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I think Erika has a spending problem. I know that I am making assumptions here. She may be financially buoyant and not overspending but she IS over shopping and it is blatant. She sees something reduced and feels compelled to buy it, FOMO perhaps? At the end of the day, even buying a reduced item is still buying, She really would be saving if she didn't buy at all, Think how much she could pop into a savings account to buy something she really wants. I am sure she doesn't really want all these items if she was honest with herself. I find it rather sad. Like I said, not my place to judge her personal circumstances but she doesn't look to me like she is very wealthy. I think she is caught up in the trappings of "inspirational living". No wonder, QVC aggressively push that ideal on to us constantly and I have fallen for the sales patter.
Totally agree. I have bought so much stuff in the past that I've never worn or used and then off it goes to the charity shop. Complete waste of money that I couldn't really afford. I'm buying no more of anything except essentials until my credit card is clear. All these QVC adverts show perfect families in perfect homes, none show lonely less well off people surrounded by large debts and piles of useless items they don't need.

Totally agree. I have bought so much stuff in the past that I've never worn or used and then off it goes to the charity shop. Complete waste of money that I couldn't really afford. I'm buying no more of anything except essentials until my credit card is clear. All these QVC adverts show perfect families in perfect homes, none show lonely less well off people surrounded by large debts and piles of useless items they don't need.

I totally agree with everything you say. I don't know about you but pretty much all the stuff that falls under that category for me, has been bought from shopping channels. You watch the shows, listen to all the hype, get a buzz from placing your order, and excitedly wait for it to arrive, rip it open, be a bit disappointed & bung it in back of the cupboard. I've bought crap from shops don't get me wrong, but my problems started when I started spending my money with the likes of Q. These adverts all part of the hype. I remember one ad showing some woman pouring the last of her Molton Brown into her huge luxurious bath tub. Whilst she was waiting she relaxed on a plush chair wearing a sumptuous white bathrobe, displaying perfectly manicured nails as she ordered some more on her tablet! They make it look so easy. A million miles away from seeing a brow beaten mum laden down with bags reaching for a bottle of Matey and a nit comb! Just another example of how out of touch this company is. Yes, they're trying to sell a lifestyle, so of course their ads will be more akin to perfume/car adverts as opposed to McCain oven chips & Maccy D's - BUT the perfume adverts for example are pure fantasy which they don't try to hide "What would you do for love?"
QVC ads are sneaky, by making it look so achievable...all you need is a phone and a credit card "What would you do for debt?!"
And after sucking you in and encouraging you to spend, spend, spend, God help you if you then miss even one easy payment. Then you don't answer the letters, don't answer the phone and then the dreaded "don't answer the door". It's wrong.

I think Erika has a spending problem. I know that I am making assumptions here. She may be financially buoyant and not overspending but she IS over shopping and it is blatant. She sees something reduced and feels compelled to buy it, FOMO perhaps? At the end of the day, even buying a reduced item is still buying, She really would be saving if she didn't buy at all, Think how much she could pop into a savings account to buy something she really wants. I am sure she doesn't really want all these items if she was honest with herself. I find it rather sad. Like I said, not my place to judge her personal circumstances but she doesn't look to me like she is very wealthy. I think she is caught up in the trappings of "inspirational living". No wonder, QVC aggressively push that ideal on to us constantly and I have fallen for the sales patter.
Again I'm making assumptions too, but from her many videos I can see a picture of somebody who is spending to overcome boredom and isolation. I'd imagine that she's unable to go out to work because of family commitments. Does she actually have a social life to speak of? very possibly not. On the surface, Qurio's great for her because she can have fun making her videos, interact with others, even if it's just through the comments section and more recently the split screen thing she did with Jenny Wren. Sadly, in the long run it's not great , as to be able to "keep up" she has to continue spending. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I feel she's wasting too much time on an activity that does nothing to broaden her horizons, and what's more could cause all manner of problems for her and her family. She's posted 137 videos, and whilst I've not seen all of them by any means, the ones I have seen all paint the same picture. I wish her all the best, as she seems really sweet and has a lovely little family and I hate to see people (her especially) being blindsided and sucked into the greedy jaws of Q. This app is taking advantage of people as it hides under a veil of sincerity, friendship and fun. Of course it also pretends to be a useful tool. In reality it's about as much use as a bicycle without wheels (Other useless things are available!)
If Q continue not to recognise the potential damage their app is doing and not do anything to improve it, I hope it continues to wain until it eventually fizzles out - Good riddance!
137 videos that’s to many,in fact 1 is to many.
Totally agree this is so cynical,and immoral as a marketing tool for QVC.
I do feel sorry for that particular lady,she definitely needs help.
Being taken advantage of by QVC and the tat seller’s,these people don’t know their own minds,and easily encouraged eh KATY.
Qurio is essentially useless as a review platform. For a start it’s back to front. Most people when they look up reviews have a specific make and model of an item in mind. They’ll google it and find numerous reviews to look at. This is not possible with Qurio. Items are very roughly categorised and to find the thing you’re interested in you’d need to scroll through umpteen random videos . It’s extremely unlikely you’ll find what you’re looking for, and if you do it’ll be one single review.
Who looks up reviews of clothing anyway. ? If I’m buying something to wear online and see written reviews, I’ll take a look - I don’t go searching.
It’s far too random to be of any practical use and a lot of items being reviewed are in clearance or a tsv , therefore no longer available, or at a much higher price.
I’d say, if you shop with Q and you know roughly what you’re looking for - key it into the search bar and read the reviews customers have written . A lot quicker and saves the hassle of watching cardboard boxes being opened, ladies jiggling their boobs, and generally trying to fit a quart into a pint pot - whatever floats your boat I guess!
I do read the ordinary Q reviews before I buy but as I don't have a smart phone and apps then I can't see the lovely ladies, which is probably just as well.

Now, back to the darts. Chizzy v Cullen. It's so exciting that I don't need Qurio :p I know, I'm a saddo.

T20 cricket in this house, they’re all looking a bit hot and sticky…..🥵
Definitely slowing down still, last week there was just a handful of reviews. Nothing so far this week, though it is only Monday. I haven't got a clue here but would an app like this be expensive to maintain? I know that somebody or a team have to moderate and I'm sure there must be other things involved. I'm not sure how they'd measure it's success either. It's a huge company, so I'd imagine when they created this app, they were expecting an enormous amount of interest. I don't know how many subscribers they have, but I'd say that the majority don't ever post anything, or even pass comment. The build up to Christmas and Christmas itself saw a lot of activity, which is to be expected. Lets face it though, most of that activity was down to about 4 or 5 contributors. Without whom, this new app would've flopped spectacularly!
I'm guessing if it's relatively inexpensive to maintain, then it'll continue, however, if it becomes financially unviable, then surely they'll have to pull the plug, but wouldn't that be rather embarrassing for them?
Cardboard Richard with his let’s go introduction,more money than sense,and plainly enjoying telling the lovely ladies,what great bargains QVC have.
Lola if you are reading this please come back,and regain your crown as top Qurio video maker.
137 videos on Qurio? Imagine the cost of that number of purchases plus the P&P and most of those are things are far from essential.All this talk of the increased cost of living, fuel and food yet some of these people plough on with opening boxes from QVC. Problems? Where would you start?
Cardboard Richard with his let’s go introduction,more money than sense,and plainly enjoying telling the lovely ladies,what great bargains QVC have.
Lola if you are reading this please come back,and regain your crown as top Qurio video maker.
Sorry, but 🤣🤣🤣
137 videos on Qurio? Imagine the cost of that number of purchases plus the P&P and most of those are things are far from essential.All this talk of the increased cost of living, fuel and food yet some of these people plough on with opening boxes from QVC. Problems? Where would you start?
I seriously wouldn't want to - It's terrifying. The amount in p&p alone would amount to hundreds of pounds. If the postage on average was £3.95 on each item, then this little spree would've have cost £541 in p&p alone. That's just insane, and I can't imagine how anybody, regardless of their financial status would want to throw their money down the drain like this. No wonder she doesn't appear to send anything back!
I would love to see a video, lets say it's the 4 Skechers t-shirts. One screen showing a customer placing an order, opening a box, ( a speeded up clock showing this is 24 hours later) containing all 4 and an invoice showing a lower cost and in the p&p box - 0.00. He folds up the box and puts it neatly into the recycling!
Cut to screen two. The Qvc customer is seen tearing off the days of the desk calendar. Day 7 "ding dong" and there are 4 plastic bags secured with an elastic band on the doorstep. The customer opens them, gathers up the detritus and goes outside to the dustbin, where he discards the packaging. He then reaches into his back pocket and removes 3 crisp £10 notes and throws them into the dustbin too. Very sobering but very true!
Cardboard Richard with his let’s go introduction,more money than sense,and plainly enjoying telling the lovely ladies,what great bargains QVC have.
Lola if you are reading this please come back,and regain your crown as top Qurio video maker.
I keep thinking of that Faces song from the 70s ......Pool Hall Richard
It's now stuck in my head:ROFLMAO:
its been a while since I’ve been able to see more than 3 Arsebook posts but someone who used to post a lot about smelly wax and gloop has posted the following.

“You really should’nt stock Shay & Blue. They have little to no respect for there customers and are underhand in how they do business.l

Anyone know what that is about as S&B black tulip is one of the very few scents I can occasionally wear due to sensitive skin
You really think QVC website could handle that? Half the time they cannot even get a photo of the item up.
The reviewers could save Q a job. Imagine the Kipling pockets and flaps tours you could get into?
I'd like to think if a buyer did a thorough review it would shame Q into doing better... but while they constantly try to do social media, they have consistently neglected their website.
They need to buck their ideas up, and invest in a 21st century warehouse management system if they want to drive sales via social media as well as telly. The half-baked system they have got is inadequate for the intended purpose.
Don’t be silly this is QVC high postage charges,convoluted and impossible difficult returns process.
Products sent out to customers used,and some daft enough not to return them.
Presenters hardly capable of giving out proper descriptions of products.
So called Z listers given their own brands to front,often expensive and variable in quality.
Qurio just a place to round up the shopaholics in one place,to dazzle each other with bull***t and encourage overspending.
Charmless tat sellers with a barrow boy mentality,if there not selling it’s all about themselves or there latest book,dinosaurs all of them and you know what happened to the dinosaurs 🦕
its been a while since I’ve been able to see more than 3 Arsebook posts but someone who used to post a lot about smelly wax and gloop has posted the following.

“You really should’nt stock Shay & Blue. They have little to no respect for there customers and are underhand in how they do business.l

Anyone know what that is about as S&B black tulip is one of the very few scents I can occasionally wear due to sensitive skin
Sounds to me like someone who ordered direct from Shay and not happy. I ordered from them, but it was before COVID and everything went well. Usually I bought from M&S when they did the 20% off Shay. Now, I started getting emails from Shay before Xmas about products. This is something I haven't had for a few years.

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