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Balls, I wanted the green. Ah well, that's £25 saved I suppose. They're bound to be on again before Christmas. Huff huff huff.
All colours are / will be available - the pink and plaid haven't gone live yet.
I think it goes to air next week, so I would buy before that - green is still available now.
Does anybody know what sort of purple it's going to be?
Balls, I wanted the green. Ah well, that's £25 saved I suppose. They're bound to be on again before Christmas. Huff huff huff.

The green is available! It's not even been aired yet, it's on air on the 24th of September.
That's weird, when I looked it was sold out. Just looked again and there's only brown and blue spot left. I will keep my eyes on it.

That's weird, when I looked it was sold out. Just looked again and there's only brown and blue spot left. I will keep my eyes on it.


No they are available, it's just that there is no photos of them yet. It's only Cerise Pink and Plaid that you can not buy at the moment. Hope that helps, you can definitely buy :)
Hi all
I've already given my personal opinion of slankets based on my own short experience of enforced ownership BUT my Carer has just said she thinks it would suit her dad really well. He's had a stroke so has limited mobility in one arm but enough to get it into a loose sleeve and he's really wasted muscles plus gets really cold.
Anyway she was wondering whether you would describe this latest incarnation as a good thick fleece. Mine had the foot pocket etc and was an ultimate one I believe but I would've said it was thin and light (albeit warm) so am not sure what to advise her.
Do you fans think it could suit someone who gets freezing and wants quite a heavy duty blanket?!
Thanks for any advice all I could recall was the static ;)
Also has anyone got the brown is it as it looks - mid cocoa colour?
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No they are available, it's just that there is no photos of them yet. It's only Cerise Pink and Plaid that you can not buy at the moment. Hope that helps, you can definitely buy :)

Thanks Anso, I just bought it even though it says sold out - not the way to encourage sales!

Hi all
I've already given my personal opinion of slankets based on my own short experience of enforced ownership BUT my Carer has just said she thinks it would suit her dad really well. He's had a stroke so has limited mobility in one arm but enough to get it into a loose sleeve and he's really wasted muscles plus gets really cold.
Anyway she was wondering whether you would describe this latest incarnation as a good thick fleece. Mine had the foot pocket etc and was an ultimate one I believe but I would've said it was thin and light (albeit warm) so am not sure what to advise her.
Do you fans think it could suit someone who gets freezing and wants quite a heavy duty blanket?!
Thanks for any advice all I could recall was the static ;)
Also has anyone got the brown is it as it looks - mid cocoa colour?

I bought a brown coloured slanket, Totally Loopy Lou and I would say it is a nice brown colour, but it depends on how you see it. Mine was one of the plush kind with pocket for feet and a pouch (pocket) on the front. I have another , also from Q, a reversible one, and I found that to be inferior and it was certainly not flush. I love my original one, even thought it has been washed so many times.
All the slankets I have are really good quality, thick plush furry fabric. They are easy to put on and are really warm. If you're sitting in a chair or wheelchair you can put your feet in the foot pocket for cosiness. They wash really well as well - two of mine are for the dog (I know, what a lovely, caring owner I am) and I wash them weekly. Not heavy like a blanket and I didn't find any static. One thing - don't try and walk around in them or you'll be flat on your face in no time. Strictly for lounging around.

Can't wait for the green one to arrive. What will I say to OH? I can just hear the "how many ****** blankets does one need?" spiel coming on. Well, dear, as many as 1000 drill bits, cordless screwdrivers, fishing rods, fishing magazines and fishing coats. I mean who the hell wears a fishing coat? We live in a city . . . . .

I don't like these but neither do I like onesies. It's a fashion I hope won't be around for much longer. I refuse to walk around with this all in one thing that has udders, spots and a hood with horns! Maybe someone is trying to tell me something.
Balls, I wanted the green. Ah well, that's £25 saved I suppose. They're bound to be on again before Christmas. Huff huff huff.

They've got the green one on eBay for £19.81 free p&p. Don't know if it's the indulgent one but it is a Slanket.
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That will be why all 4 of my cats insist on sleeping on the bed too, although the 2 older cats don't seem to get a look in now as the younger ones have pushed them off!
Maybe I should get my husband to spend a few nights on each of the cat beds - ha ha:mysmilie_515:

Haha, our cat lends us her bed between the hours of 11pm and 6am😀 she has made it perfectly clear that the king size memory foam bed, quilt and pillows are hers the remainder of the day.
My son had a slanket when they first came out, he loved it and so did his two flatmates. They all used to share it and often cuddle up together.
I resisted an swear by the heated throws that Aldi sell. I got my first one a couple of years ago, it's a thick substantial fleece blanket with heat settings 1-9 and a timer. I love it and so does hubby because he says it stops me moaning about being cold.
He was worried it might wear out it was used that much so when they stocked them again last year he went out and got me another as back up. I haven't needed it though, the first one still works just fine.

I like to sit in the corner of the sofa, iPad on the arm and blankie over me.
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Just ordered mine - a purple one.
Here's hoping my 4 cats don't steal it off me !:mysmilie_515::mysmilie_515::mysmilie_515::mysmilie_515:
Haha, our cat lends us her bed between the hours of 11pm and 6am�� she has made it perfectly clear that the king size memory foam bed, quilt and pillows are hers the remainder of the day.

Ah yes, your cat must be related to my dog, who also commandeers the sofa, the square metre in front of the fire and the sunny back door step, the Christmas blankets, the new quilt, my dressing gown, need I go on lol?


PS. My lovely dark green virgin slanket arrived today - bets on to see how long that lasts :mysmilie_48:
My cats are queuing up in front of the log burner hoping that it will be lit soon.
When it's lit they all manage to get in front of it to warm their little bellies.
You often hear that husbands are under the thumb, but I think I am under the thumb to my cats !!!
Just ordered mine - a purple one.
Here's hoping my 4 cats don't steal it off me !:mysmilie_515::mysmilie_515::mysmilie_515::mysmilie_515:

You must be joking, they were watching when you placed your order, they already have their plans ready to put into action to take it over��

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