Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Jeez!! Just watched it😂😂😂. How much has she spent on that load of tat? And if you have to do a video for God's sake iron the tat first! Hardly a good advert for the sacred Marla.
No, it really isn't! As well as the creases (I don't envy her job trying to get those out), how bliddy thin is the fabric on those things?! Chiffon or not - it shouldn't look as though you could poke your finger right through it! To be fair to some of those garments, I'm sure they'd fare a lot better if they weren't packed so tight into her wardrobe. When I culled my wardrobe a few years ago, one of the first things I noticed was how my clothes started to look better because they had "breathing space"! I doubt whether she could slide a fag paper between any of her things!
Finally, the other thing I did chuckle a little bit about from video no.3 was the dresses she planned to wear to Honolulu - The "hawaiian dress" as she called it - Not a bad dress, but do your sums lady . Hawaii + Polyester = a tsunami of sweat!

Like you said, that lot must have cost an absolute fortune, and at MW prices, I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't got about £400's worth there! She's clearly not short of a bob or too, but what she has in money, she lacks elsewhere!
Oh Hyacinth's video is hysterical. Dress shabbily and they remember the dress, dress impeccable and they remember the woman....Coco Chanel.
what the **** is this woman on? A load of old tat and she is supposedly showing it off.A least you won’t need any ‘sleep inducing’ sprays with H around.If you are ‘cruising’ make sure the Captain doesn’t look as though they are sleepwalking.

Fair do’s Merryone, if it is her money she is spending/wasting but it is likely some Husband /Partner is shelling out their hard earned cash or pension for this lot.
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what the **** is this woman on? A load of old tat and she is supposedly showing it off.A least you won’t need any ‘sleep inducing’ sprays with H around.If you are ‘cruising’ make sure the Captain doesn’t look as though they are sleepwalking.
The planet Zog, I should think! Her latest vids are the embodiment of everything that's wrong with this app. If it was a recipe it would read like this;
Take a person with a compulsive spending disorder
Encourage them to buy even more
Get them to encourage people of a similar disposition to buy more
If you find it falls a little flat, throw a rechargeable plastic device into the mix and watch it grow!
what the **** is this woman on? A load of old tat and she is supposedly showing it off.A least you won’t need any ‘sleep inducing’ sprays with H around.If you are ‘cruising’ make sure the Captain doesn’t look as though they are sleepwalking.

Fair do’s Merryone, if it is her money she is spending/wasting but it is likely some Husband /Partner is shelling out their hard earned cash or pension for this lot.
There is that, but it's not all about the money. Obviously I know nothing about the husband, for all we know he's got an entire room full of gimp masks fishing tackle, a collection of toy cars that are taking over the top of the house, but we can only go by what we can see. From the bits we do get to see, I feel ****** sorry for the chap, he's probably worked hard all his life (and I'm sure she has too, but) and surely deserves to be able to relax in his lovely home and not have to spend hours sitting in an ever rising pile of clutter and have to spend his time pouring over bank statements to see if she's been overcharged, or that refunds have been processed! If he's helping fund this lot, then more fool him!
No, it really isn't! As well as the creases (I don't envy her job trying to get those out), how bliddy thin is the fabric on those things?! Chiffon or not - it shouldn't look as though you could poke your finger right through it! To be fair to some of those garments, I'm sure they'd fare a lot better if they weren't packed so tight into her wardrobe. When I culled my wardrobe a few years ago, one of the first things I noticed was how my clothes started to look better because they had "breathing space"! I doubt whether she could slide a fag paper between any of her things!
Finally, the other thing I did chuckle a little bit about from video no.3 was the dresses she planned to wear to Honolulu - The "hawaiian dress" as she called it - Not a bad dress, but do your sums lady . Hawaii + Polyester = a tsunami of sweat!

Like you said, that lot must have cost an absolute fortune, and at MW prices, I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't got about £400's worth there! She's clearly not short of a bob or too, but what she has in money, she lacks elsewhere!
I don't watch much QVC (usually found on IW forum). I have been reading this thread for days and am totally shocked. I downloaded the app to see for myself. This lady with the Marla Wynne tops stood out - I had no idea this stuff was so expensive. I think they look cheap and nasty and I wouldn't buy them on a market stall. She must have spent a fortune on these alone!

I'm not a hypocrite, I buy a bit too much on Amazon but all on stuff I use a lot but possibly stuff I don't really need (and I'm not in debt and have a steady job). For clothes I like Seasalt tops, they're not cheap but good quality cotton. I usually buy about 5 things a year, however I buy everything in store and try it on first.

Not much I can add about shopping addiction as its all been covered here.
Influencer back says QVC has confirmed her as a customer.
Thats alright then😂
It is back with some ever so slight "editing" she now says this is my first review on this platform - She originally said "This is my first review, so be kind!" I'm a bit baffled as to why it's back and I shall watch the comments with interest. Will they dare give her the prize at the end of it? I don't even think Q would be that stupid!
Influencer back says QVC has confirmed her as a customer.
Thats alright then😂
"They would say that wouldn't they?" Having giving this a few more seconds thought, I'm still in no doubt that there's some fishy business at play. I'm convinced that there was something in it for her in posting this review, and by picking up her toys and leaving equals not fulfilling her part of the deal. Hopefully this is the last we'll see of her or anyone else who wants to help Q pull another stunt like that!
Best to leave it let the addicts lap it up.
Some people are so thick judging by the comments left on her video.
Why should we bother anymore,let’s hope they all get duped.
Obviously no video no payment from whoever,paying customer my a**e👑 it’s the crown all over again.
Who wants to see professional presentations on Qurio, from influencers and wannabes who've got everything from lighting to the presenter's dry gulp down to a T? - Not me!
I'd much rather watch Hyacinth emptying the contents of her knicker drawer onto her bed because she remembers buying a pair of keks from Q 3 years ago, or Lola having a good old moan, even Cardboard Richard decoupaging his bedroom wall - "Let's go"!
Ahh now we know why Holly Dolly is buying lots of 'stuff' - especially clothes. She's received an inheritance so her and her husband are going on a 4 month world cruise next year. That probably explains why she hasn't been worrying about spending money on all and sundry
Ahh now we know why Holly Dolly is buying lots of 'stuff' - especially clothes. She's received an inheritance so her and her husband are going on a 4 month world cruise next year. That probably explains why she hasn't been worrying about spending money on all and sundry
If somebody got an inheritance from me and spent it on all those clothes from QVC I would be coming back to haunt them.
Well, I’ve seen it all now. 🙄 Nicola’s been buying Harry Slatkin candles, which is fair enough, but she says she doesn’t like scented candles but bought them for the faceted glass jars. There were nine on her shelf and she’s going to use them for storing bits and bobs like cotton buds, hair bobbles, jewellery etc.

They’re quite pretty glass jars but, if I’d bought them, I’d ensure that I enjoyed the fragrances and I certainly wouldn’t want nine of them.

Still I guess we’re all different. 😉
Ahh now we know why Holly Dolly is buying lots of 'stuff' - especially clothes. She's received an inheritance so her and her husband are going on a 4 month world cruise next year. That probably explains why she hasn't been worrying about spending money on all and sundry
A word to Holly, I went on a cruise and it was lovely hot weather but don't take any poly elastane clothes with you because you'll sweat buckets, the clothes will stick to you like mad and you'll spend the day picking your coco bianco trousers out of your bum. Cotton Traders or anything cotton/linen/mix is the way to go, keep you cooler and don't cling to sweaty skin. Been there, done it, if you don't listen you've only yourself to blame.


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