I've often read your comments on here regards Gollum being chavvy, but never really seen it if you get my meaning. Last night though when he was on with the imedia guy, eurgh! The imedia guy is slimy and chavvy to the extreme and the 80's have definitely called and want their 'style' back

however, he was pure class compared to Gollum. I think it was seeing them side by side. Makes me shudder to even think of it. Suddenly I see what you have all been going on about and have conjured up images of what 'the goddess' must be like, crikey!
On another note, Andrea, who is on in the mornings, OMG can she pleeeease go and find a more suitable job!?! She makes Peter Simon look like a proffesional tbh. I love the way she reads out the bumpf on the back of an item or a sheet and acts like she's coming up with it herself; its fantastic as she puts the pauses and exclamations in all the wrong places, makes hand movements which completely don't fit, then the camera pans up and we see her reading

I don't think any Bid presenter has made me physically switch over they are so bad.... until her.
Also in complete agreement about Sir Kean, marvellous