Putting life into perspective


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I remember when the first Paris terror attack happened all the on line sites had put up banners supporting France immediately but Q took a long long time to do anything and even then it was only because of a lot of criticism from everyone.

There were a long thread on here at the time all voicing our disgust at Q.
I remember when the first Paris terror attack happened all the on line sites had put up banners supporting France immediately but Q took a long long time to do anything and even then it was only because of a lot of criticism from everyone.

There were a long thread on here at the time all voicing our disgust at Q.

I think QVC would prefer to pretend real life tragedies don't occur in QVC-land. Unless they can make a sales opportunity out of it, of course (for the more crass and insensitive presenters and guests).
Poor Ruth. Her sister's long term illness was depression and reading between the lines, it seems that she took her own life. Apparently Ruth was very supportive and always on hand to help her so her shock at the loss and her grief, will probably be joined by nagging doubts about whether she could have done more.

As for QVC, they initially carried on broadcasting when Princess Diana died, even though the music channels had all ceased due to the mood of the nation. They eventually decided to cease after a few days (probably due to their viewing figures and orders being at the point of hitting zilch) and resumed after the funeral. When 9/11 happened, they ceased broadcasting immediately but were back on air by mid-evening, selling nail polish.

I really feel for Ruth if this is the case. I have had a similar experience and you never ever get over the feeling of wondering if you could have prevented it. Those left never come to terms with it and it’s even worse when you had no idea then you really wonder how you could have missed it.

I think QVC would prefer to pretend real life tragedies don't occur in QVC-land. Unless they can make a sales opportunity out of it, of course (for the more crass and insensitive presenters and guests).

As when DF suggested shape wear for flood victims.
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I remember when the first Paris terror attack happened all the on line sites had put up banners supporting France immediately but Q took a long long time to do anything and even then it was only because of a lot of criticism from everyone.

There were a long thread on here at the time all voicing our disgust at Q.

I can’t remember if it was after the Paris terror attack or the London Bridge terror attack but I am pretty sure I watched a jewellery guest suggest buying a piece of jewellery to cheer yourself up at sad times like that. I know I saw that because I remember I felt shocked and disgusted.
I knew I hadn’t imagined it. I have found the thread on this forum referring to it. The thread is called
Just when you think they can’t sink any lower. Date 14/11/2015
I can’t remember if it was after the Paris terror attack or the London Bridge terror attack but I am pretty sure I watched a jewellery guest suggest buying a piece of jewellery to cheer yourself up at sad times like that. I know I saw that because I remember I felt shocked and disgusted.

I think it was the Paris bombings when Lulu Time Bomb was a TSV and Simon Biagi said when it got to her with that stupid grin of his “there are bombs going off all over the place!!” I was absolutely gobsmacked at his insensitivity, he didn’t say it in a somber way, it was a laughing jokey way, the man’s totally repulsive.
I think it was the Paris bombings when Lulu Time Bomb was a TSV and Simon Biagi said when it got to her with that stupid grin of his “there are bombs going off all over the place!!” I was absolutely gobsmacked at his insensitivity, he didn’t say it in a somber way, it was a laughing jokey way, the man’s totally repulsive.

It always amazes me that when significant events are happening the powers that be don't brief the presenters and guests to avoid linking selling frivolous items to tragedies. They instead allow insensitive, tone-deaf, offensive commentary to push a trinket, item of clothing or more. I would prefer, if they can't be respectful on air, that they don't make any mention whatever.

I hope Ruth allows herself the time to heal, after the shock of her bereavement. I don't think she and Eamonn can need the money so badly that the TSV can't wait.
It always amazes me that when significant events are happening the powers that be don't brief the presenters and guests to avoid linking selling frivolous items to tragedies. They instead allow insensitive, tone-deaf, offensive commentary to push a trinket, item of clothing or more. I would prefer, if they can't be respectful on air, that they don't make any mention whatever.

I hope Ruth allows herself the time to heal, after the shock of her bereavement. I don't think she and Eamonn can need the money so badly that the TSV can't wait.

He always has his gurning gob stuck in the paper every morning so he knew. They can get away with anything at QVC, he knows that too.
Ah... LATI. Some employers maybe. My OH had an accident at work. Their fault. He wants to go back when he's fit, they want to get rid.

I'm so bloody angry at them. They're a big multi-national.

Times haven't changed enough.

This sort of thing makes me mad. Employers don’t seem to realise that by ‘playing fair’ with employees usually reaps benefits for the company. I used to manage a large team and always tried my best to make sure people needing time off for bereavement, family illness, divorce etc felt that I supported them. Some took advantage but funnily enough their co-workers themselves took them to task. For me, it meant that I could always rely on getting someone in early or stay late, do a little something extra if necessary.

Sorry, sounds like a management lecture but it’s something I’m passionate about.
I can’t remember if it was after the Paris terror attack or the London Bridge terror attack but I am pretty sure I watched a jewellery guest suggest buying a piece of jewellery to cheer yourself up at sad times like that. I know I saw that because I remember I felt shocked and disgusted.

Alison O'Reilly?
You did, it was and I sent a complaint in to the Q. It was an Angel's Wing. Bloody disgrace!!! It was after the Paris attack.
I think it was the Paris bombings when Lulu Time Bomb was a TSV and Simon Biagi said when it got to her with that stupid grin of his “there are bombs going off all over the place!!” I was absolutely gobsmacked at his insensitivity, he didn’t say it in a somber way, it was a laughing jokey way, the man’s totally repulsive.

That is horrendous & he should have been taken off the programme immediately. All their talk about supporting charities is meaningless, they are morally bankrupt.
These people may be very well paid but I am afraid that, in my opinion, they are not very bright and they have very little, if any, common sense.

I have heard a rumour that they earn in excess of £250,000 plus per annum. Surely, that can’t be right???
The world keeps on turning & I've always found the day to day routine, including work, very helpful during the sad times. However, there has to be a balance & it may be that this TSV doesn't take place. When my mum was terminally ill I was criticised for still wearing make up, going to work & being 'me'. It was a lady, whose garden I walked passed every day & admired, who said the most comforting words to me - " The thread of life once dropped is hard to pick up". I carried on doing what I was doing just as my mum would have expected.

Horrible comment by mean, thoughtless person. I went into shock when my mum died but I put my lipstick on when I ventured out.
The world keeps on turning & I've always found the day to day routine, including work, very helpful during the sad times. However, there has to be a balance & it may be that this TSV doesn't take place. When my mum was terminally ill I was criticised for still wearing make up, going to work & being 'me'. It was a lady, whose garden I walked passed every day & admired, who said the most comforting words to me - " The thread of life once dropped is hard to pick up". I carried on doing what I was doing just as my mum would have expected.

Sometimes you’re still in shock were your mind is telling your body to carry on as normal, it’s a defence mechanism so we don’t collapse on the floor in a heap of grief and unable to function when you’ve had some really distressing news, so take no notice xxx

I can’t remember if it was after the Paris terror attack or the London Bridge terror attack but I am pretty sure I watched a jewellery guest suggest buying a piece of jewellery to cheer yourself up at sad times like that. I know I saw that because I remember I felt shocked and disgusted.

Disgusting isn’t it when QVC use times of distress and trauma to sell some silver and cut glass tat. Almost as bad a as Debbie Flint and those knickers. How low can one company sink.

That is horrendous & he should have been taken off the programme immediately. All their talk about supporting charities is meaningless, they are morally bankrupt.

No one ever is T, I remember Jackie Kabler a few years back selling a Cooks Essentials frying pan, they started talking about dogs and how her neighbours dog kept her up with it’s barking, then said you could use the pan to hit your dog over the head to keep it quite, I’m sure other Forum buddies will remember it. I believe Jackie Kablers mouth is the same size as her foot, it’s always in there.
These people may be very well paid but I am afraid that, in my opinion, they are not very bright and they have very little, if any, common sense.

I have heard a rumour that they earn in excess of £250,000 plus per annum. Surely, that can’t be right???

:mysmilie_13: Totally WTAF :mysmilie_13:
If true it is beyond obscene compared to what most people are paid. People who offer a lot more than this bunch of silly, not very bright, self obsessed show offs.
Horrible comment by mean, thoughtless person. I went into shock when my mum died but I put my lipstick on when I ventured out.

When we are feeling at our lowest ebb, seemingly trivial acts of self care are hugely important! They give us the courage to face the world head-on. I would have no truck with a judgemental harpie. I would remind them that they might take a different path, but it's not up to her to determine what's right for someone else.

And Evie, I'm sorry for your loss.

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