Random musings and general banter.


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Last night I watched Natalia for about ten minutes and all she was doing was reading out what was on the label. She was also making medical claims and said that the emu oil helps with the awful cramps associated with IBS among other ailments. Absolute codswallop.
Youv’e missed out Growth Pains and Osteoporosis.
As a sufferer of both the above plus the IBS (you highlight) for over 20 years « though I have to admit it’s anti growth as in shrinkage not growth pain I’m now facing » its still all basically talking nerve or connected tissue pain.
I’ve looked at the research into emu oil and IMAO it’s just one of those latest celebrity fads without any real clinical evidence to back it up.
As someone who has been ´looking into« »hoping for » pain relief that works and who can no longer tolerate NICADEs or use codeine as an option I’m gonna give it a mega pass.
Mark could easily search online for some exciting recipes to cook in the air fryers. Jack and Joe were just as bad on the old Ideal World, cooking the same thing everytime, chips, sausages, roast chicken, a naan bread pizza, bacon that never looked, still looked half raw to me, cream egg in pastry, chocolate pot with mini eggs inside. They consistently mention that you have the option to test it and return it if it doesn't suit your needs. Good luck with that. When the returns policy states that items must be returned in a clean, unused, and unaltered condition and in their original packaging.
You get the distinct impression this issue is not a channel edict on how to sell, but tools of the trade carried from channel to channel by the peripatetic three over the years, and those who decided to copy that big every item up and up and up culture of theirs. I think if you watch Mason, Jacks and Simon on shopping television fifteen, twenty years ago, and on whatever channel they were on at the time, the basic routine is the same. If Rob sold the aftershave as you say he did (I didn’t see it), it is clear you can sell realistically and still keep your job there. It’s just five or six of them choose not to.
I sort of agree and disagree with this statement. The folk who own/run the channel will want to retain the presenters who shift the most product. If there's not much between the good and bad presenters in terms of units shifted, fine. If the good presenters were shifting considerably less, I suspect they'd be asked to 'adjust their on screen sales technique.' You never know, if the likes of Rob consistently shift more product, maybe just maybe the managers will have a similar conversation with the bad presenters ... however for some reason I have my doubts.
Have we got a price comparison, Charlie? Er…Oh Okay…(Best leave that)…

Pedro is on with the portable car vacuum...Pedro says "I raved about this yesterday" Pedro you rave about everything and anything! Bizarre lets have a vacuum on the show but as yet he has yet to show the viewer of how good the vacuum is as he hasnt picked up a thing with it!! All its doing is making a noise...more of racket!

Talk about cheap!! Like buying a tshirt with a blindfold on....lets hope it fits me.....the channel just gets more and more comical!!!
It is a cheap and nasty looking piece of kit. About the best demonstration that you can do with it is sucking up rice particles on a table in the studio. The kind of awful cigarette lighter attached mini -vacuums that you used to get in the 1990s, and did absolutely nothing of any benefit to a messy car. If you want to keep your car clean, interior wise - get yourself a decent extension cable and use a Dyson. Making up Hammy contact again - Spotty Oiks…

Watch this guy and his sales techniques and compare him to Rob, say. Who would you think was giving you the facts over the fantasy?
Peter's latest act: vulnerable elderly man who's terrified of using a mini stepper, losing his balance, or setting foot in a gym and asking the staff for advice. Dear oh dear.
Going on about how he needs to lose weight. I thought the slimming belt that Natalia flogs was his saviour.
What are the bets that Jeremy will be flogging this sometime between 2 and 6, along with some gammon, william hunt, a vacuum cleaner, ultrasonic humidifier, a tote bag, cheap watches, garments bags, maybe some Opatra with ms shiny botox forehead and a cuddly toy.

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