New presenter eh...


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Oh dear...... It's getting worse.
Where did you get that quote from BurlyB. SMUTTY. Lowering the standards of QVC IMO
She does look like she is a bit smutty though. Something very smarmy about Chloe.
Well I feel like I need to wash my hands after watching her. Hope she does a, was it 'sunita'? and channel hops after a few months. She is another Carmel, only a bit more common, in my opinion. QVC could do better.
I think she's going to be great fun. Hopefully she'll liven things up a bit.
She wont be fun, she will be highly predictable and boring inthe extreme, a bit like Carmel. Why do all new qvc recruits look the same? she is a dead ringer for Caramel
I wouldnt give her the time of day myself. I think I will be switching over to 22 when she starts doing her own hours. Wont she be eased in by doing a 'twoseome' with another experienced presenter? they used to do that with new presenters. I just wonder why we could not have had someone a little different and not another woman of the same age and same hairstyle and same everything.
Each to their own but i're letting your dislike of Carmel get in the way.
I may end up disliking her but i at least. want to see her first . Go on Tristar give her a fair chance,you know you want. to.
Apparently her twitter account had to be stopped, as they were too risque. How can QVC look at her CV

and think oh yes she'd be good on the tele flogging our lovely wares, just what the viewers want to see.

I'd say a good percentage of Q are old age pensioners and unlucky people who can't get out much due to

circumstances, and i can;t see them warming to this style of presentation. Doesn't appeal to me, yet

another probably blonde skinny model type person, makeuped to the eyeballs. Give us a good looking

blooming man to look at . PLEASE Had a look at the video and she doesn't seem as i'd imagined going

by things, so unfair to judge her yet, but i'd still rather have a man :)

lets give her a chance at least.
Yes let's, I bet the poor woman was only on a few minutes?? I think once she has been presenting a few shows THEN you can make your mind up!! :mysmilie_365:
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i think catherine is a bit piqued by her she seems quite good. loves talikng a good atribute for a presenter methinks
Sorry Sparkly your quote was shown for some reason !
I just think she looks too similar to all the others, we have too many female presenters with the same hair and same style. A bit of variety on the eye would have made a change. A chance here for a change of presenter has been blown.
Well i suppose i was at fault for not giving her a chance, but i do think Q employ a man :)

I wasn't being sarcastic, I just wanted to reply to LE Lover and your quote was included in the 'reply with quote' box. Just wanted you to know.
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