Rob Locke ex QVC Presenter


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Jun 24, 2008
Not sure if this will work or not???

But he is begging for money as his wife has left him and his acting career going nowhere.

I remember when on QVC his girlfriend broke up with him and we had months of his crying and whining in-between selling products.

So far he has $700, so anyone fancy giving then????:mysmilie_19:
That's quite shocking. I have never heard of the guy, nor seen him on QVC (he left before I ever watched) or any of the shows he has been in, but he seems to have had a lot of tv/film and voiceover work if Wikipedia is to be believed, so it can't be as well paid as I would have guessed. Then again, the LA lifestyle and looking after a son would eat into any earnings.
Perhaps he should consider a real job as I'm sure there must be some sort of work available eg. Waiting tables, bar work or even shelf filling in Walmart. Surely anything is better than begging. Perhaps his wife got fed up of supporting him in his quest for fame.
I probably had the same initial reaction as everyone else, but I guess it is very, very easy to be judgemental to a story like this. Won't be "donating" but wish him every luck in turning his life around.
Self Help?

Not sure if this will work or not???

But he is begging for money as his wife has left him and his acting career going nowhere.

I remember when on QVC his girlfriend broke up with him and we had months of his crying and whining in-between selling products.

So far he has $700, so anyone fancy giving then????:mysmilie_19:

He left many years ago, I understand, because he was deeply into self help and mind power things..I wrote to him giving him a copy of a manuscript I had written of one of the self-help booklets I write. He was doing slimming and hypnosis and had a tie-up with Paul McKenna, if I remember rightly. I am sad he has come to this, and hope his self-help reading in the past can get him through this awful time in his life.
What a heartbreaking story, I've sent him a few hundred to help out, if enough of us chip in we might be able to keep him going till he retires! :cash:
I never had any time for Rob Locke. I always thought of him as a bit of a whinger. perhaps his good friends DF and Paul Lavers will have a whip round for him . I do feel sorry for his little boy to end up with a 'woe is me' for a father.
Whilst I appreciate he is experiencing a difficult period in his life, I think he was pretty fortunate to have a wife who, for over a decade, was prepared to go out and earn a crust, while he 'followed his dream.' As an observer, I would assume that she got fed up of bankrolling his not as successful as we thought endeavours. He needed a reality check, and he has got one. And to set up an online begging letter? How degrading is that. Why are his many showbiz pals not helping him out?
I know nothing about him and perhaps I am very hard hearted but I think he is disgusting to beg on line like that.
Get your head out of your *** and do a proper job like the rest of us. I would eat grass rather than beg. Anyway will he not be receiving child support from his wife, the main earner?

I know US is not the same as UK but there are many folk there who have to do several jobs to keep their family together. Just because you can't get work in your chosen hairy fairy profession doesn't stop you from working.

I wouldn't give him one single cent and think anyone who has given on line (one assumes you would not do that if you were a personal friend) needs their head examined. There are many worthy charities to donate to rather than a useless **** like him. Sorry if I have offended anyone in a similar situation.
Well, well, well how degrading is that. He needs a reality check, no showbiz work, following dream etc while his poor wife went out to work for 10 years. What a poor excuse for a man. If he was a regular guy doing a hard days work at the factory for poor pay for years and was then made redundant them I'd feel for the guy, but it seems like he's had his head up his a@se for 10 years so no sympathy or money from me!
Hmmm, Rob Locke was a person I always could not like. It was always about him and then when he swanned off to the US it seemed like he had hit the big time. Good for him. However, it would seem he ponced about while his wife earned the money. There are plenty of people looking for a free ride and this looks like a classic case. We'd all like to follow our dream while someone else does the graft and pays the bills. But now he has a child and I do hope he isn't using that little boy to get sympathy. Part of me has been there myself and has a bit of heart for him, part of me thinks its more whingeing. There are lots of jobs, rubbish jobs I'll give you that, but take 2 or 3 if you have to. Begging online is the pits I'm afraid and vulnerable people may give money they don't have. Go and get a job to support your son Rob. We all have to face up to reality one day. YOU have to do it.

Never heard of him ... he must have been on QVC before I started watching. He can try and collect unemployment but then that usually means that he needed to have been employed at some point to get unemployment. Maybe his story is for real or he just thought he could get thousands just for the asking. I donate through GoFundMe from time to time but only with legitimate charities I am familiar with already. Sad for his son if this is all true ... parents should set an example for their kids by doing what it takes to provide for them. He obviously has some kind of talent, he got hired by QVC. Surely he can get a job that uses those skills. CA just passed a tax credit for the TV and Movie industry in CA so maybe work will increase in the LA area and his chances will be better to get hired in his chosen field.

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