Pipa's planning to cook


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Oct 25, 2012
I`ve just had a survey from Q telling me that pipa has had a brain wave and wants to do a cookery show and asking my thoughts about it. I told them it all sounds pretty boring and to forget the idea. I wonder if they`ll be planning to use it to flog yet more overpriced food ?
Sounds to me like they can't afford to get Andi Peters back... or they want to have another regular show, but during the daytime rather than the evening, and Andi Peters isn't available at the time they want to do it.
Why don't they come up with a PROPER craft show. Not the ones where its just card making, but think of all the knitting wool they'd could flog, or sewing accessories. Then there are the artists equipment, jewellery findings, even glass painting. It would be nice to see some new and different experts exhibiting their skills. Craft is just NOT only about making ****** cards !

I make Venetian style masks, so wouldn't help me, but it would be lovely to sit and 'be lost' for an hour watching somebody showing me how to paint, or painting a wine glass, or how to create a simple necklace.

Not another cookery show thanks.
I'm getting increasingly cynical these days.

I reckon they don't feel they are getting enough sales per view during daytime. Hence not only Morning Show, but Kathy's weekly fashion slot... then the rolling trainwreck which is the Lunchtime Show. Given that it's once in a blue moon you see Pipa after 5pm, perhaps the idea is yet another attempt to boost daytime viewers to shop more with QVC.

Forget the fact that there are a myriad of other things which they could do which would be likely to boost their sales which they won't consider...
Andi Peters? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Cooking? Is there anything that bloke won't try to get back on the box? So he's an expert cook now, is he?

Sounds to me like they can't afford to get Andi Peters back... or they want to have another regular show, but during the daytime rather than the evening, and Andi Peters isn't available at the time they want to do it.
Andi Peters? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Cooking? Is there anything that bloke won't try to get back on the box? So he's an expert cook now, is he?

You mean you missed his two series of Monday night shows with Dale Franklin? Yes, he's a bonafide cook now he's been on Celebrity MasterChef (didn't win it, and was very sore about it, by what I've heard).
Well Andi Peters wouldn't be bothered with QVC now as hes too busy travelling the world for This Morning, telling us how we could spend £1,000,000!
Why don't they come up with a PROPER craft show. Not the ones where its just card making, but think of all the knitting wool they'd could flog, or sewing accessories. Then there are the artists equipment, jewellery findings, even glass painting. It would be nice to see some new and different experts exhibiting their skills. Craft is just NOT only about making ****** cards !

I make Venetian style masks, so wouldn't help me, but it would be lovely to sit and 'be lost' for an hour watching somebody showing me how to paint, or painting a wine glass, or how to create a simple necklace.

Not another cookery show thanks.

that wont ever happen as with 2 new craft channels around they just aint even going to attempt it as it would just not be viable
Wow not like that's ever been done before eh, how innovative! and as far as brain waves go that's pretty erm...........uneventful. Mind you I don't watch much or buy anything so my sarcasm is wasted.
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Well Andi Peters wouldn't be bothered with QVC now as hes too busy travelling the world for This Morning, telling us how we could spend £1,000,000!

Talk about easy money for no talent ! Makes me wonder why I bothered with all those years of education, when I should have gone to a stage school and then straight on to a Soap. I see loads are making their way back to Corrie and 'enders cos they've been out of work for years.
What's wrong with Jilly, the nice lady who demonstrates Ninjas, and Simon Brown? How many more cookery lessons do we need, especially since we're all away being catered for on cruises? Or are they trundling Pipa out as a makeshift slebshef who'll be showing us how to stuff a mushroom? Stuff that!
pippa cant even cook. shes said it loads of times. i like her shes one of the best presenters but a chef she is not
I don't think it means Simon is leaving because he actually does know how to cook, I think this is just Pipa jumping on the band wagon and feeling left out because, Chuntley has her technology, Kathy Tayler has her "fashion, Alison Keenan has her Diamonbleek, Debbie Flint has everything social media so there's not a lot left for Pipa to claim really.
Yes I got the survey. Told them I had no interest, and why? I live alone and have no interest in cooking programmes which cater for family cooking, which I bet this will be. Oh and what I don't want to see if I watched? Non-stop Ipad and Tweeting.
Q's probably trying to be innovative and different with their themed shows ......Lol. .....Celebrity cooks don't hang around long .They dont have to they get plenty of exposure elsewhere. There was the Italian guy selling his wares,forgotten his name but he never returned.
Same with John Barrowman, funny how he "loved" QVC when he had hair care to flog, don't watch much but I don't think he's been back now he doesn't sell it anymore, strange that. My opinion is I'd give Kathy Tayler the cooking gig and Pipa the "fashion" more plausible.

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