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It's ok to have different opinions.

It's ok to back up another forumite without bring pounced on too. It's not one rule for one and one for another.

But in the interests of balance, lets just remember that some people get criticised for saying what quite a few others may be thinking (speaking generally, of course.)
I can't get into the minds of other forum users 24/7 I'm afraid so can't tell you why no one picked or didn't pick up the point in the earlier thread you quoted. If you read my comment I merely stated that if I see something untoward/uncalled for/unnecessarily negative about another member that I feel is inappropriate I will question it. What others do & say is up to them.

With 24 pages of posts thus far on this thread you must have gone through some to find 1 quote hence it's understandable that I missed it.

Several people have recently said openly that they are either not getting involved in the Q forums anymore or are considering leaving, not because they want to but because recent posts and behaviour has made them feel negative about contributing. I personally think that's a shame,hence I will take a stance.

In fact I'm considering starting a new forum entitled "For those who don't take QVC too seriously", where all the nice, respectful, funny & friendly people can contribute lol.

It's a nice idea Nikki, but to be honest I don't think the debate in this thread is about QVC any more, as so many of the threads that end up getting heated end up being about who should be entitled to say what about who and why.. Everyone starts to take things personally and it all gets all messy. No matter what a post starts off as, it can morph into all kinds of weirdness with no apparent warning.
And as far as my going through the posts it really wasn't the case that I trawled through them looking for 'evidence', I'm not taking sides, I just saw the post I mentioned when flicking through and to be honest thought it was a bit near the knuckle. I didn't have any intention of posting about it at the time though because I thought if the forumite mentioned in it thought it was out of order they would probably report it or mention it themselves. I only remembered it when someone made a similar post and it was taken and reacted to in a totally different way. Ive no idea who's on which side of the fence in this debate, and frankly I couldn't give a monkeys, it just didn't seem very balanced to me as far as the one point I mentioned went. 'T'is all, nowt more.
Thanks for explaining Ali.
I'm not Ms. Automatic Crusader & if I'd read a post about someone saying someone else has issues I'd probably think that the person being referred to may have explained that in an entirely different thread I hadn't seen so to be honest I wouldn't of challenged it either for fear of getting the wrong end of the stick.
I just can't sit back & ignore blatant unwarranted insults that are usually completely & clearly unfounded aimed at anyone without raising/questioning it.
Thankfully it's only happened several times that I'm aware of but surprisingly they've all been in the last week or so, perhaps it's the January blues?!
2 people have private messaged me saying thanks as they were taken aback when they read something negative about themselves & feared to challenge when 1st reading them.
I think I know who my friends are now, shame its so cliquey (if one person can mention threads from the drop, dont see why I shouldnt) I have to say that post refering to me as a she was a bit naughty, I thought I had been here long enough for people to know Im a bloke, think that might have been a bit spiteful but I do stand my my comments with regard to Chloe, just looked at her 'showreel' from her time on bid and, was worse than I thought.
I think I know who my friends are now, shame its so cliquey (if one person can mention threads from the drop, dont see why I shouldnt) I have to say that post refering to me as a she was a bit naughty, I thought I had been here long enough for people to know Im a bloke, think that might have been a bit spiteful but I do stand my my comments with regard to Chloe, just looked at her 'showreel' from her time on bid and, was worse than I thought.

No not spiteful a genuine mistake! Just ask SCW how long it took for some people to realise he was a he not a she!!!

As for your feelings on Chloe, we all know what they are and why you are going back to watch more and more of her videos when she annoys you so much I just don't know.

I really think this thread has run it's course.

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