Mystery of damaged Elemis TSV returned by courier


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Jul 2, 2008
I ordered two Elemis TSV's on the stroke of midnight last week. I checked when it was shipped on the website and waited and waited for them to arrive.
Due to the weather conditions I didn't get too alarmed but then a couple of days ago, browsing on my account webpage I saw to my amazment that they had both been 'returned'.

When I phoned to enquire, I was told that the courier had returned them as damaged. [What both?] The money had been refunded and that was that. No message, e-mail, phone call, nothing to explain.

The point I am trying to make is all this 'if it's a present we'll sent it to the person ourselves and leave out the invoice to send to you'

Well if I was sending this to someone for a Christmas present and didn't have the use of a computer, imagine if this had happened and they just thought that you hadn't given them a present. How mean would you look and you would also think that they hadn't bothered to thank you until way after Christmas when you receive your statement to see it had been refunded. [Does that make sense? sorry I'm quite upset to be honest]
Be careful out there folks! keep your eye on everything you order.
Know exactly what you mean, how annoying! Especially as they didn't let you know!

I didn't get all my kits, I ordered a few and one was missing. The top of the packaging was slightly opened, not enough to fit one through unless it had been resealed. I'm not happy at all, they were presents!!

Hey, anyone that ordered two or more, did they arrive with that plastic strapping strip around them to keep them together? That's what they usually do, mine didn't have that around and I'm wondering if that was QVC's fault or whether it was cut when one package was stolen?
Reading posts on here from peeps who have purchased jewellery.

What about all those this Christmas that will be recieving from QVC directly a lovely empty QVC jewellery box. :wonder:

I wouldn't trust QVC to deliver an order as a gift: many years ago we ordered my late Mum a cordless phone to be delivered to her address, I even paid extra for express(?) delivery to be sure it would arrive while we were visiting (she lived a couple of hundred miles away) so that we could set it up and talk her thru the instructions. It didn't arrive until a week after we'd come home again. Poor Mum got stressed trying to work it out so in the end I just asked her to return it and I gave CS a bollocking and they admitted that if the item was sent by courier they couldn't (at that time) guarantee any faster delivery even though they happily took the extra postage fee. The did refund the postage but it still left a bad taste...we just bought a cordless phone from Argos and took it with us later in the year and Mum loved her cordless phone, not having to sit chatting in a draughty hallway. Missed her birthday by months though!

Jude x
Know exactly what you mean, how annoying! Especially as they didn't let you know!

I didn't get all my kits, I ordered a few and one was missing. The top of the packaging was slightly opened, not enough to fit one through unless it had been resealed. I'm not happy at all, they were presents!!

Hey, anyone that ordered two or more, did they arrive with that plastic strapping strip around them to keep them together? That's what they usually do, mine didn't have that around and I'm wondering if that was QVC's fault or whether it was cut when one package was stolen?

I went for two. They arrived in a plastic delivery bag but they were not strapped together in the bag.
as at today I STILL HAVENT RECEIVED MINE! Spoke to qvc and have to fill in a dec even though they confirm sent by courier and which courier....this is not the first time Iv had items go missing when done with courier not that i acusing but .....
Hey, anyone that ordered two or more, did they arrive with that plastic strapping strip around them to keep them together? That's what they usually do, mine didn't have that around and I'm wondering if that was QVC's fault or whether it was cut when one package was stolen?

I ordered two sets on-line when the web was playing silly b*****s. When I checked later - found it had gone through twice. Phoned CS. As usual, too late to cancel and would have to wait for it to be delivered and then return it. Both mine arrived by Hermes in the grey self seal sacks but no plastic tape. Docket inside. Strange that they seem to have used different methods. Anyway, phoned CS again. Tried to tell me I'd have to post them back myself as under the weight threshold for collection. Plus no refund until it gets to the warehouse. Oh No says I (or words to that effect). Your fault; you come and collect. And it would be 5-7 working days. Hermes arrived the next day. So they should be back at Knowsley shortly and can be sent out to you, helena and looby.
Hope you get yours, as despite the hassle, it's probably worth waiting for.
Mine arrived today after being shipped on the 5th December, even though the weather up here hasnt been that bad and the snow all melted last week

My son placed an order on the 29th November with QVC, his 1st ever order (my christmas present) it still hasnt arrived but we didnt panic because we got a voicemail message last week saying allow longer for deliveries due to the weather.
On checking his account tonight he noticed that the order had been cancelled and when he phoned them to find out why they said they had processed it as a cheque payment order even though he entered his card details to make payment, so when they didnt receive the cheque they cancelled it!!
Slightly off topic but my point is that had he not checked online and kept waiting thinking the delay was because of the weather we would have been none the wiser.
To make matters worse they are now saying they cant guarantee delivery for Christmas :angry:
Hmmm common theme of "courier returns" going here. My mother ordered a set of pillows way before the weather problems. Didn't arrive till we checked the online account where it had been "returned". Calling CS the answer was thats the reason the courier gave and not your fault. Thats right, the courier just has to return it if they can't be bothered and no questions asked by QVC and you don't get to find out for days or even weeks.

The online account status is still woefully behind the times. We should be having auto email updates on all stages! Text messages would be a nice touch.

Just to embarrass QVC a little here, ordered something off Ideal World on saturday and arrived on Tueday. HDNL too.
Just a word on how great courier companies can be - had a pet supplies delivery from Interlink Express.. You receive an email from them, early on the morning of delivery, with the hour time slot of your delivery :bandit:
Mine arrived on Monday in a badly battered box, no plastic envelope or anything. Given that it's my Christmas pressie from my husband I can't imagine he's too impressed at the state of it! Not sure how QVC can sometimes get it so right but very often get it so very wrong.
Hmmm common theme of "courier returns" going here. My mother ordered a set of pillows way before the weather problems. Didn't arrive till we checked the online account where it had been "returned". Calling CS the answer was thats the reason the courier gave and not your fault. Thats right, the courier just has to return it if they can't be bothered and no questions asked by QVC and you don't get to find out for days or even weeks.

The online account status is still woefully behind the times. We should be having auto email updates on all stages! Text messages would be a nice touch.

Just to embarrass QVC a little here, ordered something off Ideal World on saturday and arrived on Tueday. HDNL too.

What reason did the courier give?
I can assure you the courier will rather deliver a parcel than send it back.
Sending one back means no payment for the courier along with extra admin as it has to be given a return code.
Hey, anyone that ordered two or more, did they arrive with that plastic strapping strip around them to keep them together? That's what they usually do, mine didn't have that around and I'm wondering if that was QVC's fault or whether it was cut when one package was stolen?

You get charged 2 lots of P and P (or one and a half) when ordering more than one, yet QVC are taping them together as one item. The couriers are only being paid for one item and as a result, some couriers (and I don't blame them) are cutting the tapes and only delivering one of the items.

Sometimes, the items are so large when banded, you can't fit the buggers in your vehicle, let alone fit other things in. When I used to be a courier, I had a couple of planters taped like that which meant they were into the next size bracket, but I was only going to be paid 50p - the customer had paid £7 x 2 P&P! Rip off....and this is why the couriers are so angry about this practice. Complain to QVC - either they are profiteering or Hermes are. :sad:
My 5 boxes ( 3 gifts ) arrived taped together and in a terrible state.
Boxes were ripped and filthy but thank goodness the contents were fine.
I thought I would phone CS anyway and a really nice lady refunded my postage - over £16! She said I could buy gift bags with the refund.
i have a courier that qvc use and other comapnies use to send my goods. because the other companies have a better contract i.e they pay more to them. they give all the other companies a much better service.
i have a qvc parcel waiting over a week to be picked up. my other parcel was picked up the next day by the same courier.the courier said he could not collect the qvc one. still waiting for a pick up.

by the way the other parcel was free to deliver and free to return. took 2 days to order,have it delivered and returned.:down:
Anything in boxes to Hermes lorry drivers/warehousemen seems licensed to be used as a football. I got so fed up of seeing bootholes in boxes and having to tape things up so they didn't look as bad for the customer.

If something was damaged, I usually used to take it to the customer in any case, so that they could see and make a decision whether to keep or not. At least then they knew when something had been sent back damaged.
Thing is, Hermes are mean sods and I wouldn't get paid for it as it wasn't classed as a delivery.

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