Rob Locke ex QVC Presenter


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Update, on his twitter account nothing is mentioned about the charity fund, its all sunny weather and how well he is doing.

Someone actually thought perhaps his account for the donate had been hacked, but no, its all true.

Even though his son is in the photo with him, it seems the money he needs is for him alone.
I was never much of a Rob Locke fan; like a few others over the years he ultimately thought himself above presenting on a shopping channel.

Nothing worn with chasing a dream but when it's clear that's not going to work it's time to be realistic. There are always jobs available, bar work, waiting, supermarket work etc and Mr Locke should take one rather than resorting to begging on the Internet.
Ah Julius you really pick them. Is this hostel not the Victorian doss-house like one you had to stay in London, when the bank defrauded you out of your mother's flat? You really did give an in-depth description about the beds, the smell, the unsavoury characters. When a member here who works in these homeless shelters says they are nothing like that.

Sorry, I really don't know what you are getting at. The first time was back in 2001 after my mother died and Abbey National repossessed the flat. I was sent from a place in Brighton to a homeless hostel in Worthing where I refused to stay. My second brush with homelessness was in London in late 2008 when I was made redundant from my job at TfL. Both the Holiday House Hotel (which wasn't a homeless hostel) and the place in Worthing (which was) were exactly as I described them. I can't speak for all places and nor can anybody else.

Both 2001 and 2008 were both very upsetting but 2001 was worse, ever so slightly, because of the whole situation that had led up to it.

I'm just glad I don't have kids as that would just be awful, putting them through that. As a grown adult, whatever happens to me happens.
I do know someone else who was forced to stay in one of these places ( homeless hostel) they soon got out, by all accounts it was pretty rough!
Update, on his twitter account nothing is mentioned about the charity fund, its all sunny weather and how well he is doing.

Someone actually thought perhaps his account for the donate had been hacked, but no, its all true.

Even though his son is in the photo with him, it seems the money he needs is for him alone.

Eww don't like his last tweet.
His facebook page reveals he has a film coming out, he has signed a deal to host a new major network tv show, he's shot commercials, and is discussing doing a screenplay. So why does he need to beg for donations, exactly?
His facebook page reveals he has a film coming out, he has signed a deal to host a new major network tv show, he's shot commercials, and is discussing doing a screenplay. So why does he need to beg for donations, exactly?

I think there are people out there in more urgent need than he is.
His facebook page reveals he has a film coming out, he has signed a deal to host a new major network tv show, he's shot commercials, and is discussing doing a screenplay. So why does he need to beg for donations, exactly?

Maybe because he's delusional and a liar? So much easier to get other people to pay your way if they're gullible enough? Don't like him, however, he may have mental health issues in which case he needs help.

After some thought, I've come to my personal conclusion which is that Robs desired career thrives on publicity, the more controversial, the better - remember Brittany Spears shaving her head? Julia Roberts (actress) hairy armpits?, both controversial but got the attention they required. I think Rob has thought this trick up, not for personal material gain, but to seek notoriety, as actors do.

As Oscar Wilde once said ' All publicity is good if it is intelligent.' Sadly this plot lacks intelligence, it screams selfishness - unless there is a twist and Rob will reveal the real destination of the donations. Maybe a hidden charity? I can just see Rob posting a utube, after reaching his goal, saying in Rob Thespian style "and you all thought the money was for me...when actually its not, it was for cancer research "

if only....

in the meantime @hiddencash is active in the LA area if Rob enjoys a treasure hunt!
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She's read this thread, then. But you have to ask yourself - do you trust someone who has the wherewithal to spend time and money constructing a professional web page that's begging for a certain amount of money and then even changes it to another amount? For himself?? And flaunts appealing photos of his child?? When he could be out sweeping the streets or making an honest crust somehow?

Neither do I.
Earlier on her page she's written this: Yes it is genuine. More to it than is stated too. I have helped. Don't if u don't want to - that's absolutely fine. But it's fine too that others are helping an ex colleague in need. I know he's doing all he can, this method is just a last resort. Thanks to all for the kindness. Ps yes he's been left with their son. X
No mother would leave her son in custody of a man on the brink of homelessness. She might not care for her ex husband but she wouldn't want to see her son going through that. This, together with the pictures, tell me that Rob Locke is not in such a desperate situation.
Earlier on her page she's written this: Yes it is genuine. More to it than is stated too. I have helped. Don't if u don't want to - that's absolutely fine. But it's fine too that others are helping an ex colleague in need. I know he's doing all he can, this method is just a last resort. Thanks to all for the kindness. Ps yes he's been left with their son. X

Imo Rob Locke hasn't got one grain of self respect... I would eat dirt before I would beg. I just can't understand how a Mother could/would allow her Son to be used as a begging bowl..
Imo Rob Locke hasn't got one grain of self respect... I would eat dirt before I would beg. I just can't understand how a Mother could/would allow her Son to be used as a begging bowl..

It would take a very heartless woman to see her son go homeless. However acrimonious her separation from Rob Locke may have been, one would hope that she would have some concern for a child. As for Rob Locke, I don't think he can be doing enough. It's easy to set up a web page begging for money, it's quite another to pound the streets in search of some menial grafting work. It would be quite odd if he thought it beneath him to do cleaning / labouring yet somehow found begging online acceptable.
Homelessness and misfortune can strike at any age. It's happened to me twice and it's horrible. But at no point did I ever beg for money. Each time I used my initiative, and I was much younger than Rob Locke. If he is only prepared to work in showbiz she should be prepared to cope with the lean periods between gigs.
I would even question whether the separation from his wife is genuine. they could both be in it together. Whatever the true situation, my sympathies are with the innocent in all this, the little boy, having parents like those two'. And how embarrassing for him, as school mates will know via the internet, what Locke is doing, and will be teasing him mercilessly. Despite him making out his son is his 'raison d'etre', the "seed of his loins" (ugh), he is using him to his own ends. Referring to the Judge Judy post, can you imagine if he ended up before her, for child support, what she would think of him? Probably the same as the majority of us are thinking right now.
Poor guy. And excuse me, there are plenty of so-called mothers out there who would do this, and worse, to their children.

I hate to see anyone faced with his situation. Maybe he should come home, and bring his boy with him. If he can, that is. For me it makes very uncomfortable reading. There but for the grace of God and all that. Commendable that you did not beg, Julius, and found the inner strength thst you did. But some people are weaker, and the US of A is not the land of opportuniy with the streets of LA paved with gold. I wouldn't want to live there, that's for sure.
Poor guy. And excuse me, there are plenty of so-called mothers out there who would do this, and worse, to their children.

I hate to see anyone faced with his situation. Maybe he should come home, and bring his boy with him. If he can, that is. For me it makes very uncomfortable reading. There but for the grace of God and all that. Commendable that you did not beg, Julius, and found the inner strength thst you did. But some people are weaker, and the US of A is not the land of opportuniy with the streets of LA paved with gold. I wouldn't want to live there, that's for sure.

I understand, Weathergirl. Of course none of us really know his true situation. That is why I have refrained from using the stronger language that others have used towards him. I don't think he is a particularly bad person. We can only say what we see and think, which is what forums like this are for. I still feel it is fair to say that Rob Locke chose his career and chose to participate in an act that generated a child. Furthermore he chose to work is his profession and he chose to live in the US. He has has some choice in certain things. I do glean that he is less than willing to take on more menial work. It does not please me to hear of anyone truly suffering, not least because I have been in such a position twice before, myself. Sadly these days it is not always possible to have a career doing one thing, however good one might be at it. It is important to diversify and weather the storms.

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