New presenter eh...


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Just been watching her with Charlie and im liking her so far. He is letting here talk and take control at times and she is handling it just fine. On the plus side for me, she is not Jill, Jilly or Catherine!!!
It's another positive from me.
Caught a little of the Nina Leonard hour earlier, and she seemed a natural, came across as having plenty of confidence but didn't seem cocky and is obviously used to live T.V as an ex Sky Sports News presenter.
I liked her. :mysmilie_59:

But, hey! Give it time and I'm sure I can be persuaded otherwise......:grin:
Eye candy??! Have you lot been on the Werthers vodka again? Eye candy on QVC. You can whistle Dixie I'm afraid. The nearest we get is the guy who won Strictly and is now flogging us Zumba DVDs and even his charms are wearing a bit thin.

I would have said we ladies have some hope and bob hope with him - could be wrong though!
If they're pretty to look at I don't mind if they're gay or straight. I'm only looking innit :eek:)
I think they could have done better than a Sky reject. I always think they look so jaded when they come from sky channels.
I think they could have done better than a Sky reject. I always think they look so jaded when they come from sky channels.

Can I ask Tristar why do they look so jaded? Is there such a difference between a Sky channel presenter and one who comes from a BBC/ITV channel?
Can I ask Tristar why do they look so jaded? Is there such a difference between a Sky channel presenter and one who comes from a BBC/ITV channel?

Sky is just SO common. :wink:

I haven't seen her yet, so I haven't a clue. Nice line in innuendo though :nod:
I think she's over confident. Kathy T can't get a word in edge ways. Her favourite phrase is I'm not surprised. She says it every time something goes limited stock.
Having watched her again for a bit this morning I'm inclined to agree with you there Bensmum. Confidence is one thing but she might benefit from reigning it in a bit .... nobody likes a clever kid etc etc. Refreshing after some of the recent newbies that she appears comfortable in front of the camera but do wonder if in time she may become one of the more pushy presenters. Is she full time or just maternity cover for Carmel?
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Caught my first sight of Chloe on the handbag hour with Kathy - well, she's not bad - and she has an accent like mine, hooray! well actually I make her sound refained..!
Didn't want to like her but, after watching her 11.00 hour with Kathy Taylor, she came across as quite confident and didn't appear to be trying too hard. From Kathy's interaction with her, it was my feeling that Ms Taylor wasn't too enamoured with having to share the limelight with - forgive me - a younger, more visually appealing (to guys) presenter. The words 'put in her place' spring to mind. Just my opinion.
Didn't want to like her but, after watching her 11.00 hour with Kathy Taylor, she came across as quite confident and didn't appear to be trying too hard. From Kathy's interaction with her, it was my feeling that Ms Taylor wasn't too enamoured with having to share the limelight with - forgive me - a younger, more visually appealing (to guys) presenter. The words 'put in her place' spring to mind. Just my opinion.

Can I ask why you didn't want to like her?

A presenter doing a job, I can see no reason to 'not want to like' someone.
She has done a lot of 'shadowing' today. all in all she seems to have been on everytime I switch on, she is still on now, isnt it hometimes Chloe? She can talk cant she, blimey she never shuts up, I dont like the way she is cutting in on the presenters, she is a junior who is just starting, she seems a little cocky.
She has done a lot of 'shadowing' today. all in all she seems to have been on everytime I switch on, she is still on now, isnt it hometimes Chloe? She can talk cant she, blimey she never shuts up, I dont like the way she is cutting in on the presenters, she is a junior who is just starting, she seems a little cocky.

She was on this morning, didn't see her this afternoon/evening.
She was still on at 5, so she has had a long day in the studios, Im not saying she has done back to back but when you switch on and she is their with her mouth in the morning and you switch on at quarter to six and she is still on, yapping. Talking over Julia, of all people! Chloe needs to reign it in!
Can't win really can she?! Whatever she does someone's not going to like it - too confident/not confident enough etc etc...the thought of being put out there in front of a tv camera and told to sell something must be pretty daunting for the first few times, give the girl a chance to find her feet!
She was still on at 5, so she has had a long day in the studios, Im not saying she has done back to back but when you switch on and she is their with her mouth in the morning and you switch on at quarter to six and she is still on, yapping. Talking over Julia, of all people! Chloe needs to reign it in!

How DARE she????? Does she know who Julia IS???
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