watchable than most of the rubbish on day-time telly (evening too for that matter).

I have a very nice life but I also adore shopping, be it high street, telly, window or for real ... and for the record I personally don't feel at all insulted by Julia's comment.
I haven't bothered to read all 50 of the posts (only the first few) so forgive me if this has already been said.

But if you have QVC on all the time, how do you manage to make comments on IW as well?

EDIT - - This was to Tristar who did the first post
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Julia has just said she has put on some extra pounds and will reveal why that is later on! So whats the story? She is so full of self-importance, she thinks we care

Sorry Burly Know she really is very important!


Why has she put on some extra pounds, did we find out all???
I watch about 70% qvc, 30 Ideal although now Im getting into bid and its at the expense of qvc rather than Ideal. I wasnt meaning to ever say I watch constantly qvc, I nver said that in my opening post anyway. Give me a break, some of you guys who just jump on my every post and rip it to pieces. I think the other people who made this thread bigger, knew what I was getting at. bI said nearly all the time strato, I do occasionaly watch other channels and always 10pm news and then newsnight. I dont live and breathe qvc but then if I did, or others do, who is Julia to say they have no life. Thats what I was getting at. Hope that gives you the clarification you so need strato!
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you don't need to explain yourself tristar. anyone with half a brain knows exactly what you meant.
Same old faces following too. Its like a vendetta, I really feel like packing it in. I also have sent Pms to people apologising when I was the one insulted. Anyway. What else to do.
Silly question anyway, sure everyone channel hops, hoping to annoy certain posters IMO
He is saying that people jump on his posts and rip to pieces,total exaggeration
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