So, I'm not a fan of QVC huh?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Lol! Don't worry Diamond Diva, I enjoy posting so if people like I see it as a bonus, if they are silent I try not to get paranoid and assum that if I don't avidly click " like" then many others don't too. It's only in the scenario I mentioned (thanking someone else for saying similar) that the thought crosses my mind. But I post anyhow, hey ho!
Well I`m not a fan of QVC and haven`t been for a long time and don`t mind admitting it. So stick that in your pipe Q and smoke it !
I left for a short while last year, maybe the year before, because I felt there was a definite clique. Long term members ignoring newer ones and constantly referring to/harping back to old posts/issues etc.

However, since I came back that seems to have disappeared and I genuinely love logging in now to see what all you crazy kids have to say!! And I always enjoy a new poster as sometimes you know what us 'regulars' are going to say before reading the posts - so a change is always welcome, he he!! :D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I log in to hear about your Lulu bags, Capirossi:happy:
This site has fuelled my interest in Lulu, before that I was a keen Radley bag person.
Seriously though, I have learnt so much from this forum, I did not feel like a stranger and enjoy reading about all your news so much, everyone has been so frank and if we have criticised QVC, it is because we are customers of the Q and want a better service....and I think we are entitled to do that.
If we have criticised presenters, it is in the hope they will see it as constructive and taken those to improve their presentation technique, dressing, toning down their voices etc.
We share our dislikes and likes here in the company of fellow forum members, just like friends do over a cup of tea, so where is the harm in it?
If I have criticised anyone, it has been about JF, that she does not give the measurements of garments when she presents---------that should be a very important feed back for QVC.
If we say that one off the shoulder attire does not suit her, we are very kind in telling her what even her best friends don't tell her.
Much as I like JR, I don't like her in sleeveless tops, because they don't look very nice on her, again it should be someone at the Q who should be saying all these, after all they get paid for doing so, and we only do that because we care. If we complain about all the polyester stuff, QVC should be grateful that they are getting feed back, so they can look into other fabric and therefore increase their sales.
When every one put down Yong Kim, I was brave enough to say I like them, and encouraged people to try them and I am sure some "lurkers" have, because Yong Kim clothes do sell now(word of mouth helps sales far more than expensive adverts )
So QVC should thank Graham for running this forum and pay more attention to what we say here.
Feedback both positive and negative should be an essential part of any company`s growth. Everything changes, peoples likes and dislikes, the captive audience, the fashions, tastes, needs and wants are all fluid and forever shifting. If Q had any sense they`d welcome such feedback and have the balls to answer it and learn from it. Yeh of course we all have a moan just for the sake of it from time to time but on the whole most of the points raised here are vaild and you`d think they be keen to want to raise their customer satisfaction. As an employee I had to have regular appraisals, it was part of everyday working life so why Q take exception to this forum beats me.
Well, look at that!

Today's stats = 5,431 members (5,390 on Tuesday)

Online 44 members, 483 guests.
Well this is very shocking! I haven't been around here very long but am quite distressed that QVC would do something so low. I have admitted on here before that sometimes I've not bought things from them because of good advice on here so maybe they see that issue as threatening their precious profits. Although I have still continued to shop from Q when I see something I really do want/need, and often that has been because of info I found here, so it balances out in the end.

You seem like a kind person Graham, particularly you were helpful when I thought I'd messed up my VIP member payment, so please don't allow this to affect you to the extent where it makes you ill....Get angry and fight!
Wow - that is a long thread.

I feel the need to post - I have been a member a long time although I rarely pop in and even more rarely post. I prefer to spend my time in and have done since it was launched way back when.

I find that whatever the forum there will be a perception that there is a clique among the regular posters - it's rarely true if you're brave enough to stick your nose in an say hi. Sometimes it takes a few attempts before people learn your user ID (often because threads move to fast and your post gets overlooked) - be persistent! :D

As for QVC's behaviour, I think it's just about finished them off for me. I rarely watch these days, I prefer to put on Create & Craft for background noise. I bought something from the BCC even last week purely because it was that event but I was horrified at the 25% discount rather than the usual bargains. I justified it to myself that the charity will get more money but what was THAT all about? Really!

I just don't find the products they offer are that good and when they do offer something, I can usually find it cheaper (and with free P&P) elsewhere. I would say getting on for 90% of what I buy comes from Amazon these days - I gladly pay my £49 a year Prime membership for next day delivery because it's worth it. I LOVE that company. QVC should take a leaf out of the book. Back in the day I would've paid a subscription for a year's free delivery and returns, no problem. And I'd probably have bought more stuff from them because of it. Ah well, their loss.

I have to say, QVC have lost my custom (not necessarily permanently) purely because of the way they run the business (the bethlehem lights TSV being a case in point, come on guys, charging full P&P cos the item is slightly different but still the item number is the same? It's truely carp!)

Anyhoo - just my 2p worth.
Meg has got most of the 'C' words covered -
couldn't care less
.... unless it's boxes, treats or Mr Fish of course
Hi everyone,
I used to be a member on here a couple of years ago (different username) but closed my account after a reply to something I posted included excessively nasty comments about myself and my family. I hasten to add this person was not a regular poster. Even though I was no longer a member, I still read the forum regularly, as I have continued to learn a lot (such as L'occitane moving into the china market and therefore throwing their previous principals away re:animal testing) not to mention all the upcoming TSV's and OTO's.
I've read about this situation with interest and feel really sickened that QVC are sinking this low. It's certainly a far cry from the cosy, friendly image they project onscreen. As previous posters have said, it sounds like QVC could be in a bit of trouble competing with the likes of Amazon and all the beauty websites which sell the same brands at often lower prices with free postage and quicker delivery times. So they are hitting out at a small website rather then tackling the REAL problems such as the p&p. Anyhow, I would like to add my support to I don't really understand what QVC's problem is. Yes, there are negative comments on presenters and products on here but no worse than I've seen on QVC's Facebook page. There are also a lot of positive comments and they must surely make money from all the tip-offs about upcoming TSV's etc. I'd encourage all the fellow lurkers who agree to join this forum so that you can do your bit to ensure that there will be still be a website to lurk about on!
Interesting Q are doing this after their very expensive move. The posts are no different than before the move, if anything, the posts are milder in their "attack" at certain topics. A news item this past week stated shops are having a hard time coping with on-line ordering taking business away. How long will Q be able to use the dreaded High St as an aversion if it becomes a Ghost Town area in every city. They need to wake up to dreaded Amazon and follow their shining example. No business can continue to flourish if it doesn't move with the times. P&p has been and is a bone of contention but prices have risen disproportionately. How many of us look to the p&p first before we consider if the Q price is tempting? All the EP's in the world can't distract from that no matter how small they print it on screen.
Yes I agree we need new members with their thoughts and ideas to keep the forum lively !

well Im a lurker just now as I am living abroad just now but still dip in to see what tsvs are to get delivered to MIL especially at this time of year. Though recently have been purchasing in other places as Qvc postal charges are way over the top. So keep up the good work especially SCW.
I agree about the FB page. It's far more direct as it's run by Q staff and responded to. This site is not run by Q and is somewhat tamer than some of the comments I've read. I really have cringed at a lot of them in the past.

They're rattled and talking it out on this site.

I agree with Burly that our boycott won't make a difference and resorting to emotions is not going to get us anywhere. I am, however, pleased to see how many people are in agreement and support Graham.

I don't know what the answer is. I just know that what was once a very obvious love/hate relationship with Q for most of us, yet still remaining loyal shoppers, has suddenly turned into a bitter divorce battle!

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Crikey if Q think this forum is bad then they should visit an American forum I used to frequent. It was a forum connected to a website selling diamond jewellery and loose diamonds and most of the posters were soooooo competitive with each other and so anti other jewellery websites/shops/malls I`m surprised nobody was hit with a law suit !
They all tried to outdo each other when it came to buying diamond rings or other jewellery and none of them cared a jot when it came to sentimental value of the items. One woman got engaged with a ring bought off the site and within 6 months was posting pics of her new more expensive upgrade. It was nothing unusual for someone to go through at least 6 different engagement rings and wedding bands and that`s the truth. They were all really cliquey and it was a forum which included several armchair experts as I called them ie people who thought they knew everything about everything. It was so competitive, so bitchy at times and so unwelcoming I couldn`t bear it. I must admit though, they never resorted to verbal abuse or calling people nasty names, they were too subtle for that but they sure as hell slated every other jeweller in the States and big time too.
Oh lor ! I've just realised, if we all stop buying from qvc (my spending has dramatically reduced in the last 12 months) and they go out of business, - then what ARE we going to do ? I get my daily 'fix' from sharing moans, groans and positive reactions on here. We shall just have to start watching IW (hmmmmmm......)

Have to agree with the Bethleham Lights tsv, outrageous that if you bought all three items the postage would be £12 on top of the purchase price. Naaaaaah !
A day ago when, when all this problem started, I looked into QVC FB, I read someone mentioning that QVC is going to China. QVC is aware of this forum member's opinion and our stand on animal tests.

I spent about an hour yesterday searching for that post on FB ,(so I could post it here) I could not find it.......maybe I missed it because I was tired or maybe QVC removed it:thinking:

If QVC has removed that post, maybe it needs reposting.
Oh lor ! I've just realised, if we all stop buying from qvc (my spending has dramatically reduced in the last 12 months) and they go out of business, - then what ARE we going to do ? I get my daily 'fix' from sharing moans, groans and positive reactions on here. We shall just have to start watching IW (hmmmmmm......)

Have to agree with the Bethleham Lights tsv, outrageous that if you bought all three items the postage would be £12 on top of the purchase price. Naaaaaah !

Not the dreaded IW - cannot sit through that amateurish twaddle

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