Perri 'CON' -- please stay away from this range!


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Many thanks DMS, it's really good to know that as an aromatherapist whilst you love and enjoy EOs you understand the possible issues they could cause and are responsible about their use.

I don't claim to understand the properties of them and agree that used correctly and in the right quantities they can give amazing benefits and not just a smell. As minim and others say they are natural but even nuts to a nut allergy sufferer can have potentially tragic consequences.

I'm a dedicated natural skincare user and have been for many years and despite some horrendous reactions I've never wished to revert to use products with mineral oils, some of the chemical nasties often quoted etc, it's just my personal preference but I have to be super careful. Lavender, that is meant to be calming, and I am sure is for many causes terrible lumps, bumps, breakouts and redness when used (diluted in a cream) on me, but I recently found out that it's a member of the mint family which I never knew so I think that's why my skin doesn't like it.

It's a fascinating subject and like you say people advertise products with EOs without maybe explaining clearly possible drawbacks of using them as well as possible benefits. Many thanks again :sun:
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Yes DMS, another cannot use rose my roseaca just totally hates it and I break out in spots.

There is a war, yes I mean a war going on between the natural brands and the information you get from them vs the synthetic brands. You are not allowed to have a happy medium, oh no you are with one side or the other.

On the perfume boards you get people posting about all the dangers of chemicals in cosmetics and how we are eating breathing them in. Then the others complaining natural ingredients have no longevity etc and can be just as dangerous etc.

Newspapers are just as bad, lead in lipstick you eat so my pounds of it in your life etc. The warnings from the companies and governing bodies say MAY, but some stupid so and so will come on a board and tell you mineral oil will give you cancer! Yes, I actually read that as review on QVC US for Eve Lom cleanser!!!!! "This product has mineral oil, which causes cancer!" Parabens are the same, we are brainwashed that these will kill you, yet they are in meds, food etc. If they were killing us, I do think they would be banned. I bet in a few years they will be declared safe, that is usually the way. Something is bad and will kill us, yet some years later the same experts tell us, "Oh no, they are totally safe."

I know on Basenotes last week someone came on and did the chemicals in perfume and breathing them in etc. Some ignored them, others made a joke about it. I asked why all these allergies seem to be in North America? Are they all weaklings over there? We know, we are adults we can decide for ourselves.
I fully agree Donna and there`s got to be a happy medium somewhere and not black or white as far as skincare products. We can`t live in a plastic bubble away from chemicals, additives etc , it`s impossible. I use organic shea butter, coconut oil and lavender water on my skin but I also use branded stuff too, usually Clinique or No 7. I once tried an essential oil moisturiser and everytime I used it I got a terrible headache, sounds silly but it`s true. It`s all a sense of proportion isn`t it ? On the other hand it`s always useful to know if something seems or feels particulary " toxic " for want of a better phrase, hence the warning at the beginning of this thread but I won`t lose any sleep because my products don`t belong in one particular camp or the other ie natural or not.
This is Paula Begoun's review of the Perricone range:-

Perricone MD Cosmeceuticals At-A-Glance

Strengths: Good cleansers; handful of very good moisturizers for eye area;
outstanding tinted moisturizer with sunscreen; well-formulated topical
disinfectant; some fragrance-free products.

Weaknesses: Expensive; long on claims not supported by evidence-based science; shortage of products with sunscreen for normal to oily skin; no BHA products; no products to lighten skin discolorations; most Super products aren't at all super.

She goes on to say that any results from this range will be due to the 10% glycolic acid but that there are many products just as well formulated and much less expensive. Also that most of his products contain the controversial ingredient DMAE - the link to the review is here
I fully agree Donna and there`s got to be a happy medium somewhere and not black or white as far as skincare products. We can`t live in a plastic bubble away from chemicals, additives etc , it`s impossible. I use organic shea butter, coconut oil and lavender water on my skin but I also use branded stuff too, usually Clinique or No 7. I once tried an essential oil moisturiser and everytime I used it I got a terrible headache, sounds silly but it`s true. It`s all a sense of proportion isn`t it ? On the other hand it`s always useful to know if something seems or feels particulary " toxic " for want of a better phrase, hence the warning at the beginning of this thread but I won`t lose any sleep because my products don`t belong in one particular camp or the other ie natural or not.

I agree too and don't live in a plastic bubble (although I do my best) but for me my skin issues to non-natural skincare are worse than the natural counterparts so there is method in my opinion.

Eczema, allergies and perio-oral dermatitis do not allow me to use anything with mineral oil, fragrance, alcohol etc or any one or combination of them. Oh the luxury of being able to choose something I just fancy using for skincare or make-up but sadly I couldn't go anywhere near many products and those big well known brands.

For some of us it isn't just about a sense of proportion more a necessity (?sp) if I were to find something chemcial based that I can use safely I'm happy to - in fact I love my Nivea naturals lip balm which is not exactly pure and organic :)
interesting about the perricone having glycolic acid more than likely the only active ingredient to its credit. love glycolic really makes a massive ingredient
This is Paula Begoun's review of the Perricone range:-

Perricone MD Cosmeceuticals At-A-Glance

Strengths: Good cleansers; handful of very good moisturizers for eye area;
outstanding tinted moisturizer with sunscreen; well-formulated topical
disinfectant; some fragrance-free products.

Weaknesses: Expensive; long on claims not supported by evidence-based science; shortage of products with sunscreen for normal to oily skin; no BHA products; no products to lighten skin discolorations; most Super products aren't at all super.

So basically it's like most other products on the market! :happy: They just like to charge more because it is 'special' and people get sucked into the marketing.

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