Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Erika (the Hispanic lady) has made 113 videos in 9 months - WTF she must have a :poop: load of money, not to mention time 🙄
She has 2 clips one a pair of Sketchers boots and another Sketchers trainers which look so similar surely it would be a choice between the two?Presuming she has a partner who is working night and day at a very well paid job to meet the bills?As Merryone said it is not just the amount they are buying but what.The Mother in Law is in on the act too!
To be honest, I’m surprised that QVC send used items out to customers. They make enough money to be able to afford to recycle them or dispose of them. I personally don’t know of any other company that sends out used goods. The ones that I use certainly don’t. The stories about teabags in handbags, plus more gross reports, is one reason my spending with QVC is now negligible.

Even Ideal World, who get regularly slated, send out brand new clothes, complete with attached labels. They state that you should only try shoes out in the house and should return them within 14 days. I don’t know about anyone else but I know immediately whether a pair of shoes is suitable and, if they’re not, they’re put back in the box within five minutes. So, in my opinion, there is no reason for people to wear shoes for weeks and to then return them saying that they’re unsuitable.
Well they need to wear them to the "night out" and their cousin's wedding and the kareoke night and then they send them back.

She has 2 clips one a pair of Sketchers boots and another Sketchers trainers which look so similar surely it would be a choice between the two?Presuming she has a partner who is working night and day at a very well paid job to meet the bills?As Merryone said it is not just the amount they are buying but what.The Mother in Law is in on the act too!
I remember the trouble I used to go to to hide my purchases from my husband, and in the grand scheme of things, it really wasn't very much - Had my habit been anywhere near to that of these lovely ladies, it would've been a full time job trying to clear up the aftermath. Sometimes Oh would comment "Another new top/dress" and I'd say "No, this old thing, I've had it for ages" - looking at the state of some of these garments being paraded in front of our eyes, it makes a statement like this pretty believable. When it comes to Lola, I'd very much doubt whether anybody would notice, as everything she buys looks exactly the same. Her wardrobes and drawers must be stuffed to the gunnels, and if she's got a partner then they probably haven't got room to put a single sock!
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I remember the trouble I used to go to to hide my purchases from my husband, and in the grand scheme of things, it really wasn't very much - Had my habit been anywhere near to that of these lovely ladies, it would've been a full time job trying to clear up the aftermath. Sometimes Oh would comment "Another new top/dress" and I'd say "No, this old thing, I've had it for ages" - looking at the state of some of these garments being paraded in front of our eyes, it makes a statement like this pretty believable. When it comes to Lola, I'd very much doubt whether anybody would notice, as everything she buys looks exactly the same. Her wardrobes and drawers must be stuffed to the gunnels, and if she's got a partner then they probably haven't got room to put a single sock!
I think it’s getting out of control now just a competition to who gets the most videos there’s about 4 or 5 ladies trying to outdo each other and Lola on holiday on that swing ****** hell then a close up of her cleavage blimey 🤣 now jo jo is back put on about 8 reviews at once with close ups of her face more than the items ,handbags at dawn I think 🤣 must admit I love reading them though
I think it’s getting out of control now just a competition to who gets the most videos there’s about 4 or 5 ladies trying to outdo each other and Lola on holiday on that swing ****** hell then a close up of her cleavage blimey 🤣 now jo jo is back put on about 8 reviews at once with close ups of her face more than the items ,handbags at dawn I think 🤣 must admit I love reading them though
I'm gonna honest with you, yes the app is comedy gold, but on a serious note it's actually very sad. I'm not laughing at them, I worry for them even though I don't know them. Lola's a pretty lady, she's got lovely skin - but it seems to me that apart from her out of control spending she seems to need constant reassurance, that's she's looking good, doing the right thing. I can see self esteem issues, boredom, possible loneliness and isolation. Qurio's a really unhealthy app to subscribe to because it isn't helping people recognise or deal with their issues - it's making it worse.
I'm a bit addicted to this thread, but at least it's not costing me money!
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I'm gonna honest with you, yes the app is comedy gold, but on a serious note it's actually very sad. I'm not laughing at them, I worry for them even though I don't know them. Lola's a pretty lady, she's got lovely skin - but it seems to me that apart from her out of control spending she seems to need constant reassurance, that's she's looking good, doing the right thing. I can see self esteem issues, boredom, possible loneliness and isolation. Qurio's a really unhealthy app to subscribe to because it isn't helping people recognise or deal with their issues - it's making it worse.
I'm a bit addicted to this thread, but at least it's not costing me money!
Yes you are spot on we shouldn’t be laughing at them I really do think a couple of ladies have got an addiction to shopping as most of us have had at some point in our lives but I’m sure if they read this forum it could change their habits it certainly made me think twice before buying too much off qvc which I have done in the past 😊
Don’t think the Lola lady does much more that think about what to wear and the next LR purchase? The preening in the holiday snaps I thought was very self obsessed.Perhaps that is a sign of the times with people posting me, me , me on SM where I would think ‘ who would be interested in seeing/knowing that about me?
I'm gonna honest with you, yes the app is comedy gold, but on a serious note it's actually very sad. I'm not laughing at them, I worry for them even though I don't know them. Lola's a pretty lady, she's got lovely skin - but it seems to me that apart from her out of control spending she seems to need constant reassurance, that's she's looking good, doing the right thing. I can see self esteem issues, boredom, possible loneliness and isolation. Qurio's a really unhealthy app to subscribe to because it isn't helping people recognise or deal with their issues - it's making it worse.
I'm a bit addicted to this thread, but at least it's not costing me money!
On the other hand she could be a major attention seeker who adores compliments & praise.
Did anyone else watch Panorama? I didn’t think it told us any more than what most people already know. No real shockers there - although I agree that the industry needs regulating. I don’t think the programme is likely to put people off using pay later schemes.
Did anyone else watch Panorama? I didn’t think it told us any more than what most people already know. No real shockers there - although I agree that the industry needs regulating. I don’t think the programme is likely to put people off using pay later schemes.

I watched it. To be honest, I felt it almost encouraged the use of the “buy now/pay later” culture. I can only imagine the debts that some people will have accrued over the Christmas period.
The thing I found shocking was the people buying food on easy pay. Are they buying so much tat that they have to pay for food instalments?

The guy just bought shirts etc using the buy not pay later and seemed just fine with it, then ordered more before even finishing paying for what he had.
The thing I found shocking was the people buying food on easy pay. Are they buying so much tat that they have to pay for food instalments?

The guy just bought shirts etc using the buy not pay later and seemed just fine with it, then ordered more before even finishing paying for what he had.
None so shocking as what we see on the Qurio app though. Lola's literally gone crazy, buying her 3rd swim dress amongst a load of other things! One, she actually admitted that couldn't even remember what it was because she's ordered so much lately! I don't know about you, but if I need a few extra little bits of clothing for a holiday - I'll pop out and buy it, or order it a week or so before I go. Seems crazy to buy stuff so far in advance especially at the moment when none of us are sure that our planned holidays will be able to go ahead anyway and whether the stuff you've bought will still fit you when the time comes!
Like I said at the start of this thread, it's a real eyeopener and that it gives real insight into how Q are doing so well for themselves. This app is only showing the show offs - It's scary to think of the folk who trying to hide their habits - The things they have in common is that they're making QVC remain poor value for money and they're in denial. Q - This is not good!
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Do you think the main stars of the tatty appy are also buying to the same extent from other companies?
I don't actually - as they seem pretty obsessed with Q and will buy anything. When I look at some of the crap they buy from clearance, I think they're frantically searching for something to buy - anything. One lady bought a pretty non descript pink t shirt with angel sleeves. She paraded herself wearing it with a black bra underneath which was totally visible, she said it would be better with a lighter colour underneath, but didn't bother to change her underwear? Obviously she couldn't wait to show it off. Why would you want a summer top like that at Christmas time anyway? Obviously to stop her getting withdrawal symptoms!
None so shocking as what we see on the Qurio app though. Lola's literally gone crazy, buying her 3rd swim dress amongst a load of other things! One, she actually admitted that couldn't even remember what it was because she's ordered so much lately! I don't know about you, but if I need a few extra little bits of clothing for a holiday - I'll pop out and buy it, or order it a week or so before I go. Seems crazy to buy stuff so far in advance especially at the moment when none of us are sure that our planned holidays will be able to go ahead anyway and whether the stuff you've bought will still fit you when the time comes!
Like I said at the start of this thread, it's a real eyeopener and that it gives real insight into how Q are doing so well for themselves. This app is only showing the show offs - It's scary to think of the folk who trying to hide their habits - The things they have in common is that they're making QVC remain poor value for money and they're in denial. Q - This is not good!
Like I said earlier I think it’s become a competition between a few of them who can post the most reviews and you are right I feel one lady has got a real shopping problem but Lola is just a show off why does she keep feeling and mentioning her big boobs and aiming the camera at them.
The thing I found shocking was the people buying food on easy pay. Are they buying so much tat that they have to pay for food instalments?

The guy just bought shirts etc using the buy not pay later and seemed just fine with it, then ordered more before even finishing paying for what he had.
Clearly some are having a problem setting their priorities!
I hope they have enough for rent/mortgage, bills etc…
It might just be coincidence but I’ve noticed that quite a few don’t wear wedding rings, so maybe they haven’t got an OH monitoring their spending sprees.
But OH are just as bad in many cases.

QVC don't really sell much to appeal to men.

Men tend to be more inclined towards gambling.

A woman I used to work with had a husband who had to buy the latest, newest tech item when there was nothing wrong with the ones they had. He once bought on the credit card a brand new £500 camera when he had bought a brand-new camera a few months before.
Like I said earlier I think it’s become a competition between a few of them who can post the most reviews and you are right I feel one lady has got a real shopping problem but Lola is just a show off why does she keep feeling and mentioning her big boobs and aiming the camera at them.
OnlyFans 🤭😉😂

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