Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Jojo has posted a final video taking a pop at the forum 🙄
I think QVC will move her on to greater things. I’m surprised that she hasn’t been one of the token guest customers who are now beginning to appear on some of the fashion shows. She did appear on the early promos for Qurio but nothing since. She must be waiting in the wings somewhere!
A void she says.......she clearly doesn't see all the other threads on this forum, only this one!!! 🤔🙄
Sazza that's exactly what I came on here to say! Her passive aggressive footnote, goes to show that she doesn't realise that there's a lot more to this forum than this thread. No, it won't leave a void - joking aside it'll be welcome relief not to be compelled to watch all that insane money wasting and an ever growing mountain of polyester & other tat. I geniunely feel sorry for the Qurios though, they obviously enjoyed making the videos and built up a rapport with their fellow members, and the rug has unceremoniously been pulled from under them. What we stand to lose is small fry in comparison.
I presume that with the demise of Quorio this thread will also come to a close. I just wanted to say that this thread has made me laugh out loud so much, I've enjoyed reading every post. Merryone, will miss your renditions of Hyacinth and her deliveries, bless her! I wonder if she might, just might, cut down on her obsession with buying read diffusers, candles and skin / nail stuff (FW included!) now that she's unable to post.
Thanks Cashers - Few more days to go yet, and that's a lot of shopping time lol! This thread may have legs for another week, but hey it's been an a blast, and one hell of an eyeopener!
I really hope so as it's not healthy and I'm sad to say she's ruining what looked like it was once a lovely home - I guess we'll never know!
Jojo has posted a final video taking a pop at the forum 🙄
I think that was inevitable. The regular participants took it very seriously. In contrast, this thread has been humerous, sometimes satirical, sometimes concerned at the extent of the Q shopping habits on display (let's face it, several of us had a serious Q shopping addiction at one point or another, often as a diversion or coping strategy for difficult times). All of us no doubt were shuddering at the thought of Qurio having been around when we were deeply in our Q habit!

If some of them manage to become Q influencers and live the dream of Q sending them stuff for free to review, good luck to them!

At some point the scales will truly fall from their eyes and they will realise we are the same as them, but we are them after waking up and smelling the coffee.
Exactly, they started it and then did nothing with it!!
The prizes on offer certainly kept the numbers up. The stooge/influencer had already put a bit of a dent in the scheme. It was pretty obvious that the prize wasn't destined for any of the regular contributors, then came the mother's day fiasco which saw them (rightly) award all three contributors with £100 credit and boy did that hurt! In fact they made a big thing about this being a gesture of goodwill and that it would never happen again, so much so that never again did they offer the contributors a chance to win anything. Mother/daughter was just too niche. One mum hastily slapped some make up onto her 10 year old and removed it with cotton wool pad soaked in Floracil that possibly wasn't even bought from them, another rubbed some M.Dabbs handcream onto her daughter's hand and talked about their "spa days" but the most obvious "fake" was the middle aged lady who'd bought a couple of pairs of middle aged slacks in clearance and tried to have us believe that her teenage daughter and herself were going to wear them on holiday to Turkey - Her daughter's face said otherwise!!!!
It started off in earnest, but coming into year 2 they clearly couldn't be arsed with it. I'm actually shocked that they didn't pull the plug a lot earlier. I actually wondered whether they remembered it was still there. I can only thank Q for the entertainment they've provided!
Biggest laugh besides the dog episode was the influencer run off with pitchforks,that was definitely a plant and trying to deceive the regular contributors.
Fortunately she got sussed out immediately that video was so perfect 🤣🤣🤣
Biggest laugh besides the dog episode was the influencer run off with pitchforks,that was definitely a plant and trying to deceive the regular contributors.
Fortunately she got sussed out immediately that video was so perfect 🤣🤣🤣
The one that really did it for me was poor old Hy believing that a round Robin introducing the new ceo was a “personal email” thanking her for being such a good customer. “She called me by my name” she simpered , then proceeded to talk about the woman as though she was a personal friend. “She’s just moved over from the States with her 2 teenage daughters “ - like anybody else gives a $hit! “My husband says he’s very impressed “ She closed her laptop with a very self satisfied click.
This was toe curlingly awful and I felt embarrassed for her as messages started pouring in from the rest of the crew saying “me too” “I haven’t bought anything for a year and I got one too” etc. Total cringe!!!
It was false from the very beginning,just encouraging people to spend more money.
Unfortunately the people on the app,believed QVC are their friends plus the constant heads up merchants,anyone associated with this should give their heads a shake.
Well the last day is upon us - The last one so far is by Hyacinth but I wonder whether anyone will try and sneak another one in before the lights go out? If anyone thought that this would dampen her enthusiasm for buying stuff, fear not, it won’t. In a lengthy goodbye speech attached to yet another reed diffuser vid she jokingly calls Qurio her job and says it won’t be the same opening all her parcels on her own - maybe she should invite the neighbours round! Anyway she signed off “KEEP SHOPPING “ …oh dear!
Well the last day is upon us - The last one so far is by Hyacinth but I wonder whether anyone will try and sneak another one in before the lights go out? If anyone thought that this would dampen her enthusiasm for buying stuff, fear not, it won’t. In a lengthy goodbye speech attached to yet another reed diffuser vid she jokingly calls Qurio her job and says it won’t be the same opening all her parcels on her own - maybe she should invite the neighbours round! Anyway she signed off “KEEP SHOPPING “ …oh dear!
Qurio is her highly unpaid job cost her thousands of pounds to keep it,yes Keep Shopping 🤣🤭you’ve been made redundant.
I think QVC will move her on to greater things. I’m surprised that she hasn’t been one of the token guest customers who are now beginning to appear on some of the fashion shows. She did appear on the early promos for Qurio but nothing since. She must be waiting in the wings somewhere!
I have always said there are certain Qurio participants that have thought it it a lead to greater things and this is ONE from day ONE.The slow, deliberate, really convincing delivery so many beauty products, more than one face can take in a decade? Good luck if it happens, I won’t be watching anyway & I haven’t seen the recent ‘fade out & goodbye’ Quirio clips. Hayacinth is just a multi spender, bottomless disposable income she has no sights on media fame!
….And she’s gone 👻 R.I.P Qurio. Thanks for all the laughs and whenever I’m tempted to buy anything I don’t need I’ll think of you! I think a few of them are setting something up on instagram, whilst others believe that they’ll be up and running again with Q’s fabulous new app - I very much doubt whether they’ll let their customers loose ever again if I’m honest but we’ll see.

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