Watching him late on a Friday and Saturday night has become a guilty pleasure. I cant sleep at moment so I stay up watching him till 1.30 in the morning! Maybe he does know there are a lot of quite lonely and elderly viewers who tune in and maybe he is trageting them, I wish I wasnt cynical about it either! Still he probably has sales figures to meet or exceed and so the stories get more and more far fetched and desperate. Im often quite embarassed so heaven knows how red faced some older dears are! BUT maybe they have lived a long life and are not quite as easily shocked as people think! Just hope they dont spend and then end up sitting up to watch in the cold as they dare not turn on the heating!
I noticed Valentines and today with Easter, he does seem to receive quite a few cards and letters from more mature ladies. Maybe they feel he is talking more to them and to give him some credit, he does take time to read out letters and cards and mention names too for them. On Valentines day, I was surprised he was able to read out so many cards and names, cant see even QVC or Ideal giving over 10 minutes of a sales oppportunity to acknowledge letters, think it was nice for that to happen.