So Julia thinks we dont have a life?


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oh Sazza...they lead him on asking him the questions, you can see that, then they start!
I don't think I have ever disliked any of your posts. In fact, I can only remember EVER disliking one post, and I can't even remember who's that was and what it was about.
Asking a question is not getting at someone, it is not a personal attack to ask a question. It is not as if Graham and I have received any reported posts of people attacking Tristar either.

i think we all know in actual fact you received several reports when donna called tristar a racist.
Why do you feel that you have to defend Tristar,you don't have to answer of course.
Strato asked Tristar a question , Tristar answered and strato thanked him no big deal really. If Tristar has a problem with anyone on here then he should report it to sazza or graham, by other people chipping in only makes things worse
because it's like watching a puppy being kicked lynn, as I'm sure you well realise
Fair enough but the title of this thread is a bit ironic because I do have a life and its very stressful, I came here to make friends not enemies. I think when someone crosses a line and calls someone, well, I think that should be dealt with seriosuly.

It was taken seriously and for everyone's benefit it is probably worth trying to park that episode.

I do think that you take things to heart more than most - you started this thread because you felt insulted by something Julia had said. You heard it and interpretted it one way, others took an entirely different meaning from it.

That is the nature of a public forum.

I don't think Julia insinuated that viewers needed to get a life... she was commenting on her acceptance that people have other things to do as well as watching QVC.

As to your interactions / relationships with other members here... I do think you tend to give more emotional responses that some others... you do 'feel' things more deeply and seem to think that members can only either be friend or enemy. That is not how it works... people can disagree with a view without disliking a person... if you could only accept that then you might be happier in your conversations and others' responses.

... and this post is intended to be positive and supportive so please do not put any negative spin on it.
Same person still doing the liking/disliking. Its getting childish and more than a bit trying. I didnt mean to bite your head off strato but Im getting a bit miffed at being tailed and followed.
Tristar I do think you are being a bit dramatic.
OK maybe I've missed something, sincere apologies if I have, here's my 20p re this...
I didn't see QVC at this time, don't watch much of it tbh, so didn't see Julia's comment.
At risk of having cyber tomatoes in my direction, sorry if this offends but I don't actually think what Lyn said was bad. She was merely saying that from her observation & in her view it was being taken perhaps a little extreme? It's a forum, people can always disagree if they wish.
What I witnessed over the weekend was indeed unacceptable, not only comments aimed at Tri but someone else too. Totally unfounded, ridiculous comments that were also imo spiteful. Needless to say I and many others posted our views back.
That doesn't mean to say that the people who posted such comments aren't welcome back, like Tri said new day, no grudges etc & we all make mistakes, misread stuff and are human. People just need to be mindful that what they say can cause upset and arouse other forumites to support others.

The direct negative, silly assumptions about others will be retaliated against tho. Usually it doesn't need the mod, (no offence Sazza), we are perfectly able to reply back appropriately. Unfortunately with more severe accusations it invariably does in order to delete posts.
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Donna didn't call Tristar a racist she said his comment about Carmel going back to Ireland could be a racist comment. Why is all this being dragged up again when it was done and dusted at the time. Who is asking Tristar questions? anyone
I accept Im emotional. Thats a fair comment but I seem to be continually punished for being open. Also lemossquuezy, its hard to park that comment!

loveheart I beg your pardon? she did call me a racist and I dont appreciate your restating the comment. Im seriously thinking of jackin this in, its pathetic and childish.
that's what they'd like Tristar, you've as much right here as anyone else, don't stop posting, don't let them get to you, the rest of us are supporting you.
tristar you should report that comment personally to Graham
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