My first QVC review has been rejected!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 21, 2015

I've lurked her for a while, have just joined to ask for your thoughts...

I bought the NoNo on TSV the other week. I've been using it, and after reading some awful reviews from people who also bought the TSV and have already sent it back, I decided to add my thoughts, which were fairly positive, but my review has been rejected because it didn't meet QVC review guidelines.

I've read the guidelines and have no idea where I went wrong. My review was truthful and objective, I gave the item 3* and said that I was happy so far, but would carry on testing it for the trial period, and that it might still get sent back.

Any thoughts about what was wrong? Thanks.
:mysmilie_357: MrsMc. Positive reviews have been rejected too. Supposedly an outside company vets the views for fairness, they are a bit hit and miss. Don't stress and waste your time. Send it back if it's rubbish, the No No does get poor reviews overall.
Did you mention the price you paid? I had something rejected because of that.
Did you mention products you got from somewhere else (and name the somewhere else)? I also had a review rejected for that.

Otherwise, I would struggle to think of what reasons for rejecting, outside of rude words.

And hello to you MrsMc :wave:
I'm not sure that it is rubbish yet. It's worked well on my face and lip. Not so good on underarms and legs, but I need to allow more time, hence the 90 day money-back guarantee. I don't think it will be as good as waxing though.
No, I only mentioned I got it on TSV. No mention of any other shops, and certainly no rude words :mysmilie_17:
No, I only mentioned I got it on TSV. No mention of any other shops, and certainly no rude words :mysmilie_17:

Weird then... did you mention easy pay?

TSV should be OK, but if there are any mentions of how much you paid, in what manner that could be the thing that did it.
Sometimes rewording "TSV" as "at a special price" is all it takes. I think it may depend on the person reading your post after it's submitted, and the way they interpret the rules.

I bought a Nono v cheaply in a Debenhams Blue X sale before it appeared on QVC and I got good results but you have to persevere for ages. I eventually got bare patches on my legs which never regrow and slightly quicker results on my arms which I'd never bothered to remove before. The problem is the "burnt" hair doesn't instantly fall out but needs buffing away which may account for the dissatisfaction expressed in the reviews. It's an onerous commitment too (I'd say a year to see my bald no-regrowth patches) and it smells bad! I had lots of complaints from the family because burnt hair is awful, and they play this down on the TV presentations.
I have a Panasonic epilator. I have been using it for 2 years on my legs and I now have hardly any hair re growth. I have had my legs waxed over the years prior to that. If you can stand the pain (minor to me) then it is well worth it. I am quite fair so my hair was not that dark but I did have quite hairy legs
Welcome MrsMc I had an Instyler review rejected warning people to be careful because it gets excessively hot, I thought I was helping people so it just goes to show you, they don't like you mentioning prices either. Happy posting! :mysmilie_14:
I have a Panasonic epilator. I have been using it for 2 years on my legs and I now have hardly any hair re growth. I have had my legs waxed over the years prior to that. If you can stand the pain (minor to me) then it is well worth it. I am quite fair so my hair was not that dark but I did have quite hairy legs

Me too! I have a Panasonic epilator. I've been epilating for a long time and get very little re growth too. I agree once you can push through the pain barrier it gets easier and easier from then on. The Panasonic epilator I use I found it to be really gentle. Wouldn't use any other device now, especially not a No No.
I fully agree about using an epilator on the legs,I have only a few stray hairs now.

I'd been using epliators for years - but still had regrowth every month, so a 2-3 years a go I invested in the Philips Lumea
I used it for 3 months (yes it was a bit time consuming making sure I covered every inch of my legs/underarms/etc) but after those 3 months, I never had to use any hair removal device , and 2-3 years on I'm still hair free - couldn't recommend it enough ! ( so a few months a go I sold it on ebay as it is now totally redundant)

- I am aware that this might not work on every on , typically you need to have fairly dark hair and light coloured skin, but I started using it on my return from a couple of weeks of holiday, so my skin was well tanned, and it still worked great on me.

(did try the no no, but like everyone else I found it to be a waste of time)
I'd been using epliators for years - but still had regrowth every month, so a 2-3 years a go I invested in the Philips Lumea
I used it for 3 months (yes it was a bit time consuming making sure I covered every inch of my legs/underarms/etc) but after those 3 months, I never had to use any hair removal device , and 2-3 years on I'm still hair free - couldn't recommend it enough ! ( so a few months a go I sold it on ebay as it is now totally redundant)

- I am aware that this might not work on every on , typically you need to have fairly dark hair and light coloured skin, but I started using it on my return from a couple of weeks of holiday, so my skin was well tanned, and it still worked great on me.

(did try the no no, but like everyone else I found it to be a waste of time)

There's no need to invest in anything else really, like LOTL says, we only get a few stray hairs, without having any more expensive, or inexpensive, outlay.
I've had so many reviews rejected, even 5 star ones, for no apparent reason. Occasionally I'd tweak the wording so it said the same but read a little bit different and it would get through, but overall I'd say don't waste your valuable time worrying about it because the reviewing panel are just simply inconsistent.
I don't bother reviewing anything on QVC anymore, it's a complete waste of time and effort because three quarters of the time the reviews are rejected.
Posting a review on here is probably just as helpful, I tend to search the web if I'm thinking of buying something new. This site often pops up in a google search. Those people who rely only on the QVC reviews are not helping themselves.
I have only ever left one review.... which was rejected, they said it lacked content about the product. I can't even remember what the product was, and I have never tried again, tbh I find the reviews very confusing.....
I've had a review, rejected, a question that I asked rejected and an answer I gave to a question rejected. Each time I just felt like I'd totally wasted my time so I just don't bother, although I do find reviews can be helpful so I'd like to do my bit, but if after going to the effort it doesn't get put up then why bother.
I'm beginning to feel that my hit rate is pretty good.

I had a review of decleor prolagene gel rejected, and the only thing it can be is I repeated something Alison Young had said about it helping ensure she didn't get scarring from her teenage acne. Clearly it's alright for her to say on air (she's said it many times) but not OK for someone to put it into print as reported speech.
Welcome to the forum MrsMc. I had a five star review rejected and after that vowed never to leave another! Unless perhaps a one star if I were in a bad mood, lol. I had had a one star accepted (Tova perfume, ugh) so I was annoyed to get a curt email back with no proper explanation for a five star, and I pestered them to tell me the reason. Apparently I had referred to the fact it was at a special price. Fair enough but they could have told me that and I would have just deleted that bit. I felt the way they rejected it was bit snotty though so as I say, I do not review things now.

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