Oh Gosh this is a surprising thread! I am 'old school' regarding the QVC viewer, and I absolutely remember the time he was completely heartbroken when he split from his girlfriend in UK, but Rob seemed to bounce back, adopting the Anthony Robbins mind set, 'walk/stand tall like you're wearing a cloak' and all that. Lost weight, looked great (and still does)
I spoke to Rob live on air during his very last presentation on QVC UK before being given a QVC bottle of bubbly, before he went stateside.... its unfortunate it hasn't worked out as planned.
Regarding the plea for help website... not sure if this is the best way to go, surely he must have family/friends in UK who would quite happily put him up, whilst he decides best course of action (even if it means creating closure in USA) - but I guess it is now his beautiful son that ties him there, after all I'm sure if Rob gives up USA, he would have to also give up being with his son.
Come back to UK Rob, if only for one month, as a 'holiday'. You never know, British fate may give a helping hand! I would have no probs helping the fund, but I personally would like to ask a heap of Q's before I decided to make a decent financial donation
Sincere good luck to you Rob, you were a true asset to QVC UK, and I'm sure could possibly be in the future
