Morning everyone


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Registered Shopper
Sep 18, 2009
Morning. Just came too say have a great day I'm thinking of you all. whether you're on your own ,with family you want to be with,family you don't want to be with or just chilling in front of the tv. Relax and enjoy.
Love to you all. x

Sorry i forgot to add to Donna ,TinksTristar and anyone else who's poorly, get well soon
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Thank you LEL and I'd like to echo the same sentiment, I hope it's happy, or at least peaceful or maybe just over quickly depending on your viewpoint.

Jude xx
A good Christmas morning to all our FM's, lets hope it's a happy and peaceful one for all... A nice thought LE lover. I'm one of the over quickly members. LOL
Morning and merry xmas! Looks like I am going to spend most of it on the sofa :-( Good job hubby does the xmas dinner! Hope everyone enjoys their day in their own special way :D xx

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Also came on here to start a thread wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas , thank you to all for making me smile throughout the year with your witty comments, telling me about bargains - making me spend money I had no intention of spending (Snarly: this one is for you but I love my south western ring I bought because of you lol) and keeping me well informed of TSVs coming up
Merry Christmas to all of you, get better to the suffering ones, and a peaceful time to all
MerryChristmas everyone! Just woke up - it's so quiet, no trains or traffic. Turned over in bed, switched on the mobile to check out TheForum. Haven't even been to TheLoo yet! Have a GreatDay in YourOwnWay. Off to enjoy my own company today! (((cwtch/hugs))) to you and your FurryBabies. :heart:
Hope you all have a lovely day. My morning is complete because I`ve chatted to my grandkids on Skype and that`s the best present ever when you can`t be with them.
Morning Campers! A Merry Christmas to all of you from the house of Itchy.

Vienna - We have just spoken and seen my oldest son on skype from Thailand. I have not seen his face for 14 months. Best present for me too.
Well i only got to bed about 3.30. My DD sent down vodka with baileys she made me up, and boy was it strong, had 2 of them
along with normal vodka and don't even remember going to bed LOL. My first Christmas eve and Christmas Day of so i planned
to enjoy it, work tomorrow afternoon, so will take drink easy to day. (My heads still wobbly here) I hope everyone has a good
day, ill be popping in and out all day to check up on everyone. Hope the sickies get better soon, awful to be ill this time of year,
no drink (do i sound like an alcoholic he he). My first Christmas without DD, got DS here but will miss her (tears in eyes) probably
still drunk you all say. he he She's spending with partner , says it her Trevmas, so i hope she enjoys it with him. Anyway ramble
over, didn't come on to depress everyone, bit late Barbs checkin out, back later :drunk: :bow:
Merry Christmas One & All!

Morning Campers! A Merry Christmas to all of you from the house of Itchy.

Vienna - We have just spoken and seen my oldest son on skype from Thailand. I have not seen his face for 14 months. Best present for me too.

I just want to add my best wishes to everyone on here,particularly to the ones who are feeling ill or hung over! Hope you all have a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year, thanks for a entertaining and funny forum!! Xx
Morning all, hope everyone is well (& dry), wishes for a happy and peaceful Christmas.

I'm trying to decide if I fancy a bacon wrapped chipolata to dip my egg in for a late breakfast....yes I think I do so see you later.

Hope the day goes well for you all.
Merry Christmas, everyone.

I hope that you all enjoy the day, whatever you're doing, and that anyone who isn't feeling 100% soon feels back to full health.

For me, this is just another day, although I'm popping round to my son's a bit later for a coffee and a 'bit of a chill.' Divorce altered our Christmas 'routine' somewhat and now we wait until my ex has celebrated Christmas at his new partner's and then we have a late Christmas together. This year it's on the 29th, when my son and my ex are coming round to exchange presents and to have Christmas dinner. We alternate the venue each year and this year it's my turn to do the cooking. I just hope I can remember how to cook for three, instead of just me ............. or they'll be going home hungry. :eek:
Just another day her too! Good day for me to have woken early and struggled to get back to sleep and then eventually did and woke up really late, so much so my mum came in to make sure I was ok!!

Hope everyone has a lovely day whether they celebrate Christmas or not! x
Well i only got to bed about 3.30. My DD sent down vodka with baileys she made me up, and boy was it strong, had 2 of them
along with normal vodka and don't even remember going to bed LOL. My first Christmas eve and Christmas Day of so i planned
to enjoy it, work tomorrow afternoon, so will take drink easy to day. (My heads still wobbly here) I hope everyone has a good
day, ill be popping in and out all day to check up on everyone. Hope the sickies get better soon, awful to be ill this time of year,
no drink (do i sound like an alcoholic he he). My first Christmas without DD, got DS here but will miss her (tears in eyes) probably
still drunk you all say. he he She's spending with partner , says it her Trevmas, so i hope she enjoys it with him. Anyway ramble
over, didn't come on to depress everyone, bit late Barbs checkin out, back later :drunk: :bow:
Update, it wasn't vodka with baileys, its actually vodka with werthers (sweets) and then you add to vodka and freeze and drink it.. No wonder i still feel bl...y sick and yuk, self induced though. Think she's trying to get rid of me LOL. Never drank anything like this before and probably won't again
Poor BarklySparbs - I don't think you're alone in FeelingUnderTheWeather though. A wave to you, across the sea, Cariad! The Choppy Sea :mysmilie_454:
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Best wishes to everyone, all the best for 2013 and thanks for all your great contributions to the site.

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