So, I'm not a fan of QVC huh?


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The reason I left here the first time was because I felt it was too 'cliquey' but I've come back now under a new name, and just thought, 'sod 'em' I'll say my piece whether the clique like it or not ;)

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Do you think there's a clique. ??? I only joined earlier this year, and i was made to feel very
welcome, and didn't see any sign of a clique. I hate them, we used to have one in work, when i first joined , and it was awful and i was made to feel very uncomfortable, but here everyone's been so kind and warm IMO of course :)
As somebody who only posts rarely, I don't feel like there is a clique . I love hearing what the regular contributors have to say and wish I was that witty! I read the posts to relax after working all day and then looking after my son who has special needs. Thanks to everybody who posts frequently as you give me some "me time" and make me smile.
Do you think there's a clique. ??? I only joined earlier this year, and i was made to feel very
welcome, and didn't see any sign of a clique. I hate them, we used to have one in work, when i first joined , and it was awful and i was made to feel very uncomfortable, but here everyone's been so kind and warm IMO of course :)

Not so much anymore Barbs, no. Last year though I definatley felt there was a select few.

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I made my first post the other day after lurking for 6 months or so. I was a member of a forum a few years back and it was so cliquey that my posts were basically ignored. It can put you right off making posts which is why I was reluctant to do so on here. But the welcome I received after my first post was heart-warmingly kind and sincere, so I don't feel as hesitant and will hopefully post regularly!
Well, BarklySparbs that lets you and moi out, as we're newbies! And the only clicky thing about me is my hip. lol. Tangerine, I missed your earlier post, but want to say W-E-L-C-O-M-E! And Bookworm (((hugs and WelshHugs[cwtch]))) to you and your boy. And to the other lurkers, ComeOn and join in. x SnarlySays
I don't post very much, as once I've caught up with all the threads I run out of time (I do try to "join in" as much as I can, either by occasional posts or "liked this post", but I really don't think this forum is clique-y. I don't think my posts are ignored due to my low post level, whereas I used to be on a forum who would not only ignore new posters but go out of their way to discuss things in oblique terms. I regularly see posts on this forum asking for an explanation of what is being discussed and someone will always come along and link any previous threads or give a brief synopsis.

And to the original point of this thread - are QVC stupid or what?
I left for a short while last year, maybe the year before, because I felt there was a definite clique. Long term members ignoring newer ones and constantly referring to/harping back to old posts/issues etc.

However, since I came back that seems to have disappeared and I genuinely love logging in now to see what all you crazy kids have to say!! And I always enjoy a new poster as sometimes you know what us 'regulars' are going to say before reading the posts - so a change is always welcome, he he!! :D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
It doesn't matter how long one's been a member everyone's input is as valued as the next person's, as in life not everyone will agree with everything that others say or post but that's what make it interesting. I occasionally just read through the posts with the odd 'like this post' but don't post because I feel I have nothing to add to it.
It can feel like there is a clique, yes. It is not always overt or intentional. I only rarely post "like/ dislike/thank" not because I want to be rude, but because the absence of these say it all, especially when you may have said something already, but later on someone else says something similar and gets thanked or liked. I am not saying it is always intentional, but it's how it can come accross. For the avoidance of doubt I like/thank when I STRONGLY agree with a post. My lack of thanks/ like does not mean I don't like/ thank. I choose not to dislike a post because I would rather post what I think and why. I think that the like/dislike/thank buttons can inadvertently cause offense, even where none was intended! But I may be in the minority.

It is unrealistic to expect new members to know about old threads on a site that is so fast moving. I know I don 't have the time to do it, but I post when I want and so what if I may have missed somethin. I did not mean to, and it does not really matter.

Having said this I would be grateful if somebody would reply to my question about Yankee candle tart mixes. My question did seem to get ignored..... so I must not be in " the clique". Phew!
It can feel like there is a clique, yes. It is not always overt or intentional. I only rarely post "like/ dislike/thank" not because I want to be rude, but because the absence of these say it all, especially when you may have said something already, but later on someone else says something similar and gets thanked or liked. I am not saying it is always intentional, but it's how it can come accross. For the avoidance of doubt I like/thank when I STRONGLY agree with a post. My lack of thanks/ like does not mean I don't like/ thank. I choose not to dislike a post because I would rather post what I think and why. I think that the like/dislike/thank buttons can inadvertently cause offense, even where none was intended! But I may be in the minority.

It is unrealistic to expect new members to know about old threads on a site that is so fast moving. I know I don 't have the time to do it, but I post when I want and so what if I may have missed somethin. I did not mean to, and it does not really matter.

Having said this I would be grateful if somebody would reply to my question about Yankee candle tart mixes. My question did seem to get ignored..... so I must not be in " the clique". Phew!

I didn't know whether I should 'click' like or not as I don't want you to feel left out or ignored, what a dilemma I'm going to live dangerously and do it !

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