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Just watching Ophelia on the Julien Macdonald show and she had to ask how to pronounce ”Hexagonal”. Words fail me 

I totally agree with you. Her pronunciation and use of words is atrocious.I witnessed that horror too, TarotI had the show on in the background and found myself rolling my eyes throughout. And what a load of inane drivel she talks! Of a naff photo frame she said ‘oooh, you just want to be next to it’…what?! And what’s with everything being ‘mesmerising’? It takes more than a few scratchy sequins and floating crystals to mesmerise me
I agree that some of the other presenters don't come across as being very pleasant people, whilst Ophelia does seem to be quite a nice soul. She is a lovely looking lady, but she's got a job to do and that's to present items on a shopping channel and imo she doesn't do a very good job of it. I could go into a store and ask an assistant a question about something, I may not like the sound of their voice or the cut of their jib but as long as they can answer the question to my satisfaction, seem slightly interested and don't personally insult me then the job's a good 'un as far as I'm concerned. After all it's product I'm buying, not the sales assistant.Ophelia is the most beautiful woman on QVC,and even in normal life she would turn heads.
Not the best presenter or the most articulate,but certainly seems a nice person,compared to the longer serving presenters,who just come over on the tv,as pushy and not very nice.
Ahh Ophelia! Is it me or is she getting worse...I am not sure wether English is her second language.Instead of getting better shes seems to be getting worse. I am sure she is a nice person but its painful to listen to. Sorry!
It's not you, unfortunately I think she is getting worse, she makes the programme unwatchable for me.
If that's the Sunacor binoculars then yes, I agree. It was very articulate presentation from him a couple of years ago that persuaded me to part with my money. I've bought some fairly pricey binoculars in the past hoping to look at the moon and the stars to find that you need to spend thousands to be able to see anything in the night sky. I even tried a telescope which I couldn't get to grips with and as I live in a city, light pollution's always going to be a problem, and far too bulky to take elsewhere, so I gave up on the idea. My £29 Sunacors are brilliant, great to pop in my bag as they're so small, great for festivals, bird watching and just taking a closer look at stuff in the distance.I am just trying to think who is articulate amongst their presenting staff and visiting experts? Hoi…Hoh..Hoe..That walk you and talk you through who never does bloke, and his mum and his bloody cat.. No, not him. The Michael Jackson in 1983 look lady with the long motorcycle glove for a surname..Reasonably so - in an annoying way..Dexter Stalingrad? He was, but he left in 1874. That man from a small shop in Hendon who sells cheap binoculars? Yes. Definitely him. Dale Franklin? Oozing bad cheese, but certainly has a command of The King’s English. That woman who never shuts up? Alison somebody or other. Grudgingly granted - she is articulate. Jilly woman - yes, and rarely annoying. The older Scottish woman who has a more annoying tone than Oh Superman by Laurie Anderson. Yes, she can speak properly. Struggling on the rest of them, though. If literally and absolutely disappeared overnight - the rest would be scuppered.
She is presenting some SUPER SUPER STRONG Alien Tape now. With luck, some passing ones will invite her onto their space ship en route to Uranus on a one way ticket. Oh God…it’s Tokyo mouthpiece with her.. Disembowelment without an anaesthetic for me please.
I concur Brissles. To add to all that, she’s now adopted this ridiculous stilted manner of speaking. I’m amazed that she manages to sell anything. A complete turn off!The standard of English, enunciation and pronunciation must be severely lacking too in those idiots that hired her. Photographically she's stunning - then she opens her mouth.