I find it interesting how the posting activity and style here differs so much from the other main contributed to sub-forum - QVC. Very few if any transferable, regular posting members to both, no similar thread for general observations about the day’s programmes on the QVC side like here. Very much product-focused threads or ones on two or three of the presenters of interest like Huntley, for example, on the QVC side. There IS humour on the QVC forums, but it is very much regimented to specific threads and subjects, and not really off the wall and more random like here. I just wonder why? One reason is there seems lots of QVC product buyers on that forum, and very few if any (currently) on the Ideal World. I suppose one key reason for the contrast in posting styles is on that side, members are viewing with a view to buying, and members here are viewing purely for the entertainment factor. It still baffles me, though, why they have no general watching and comments thread on there, but I suppose in the previous context of everything, they see no need for one.