Random musings/no argument zone


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I think they should give some thought to becoming a soap opera but with extensive Product Placement and ordering details flashing up on screen throughout the real life drama.

I could see it now. Lisa Brash & Mike Mason would be together, they'd put you in mind of an ever so slightly rougher Les and Janice Battersby. Peter Sherlock & Mark Ryes would be a happy, friendly couple running a Deli that is particularly noted for it's Cup Cakes and Quiche. Caroline Lyndsay would play a bossy and somewhat old fashioned matriarch who dictates to her downtrodden kids played by Far Mani and Paul Evers.

Peter Simon would play a Walter Mitty like figure who lives in the past, endlessly reminiscing to anyone who'll listen to his tales of long since past triumphs that may or may not have ever taken place.

Debbie Greenwood would probably only be in a few episodes until she leaves for a better offer.

Of course it will be directed by Neil Russell.
I think they should give some thought to becoming a soap opera but with extensive Product Placement and ordering details flashing up on screen throughout the real life drama.

I could see it now. Lisa Brash & Mike Mason would be together, they'd put you in mind of an ever so slightly rougher Les and Janice Battersby. Peter Sherlock & Mark Ryes would be a happy, friendly couple running a Deli that is particularly noted for it's Cup Cakes and Quiche. Caroline Lyndsay would play a bossy and somewhat old fashioned matriarch who dictates to her downtrodden kids played by Far Mani and Paul Evers.

Peter Simon would play a Walter Mitty like figure who lives in the past, endlessly reminiscing to anyone who'll listen to his tales of long since past triumphs that may or may not have ever taken place.

Debbie Greenwood would probably only be in a few episodes until she leaves for a better offer.

Of course it will be directed by Neil Russell.

oh this is pure gold, this really could have legs
I see Lisa as more of a cross between Bet Lynch and Kat Moon, propping up a bar with a gin in one hand and a fag in the other
Mike could be the cheeky chappy type landlord 'yes pal, wot can oi get ya'?
Caroline, for me, would be the respectable citizen with deep psychological issues which she manages to hide....................or does she??!!
I'd cast Neil as the newly arived local GP who sets hearts aflutter but has a sinister secret........à la Shipman
and naturally Sally would be the practice nurse.......à la Barbara Windsor!
I think Sherlock and Ryes should run the local launderette where they catch all the gossip and bitch bout people's clothes
I'm seeing Guy Kean as a superior guv'nor type character who would never do his own dirty work, Phil Mitchell with class if you lke
not sure about Debbie, I think she's be everyone's favourite 'aunt' that they all confide in so she knows everyone's secrets and business
but the best bit would be when they actually demonstrate the products in character and making it fit the storyline
I'm loving this, I'd willingly write the first episode!
oh this is pure gold, this really could have legs
I see Lisa as more of a cross between Bet Lynch and Kat Moon, propping up a bar with a gin in one hand and a fag in the other
Mike could be the cheeky chappy type landlord 'yes pal, wot can oi get ya'?
Caroline, for me, would be the respectable citizen with deep psychological issues which she manages to hide....................or does she??!!
I'd cast Neil as the newly arived local GP who sets hearts aflutter but has a sinister secret........à la Shipman
and naturally Sally would be the practice nurse.......à la Barbara Windsor!
I think Sherlock and Ryes should run the local launderette where they catch all the gossip and bitch bout people's clothes
I'm seeing Guy Kean as a superior guv'nor type character who would never do his own dirty work, Phil Mitchell with class if you lke
not sure about Debbie, I think she's be everyone's favourite 'aunt' that they all confide in so she knows everyone's secrets and business
but the best bit would be when they actually demonstrate the products in character and making it fit the storyline
I'm loving this, I'd willingly write the first episode!

I think it would write itself deedee :mysmilie_14:

I did think of casting The Lord Kean in a role but what with him being a Thespian I wasn't sure if a soap was beneath him, then again if it's good enough for Sir Ian McKellen!. Maybe The Lord Kean could play a love interest for Peter Simon's character who is torn between Our Bet, a man or Maude?

Like you I really do believe this concept has legs, it could finally provide Lisa Brash with the fame she so desperately seeks and could be an interesting project for Neil Russell until his next inevitable Academy Award nominated feature starts filming.
I think it would write itself deedee :mysmilie_14:

I did think of casting The Lord Kean in a role but what with him being a Thespian I wasn't sure if a soap was beneath him, then again if it's good enough for Sir Ian McKellen!. Maybe The Lord Kean could play a love interest for Peter Simon's character who is torn between Our Bet, a man or Maude?

Like you I really do believe this concept has legs, it could finally provide Lisa Brash with the fame she so desperately seeks and could be an interesting project for Neil Russell until his next inevitable Academy Award nominated feature starts filming.

oh I agree that it would definitely write itself, all the ingredients are there
aha, I like your idea of Lord Kean being the love interest for Peter Simon's seedy, reclusive character, that's genius, I see the walls of his bedsit covered with Photos of Lord Kean that he took covertly!
the soap has to have a darker, more sinister thread as well as some humour and grittiness
I feel Lisa will bring the grittiness required, I think she'd bring a natural down to earth, common touch and yes, I think you're right, it could bring her the fame and adulation she so desperately craves
we still need a suave leading man type character though but I'm struggling with the casting here, Adam Heppenstall maybe?
oh I agree that it would definitely write itself, all the ingredients are there
aha, I like your idea of Lord Kean being the love interest for Peter Simon's seedy, reclusive character, that's genius, I see the walls of his bedsit covered with Photos of Lord Kean that he took covertly!
the soap has to have a darker, more sinister thread as well as some humour and grittiness
I feel Lisa will bring the grittiness required, I think she'd bring a natural down to earth, common touch and yes, I think you're right, it could bring her the fame and adulation she so desperately craves
we still need a suave leading man type character though but I'm struggling with the casting here, Adam Heppenstall maybe?

Suave leading man? Look no further than Rumba Hips, Justin Hazell.

I think the show needs to be really far fetched to be truthful to it's roots so we'd probably get away with BOD as a lothario.
Suave leading man? Look no further than Rumba Hips, Justin Hazell.

I think the show needs to be really far fetched to be truthful to it's roots so we'd probably get away with BOD as a lothario.

ok, I'll give you that one but he has to bust out his cuban motion in at least one episode!
Neil russell is surely the breakout star of 2014

You are so right Mr Tom. I feel plain old 'James' was being swamped by superstars such as Mason, Brash, Dirty Peter and of course The Lord Kean but now we have 'Neil' there's no limit to where his star could be heading.

Neil 'The Real Deal' Russell.
You are so right Mr Tom. I feel plain old 'James' was being swamped by superstars such as Mason, Brash, Dirty Peter and of course The Lord Kean but now we have 'Neil' there's no limit to where his star could be heading.

Neil 'The Real Deal' Russell.

Neil > james
Let's all kneel before the great Neil.

Neil from Mansfield, has a ring to it don't you think? I'm sure I've seen that name roll across the bottom of the screen.

Ok, I will admit, when shysmon-simon passed the shot over to Russell, I did say out loud ''oh hi neil''
Ok, I will admit, when shysmon-simon passed the shot over to Russell, I did say out loud ''oh hi neil''

Good for you Mr Tom, I know exactly where you're coming from.

It's almost as if we all have a new friend and that friend is called NEIL. Right now Neil Russell sounds like a weather forecaster.
I look at him far more favourably since he became NEIL

I know NEIL would never steer us wrong

Yes, he sounds much more reputable now.

Lisa Brash sounds like she's smoked a few too many Woodbine's today, a very froggy throat. I have never smoked so I wonder what it must be like having to go a full 3 and a half hours without a ciggie, I'd imagine it can't be easy.

Maybe she covers Michael in patches before her shift?
it's at times like this, she needs RESI

She looks really harsh tonight. I know she said her Mam bought her Skin Pharmacy Nano Moisturiser for Christmas but I think she might have been at the Botox again, her face and in particular her forehead appears totally frozen.

At least she seems to like that look which I guess is all that matters. She's taking the piss bigging up the potions though, it's actually quite insulting really. Even Peter Sherlock recently acknowledged that he was not really credible selling face creams when he had his procedure.
Yes, he sounds much more reputable now.

Lisa Brash sounds like she's smoked a few too many Woodbine's today, a very froggy throat. I have never smoked so I wonder what it must be like having to go a full 3 and a half hours without a ciggie, I'd imagine it can't be easy.

Maybe she covers Michael in patches before her shift?

I think she pops outside for some 'fresh air' when they put on the pre records and assistant presenters do their previews and she has a quick drag during the breaks
last night Rebecca said that Lisa had 'popped outside' wearing the coat she was selling that evening so I assumed she'd gone outside for a fag
Peter Simon also has a revolting cough (for which he apologised) but at least he doesn't sound like he smokes 50 woodbines a day like Lisa does!!

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