Perri 'CON' -- please stay away from this range!


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sometimes the more natural a product claims to be the worse it is for your skin. natuarl does not mean you wont be allergic to it in fact it can be a lot more toxic than ingredients produced in a lab. just my opinion.

also i cannot stand some of the more heathier shampoos they just make my hair feel horrid. sls is made from coconut oil but because its cheap to produce some sectors of the beauty industry are shunning it in favour of other more expensive but less effective lathering ingredients. some of it is usefull for people who have genuine issues but to me a lot of it is a marketing con to get people to spend a lot more money on basic beauty products.
I fully agree Boffy. That`s why I cautioned to take everything we read with a pinch of salt. All cosmetic companies are in it to make money and the more they claim the more they`re often wide of the mark IMO
I used 2 different brands of natural sls free shampoo a while ago, one made my scalp itch like mad, the other made my hair feel and look like straw. I gave up with these and went back to my normal stuff and my hair recovered.

Also re anti ageing products,I read a magazine article that said dermatolagists and facialists are seeing a lot of skin problems caused by over use of anti ageing creams. They seem to be doing more harm than good. They recommended a return to gentle, more natural products, but as has been said already on this thread, what is good natural ?
Think I'll stick to goose grease. Works wonders but smells rough! Just off topic ( and I think I might well be on my own here) when I was a kid, my nana used to rub goose grease on my chest if I had a bad cold. It was covered by a layer of brown paper and then I had to put my liberty bodice on top. I must have smelt like a chip shop! Anyone else remember anything similar?

Ah yes, those were the days, of wincyette petticoats hung over the gas oven door to keep us warm, liberty bodice with rubber buttons, and here's a great one - dont wash your hair when you have a period ! My nan had great skin and only used Vaseline, Mum was a little more fashionable she used Astral face cream and Max Factor Creme Puff. Not much choice 60 years ago but my Mum still scrubbed up like Ava Gardner !!!!!!
the perriconne woman looks like an alien and the stuff is extortionate. I am using Aldi's q10 face cream at the moment and it is really good, skin feels smooth and looks glowing. Sorry to all of you who have bad reactions, I am lucky with skin products but eye make up is another matter, especially during the hay fever season which seems to be never ending this year.
LOL I remember goose grease. My mum used to warm the jar of goose grease in the oven then rub our chests with it. We then stank to high heaven !
There`s got to be something in the over using skin products we do today because when you look back to our Mothers era they had nothing but the simplest of products and they had skin like a peach and skin irritations were practically unheard of. My Mum`s cosmetic routine was washing her face with Pears soap and then applying Yardley vanishing cream and that was it. She`d wash her hair in whatever shampoo and because she had naturally curly fly away hair she`d put a drop of olive oil no bigger than a raindrop into the palms of her hands, rub her hands together and then just rub them through her hair before combing it. To the day she died she had lovely skin, lovely hair and the only makeup she ever wore was a dab of face powder and lipstick. She loved perfume though and I still have an evening bag of hers with am empty tiny tiny blue bottle with the pointed top of Soir de Paris inside it and to this day you can still smell the wonderful aroma from it and the bottle must be at least 35 years old.
For legal reasons I cannot make public on here what this range has done to my skin personally, but just to say to all the dear friends on here
"please stay away" --- as it may cost you more than just the 'price' of purchase.

Sorry, I cant comment further, except to say, if you are getting good results, then great, but for me, no way!

I have tried various skin ranges too on QVC and they don't work, very overpriced and I always go back to good old Baby lotion and oil of ulay!
Ah yes, those were the days, of wincyette petticoats hung over the gas oven door to keep us warm, liberty bodice with rubber buttons, and here's a great one - dont wash your hair when you have a period ! My nan had great skin and only used Vaseline, Mum was a little more fashionable she used Astral face cream and Max Factor Creme Puff. Not much choice 60 years ago but my Mum still scrubbed up like Ava Gardner !!!!!!

Oh yes those liberty bodices, my mum used to say about not washing your hair when you had your period lol, I remember her using those mascara blocks you used to wet and put the brush in too!
I have tried various skin ranges too on QVC and they don't work, very overpriced and I always go back to good old Baby lotion and oil of ulay!
My gran and mum only ever used "dreaded soap and water" on their faces, and then the
old oil of ulay, the one in a pink bottle, and that was it, and they"d lovely skin, and not many wrinkles. I don"t believe in all this
layering, i think keep it simple. Sometimes we can all get carried away, oh and i don"t think they ever did the face masks and
exfoliation, how did they manage :thinking:
LadyTia, I love ReplenishingRoseFaceCream from Akamuti. Their products are organic, FreeTrade, handmade in Wales and ingredients are listed on their website. As others have said, thanks Minim ;-), essential oils may not suit. But RRFC suits me wonderfully, not one blemish in a month's use. And that is such a rarity. £15 for 50ml and a little goes a long way. x Snarly
My gran and mum only ever used "dreaded soap and water" on their faces, and then the
old oil of ulay, the one in a pink bottle, and that was it, and they"d lovely skin, and not many wrinkles. I don"t believe in all this
layering, i think keep it simple. Sometimes we can all get carried away, oh and i don"t think they ever did the face masks and
exfoliation, how did they manage :thinking:

Oils (Castor & Olive oil) and Ponds Face Cream was all Nana used and she had beautiful skin. Soap was for bath time & hands only
My mother used either bicarb or castor sugar as a scrub. I remember seeing an astringent on her dressing table that I sampled and I thought my face would fall off my skull, but I was about 9 at the time.
All I use on my face now is Olive oil & bicarb. I'm done with chemicals.
Oh my word.

Debbie Greenwood following her Perricone training session on Friday is on with it at 12 M/D.

Your only paying £144.96 and your rubbing your hands with glee, if you want to be serious about skincare so go for the auto delivery.

She's told Paul at midnight, yes the serum is really worth £166.00.

She's been using the products for 4-5 days and is already seeing the results.

Then says she's been on QVC for years and not taken to telling fibs.

The last show with Gatineau Andrew springs to my mind.
I'll await the next skincare show she presents and wait for her to announce, she really needs to get serious about her neck.

You'd be crazy to miss this, she tells us.

So way, way over the top, I feel so very sick off to ......

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Snarly I love Akamuti stuff. I buy their unperfumed liquid shea soap and use it as a facewash, also their Shea butter as a footcream and because its a thick butter I use it as a once a week as a deep face moisturiser, slap it on, get in the bath, let the steam work it`s magic and my mature dry skin comes out glowing. I find it too greasy to use as a daily moisturiser but it`s great for feet, elbows, dry hands etc and a once weekly facial moisture boost. Their coconut oil is brilliant as a weekly deep hair conditioner, rub it in, leave it 15 minutes then shampoo and I take it abroad with me to stop my hair drying out in the Sun. Can`t praise Akamuti stuff highly enough !
Nothing to do with this thread, but Minim that cat of ours is totally lovely and cute, and looks like it loves posing for you.
I"ve a cat, but don"t know how to put photos on computer yet, but i will do soon i hope. Love all the photos you put up.
Thanks :cheeky:
Oh my what a bargain I am gonna purchase one for bedroom, one for the car, one for the bog and, of course, give a pressie to everyone I know!!! Absolute tosh.
Min I used Olive Oil in desperation when my skin went bonkers a few years ago. I'm so used to my rhino hide that when it went horrible on me I didn't know quite what to do. Even E45 made it feel like it was on fire. I eventually got Double Base from the doc/chemist but Olive Oil worked for me. It's a bit whiffy though and came off on the pillow but I were desperate. For the most part my rhino hide has returned but the area that flared up ... chin and throat ... are much more sensitive and prone to spots than it used to be. Think I'm about to go for some antib lotion to knock the spots off again.
Hello All

I felt that I must add my two penneth worth so here goes

I can only speak for myself and no one else but Ive used premium skincare for a good while (15 plus years) and about a year ago decided to test it out by switching to a so called natural skincare range. The results were that after a week or so people were asking me if I was sleeping OK as I looked tired. The lines around my eyes were far more prominent and I actually saw that crackly mosaic effect on my cheeks. Within a few days of going back to the original creams (Clarins at the time) even my other half said that the results were quite evident and believe me I once changed the colour of my hair and he didnt even comment!

I wouldnt ever go as far as paying the stupid prices for the likes of Perricone but at the fear of sounding like Jill Franks I wouldnt do without the routine I use that consists of a mixture of Decleor and Elemis.

Obviously this is only my experience but felt I should even up the views:happy:
One can have a reaction to anything; I use SBC and, although I love the manuka honey/orange blossom body butter, it can irritate my skin a little I think - not enough to stop using it. Re the Perricone range, I have always believed that, whilst a serum may plump out one's wrinkles, once they have developed, they cannot disappear. The cost of this range is, in my opinion, way too expensive. I must say that I have never used the brand, so cannot comment from personal experience, but there is no way I would spend such an exorbitant amount of money on my facial routine. I love Judith Williams and it is, for a luxury product, so economical. Another favourite of mine is Emma Hardie, the moringa balm being a special favourite. £44 wasn't cheap but, because one uses it sparingly, it lasts for ages so works out to be vfm.
I used to use Philosophy everything but then Q stopped doing such good value kits. I try and keep buying Microdelivery and Purity but use Boots No 7 Protect and Perfect Intense day cream, night cream and serum. Always on 3 for 2 and I get heaps of Boots points. I also don't smoke and drink lots of water. There really is no miracle anti ageing cream, just looking after yourself and keep moisturised. The celebs have all had Botox and fillers and God knows what else, you can't believe what you see with them, not to mention air brushing!

I wonder how many people will get sucked in to the TSV today and then send it back when they realise they can't really afford it.
Nothing to do with this thread, but Minim that cat of ours is totally lovely and cute, and looks like it loves posing for you.
I"ve a cat, but don"t know how to put photos on computer yet, but i will do soon i hope. Love all the photos you put up.
Thanks :cheeky:

Not my cat, just a cutie.
Here's my Meg - a proper little madam

Min I used Olive Oil in desperation when my skin went bonkers a few years ago. I'm so used to my rhino hide that when it went horrible on me I didn't know quite what to do. Even E45 made it feel like it was on fire. I eventually got Double Base from the doc/chemist but Olive Oil worked for me. It's a bit whiffy though and came off on the pillow but I were desperate. For the most part my rhino hide has returned but the area that flared up ... chin and throat ... are much more sensitive and prone to spots than it used to be. Think I'm about to go for some antib lotion to knock the spots off again.

I use Napolina Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil - £3.00 from Tesco.
I decant some into a ceramic soap dispenser & keep it away from the window. It does not smell.
I mix two squirts of Evo with a teaspoonful of bicarb into my palm & massage & rinse with warm water. I then use wet mask removing sponges to make sure the bicarb had gone & pat dry. I like to leave a light film on my skin.

If you look at some ingredients in these anti-ageing potions they are loaded. The Perricone Deep Wrinkle Serum for example contains the controversial ingredients dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) & is fragranced with rose oil which can cause irritation.

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