Random musings and general banter.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

We're your friends :)

No you're not, you portray friendship to get folk to buy your products. In reality, as long as the tills are ringing, you couldn't give two hoots who's buying.

This is a family!

No it's not. Again, as long as the tills are ringing, you couldn't care less if it's the same 1000 people buying each day or a different 1000 people each day.

This is fun!

For who? The folk you're trying to extract £££ from with dubious selling techniques?
This has come from Create and Craft

As many of you will be aware, earlier this month came the sad news that Ideal World had been placed into administration.

Ideal World was a business close to many of our hearts. For many of us here at Create and Craft, Ideal World is where it all began – especially for our founders, Paul Wright and Val Kaye who started the business over 20 years ago.

Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve made the decision to try and support some of the staff, contributors, and suppliers where possible as everyone adapts to the loss of a TV shopping icon. As such, you will see some of our hours that we usually dedicate to repeat hours of Create and Craft are instead used to showcase products and presenters who have lost their airtime in the collapse of Ideal World.
This has come from Create and Craft

As many of you will be aware, earlier this month came the sad news that Ideal World had been placed into administration.

Ideal World was a business close to many of our hearts. For many of us here at Create and Craft, Ideal World is where it all began – especially for our founders, Paul Wright and Val Kaye who started the business over 20 years ago.

Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve made the decision to try and support some of the staff, contributors, and suppliers where possible as everyone adapts to the loss of a TV shopping icon. As such, you will see some of our hours that we usually dedicate to repeat hours of Create and Craft are instead used to showcase products and presenters who have lost their airtime in the collapse of Ideal World.
Having seen the four that comprise this new Shop Extra channel I would have swapped out Shaun Ryan for Mike Mason. Yes, Mason really is better than Ryan when on his best behaviour. Anyway I won't be able to watch the new channel for various reasons even if I wanted to.

If they drag back Swan & Edgar watches or have Peter V on as a 'brand ambassador' then we'll know they've REALLY lost the plot.
Having seen the four that comprise this new Shop Extra channel I would have swapped out Shaun Ryan for Mike Mason. Yes, Mason really is better than Ryan when on his best behaviour. Anyway I won't be able to watch the new channel for various reasons even if I wanted to.

If they drag back Swan & Edgar watches or have Peter V on as a 'brand ambassador' then we'll know they've REALLY lost the plot.
Sean Ryan is probably there over Mason, as he was there when it all began
When that gushing load of guff mentioned people 'affected', I thought they were going to give a few customers without their rattan furniture still, presenting jobs.
You know those tv ads you see e.g. sponsor a donkey in Turkey, send £10 now so these people can have drinking water etc etc, I reckon we'll soon see one for those affected by the IW closure.

Guff right enough. We need you mugs to start buying iffy drones etc again to keep the £££ rolling in for our freelance presenters.

It's like these religious channels that ask viewers to 'sow their seed' ... in the name of God, in other words send us your hard earned so we can keep broadcasting ;)
Just seen an interesting sales technique on Gems TV. Selling a pearl necklace, had about 46 left. Presenter said the phone lines have gone wild, there's literally hundreds trying to get through, begging you to stay on the line, demand is massive, so they reduced the price by £20, then reduced by a further £80 (despite high demand)

Interesting, despite hundreds trying to get through, the numbers didn't go down much, now moving faster since reduction. Its almost as though there weren't hundreds of people desperate to get through🤔. Ten minutes later still 14 left...
Have Hochanda Global bought the old business or is this totally new

Totally new, IW are finished and dead, in admin twice in a few years, no business folks would be stupid enough to try and revive it.

TJC and Honchanda Global are just picking up scraps to see if the can make a few quid from the gap in the market with IW demise.
You know those tv ads you see e.g. sponsor a donkey in Turkey, send £10 now so these people can have drinking water etc etc, I reckon we'll soon see one for those affected by the IW closure.

Guff right enough. We need you mugs to start buying iffy drones etc again to keep the £££ rolling in for our freelance presenters.

It's like these religious channels that ask viewers to 'sow their seed' ... in the name of God, in other words send us your hard earned so we can keep broadcasting ;)
I can see the ad now, please support Peter who is now suffering in the twilight of his years. He had a glittering career dressed as a clown encouraging people to eat burgers and a distinguished career as the top salesman working for the world's best shopping channel selling merchandise Harrods could only dream of getting.

He is now alone, in the Ideal Home for Distressed Ex Selly Telly Presenters, with just the occasional visit from Our Bet.

Please give generously to avoid further suffering...
I can see the ad now, please support Peter who is now suffering in the twilight of his years. He had a glittering career dressed as a clown encouraging people to eat burgers and a distinguished career as the top salesman working for the world's best shopping channel selling merchandise Harrods could only dream of getting.

He is now alone, in the Ideal Home for Distressed Ex Selly Telly Presenters, with just the occasional visit from Our Bet.

Please give generously to avoid further suffering...
Please help Peter, here we see him, having to go through the bins, of his local supermarket seeing what he can eat today, as he is homeless anc can’t afford food.

All he is asking for is 10 a month

Anybody surprised Peter Simon and Mike Mason havent been named

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