L'Occitane TSV 16/06/2015


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Sold out? I haven't even switched on the TV yet!!!!!! I agree with other posters, those 10ml tubes will really disappoint and it can be hard to detect they are the tiddlers on screen sometimes too. However, I do think that whilst we superior bargain detectors (!!!!!!!!) may realise all this, someone who just wants to get an attractive looking, easy to wrap present would be very pleased! Mind you, it isn't exactly a cheap gift either.

its a lot of money. ml for ml its low in value specially when you factor in the postage. the l'occy sale will be on very soon i expect that £30 would buy quite a few full size goodies
I wonder, did they deliberately not get as much stock for today because they knew it was poor value? It’s interesting ... I didn't see the shows but I'm reading here they sold "over 3,000”. Let's say 3,500 (it’s probably less or they would have said nearly 4,000) - that means they have taken under £80,000 before P&P. Compare that to the Liz Earle TSV in mid-May (£49.98 before P&P), when they sold all the 25,000 by about 2.00pm and grossed approx £1,250,000! What does this tell us about sales ploys, ability to negotiate a good deal, quantities brands can and are prepared to supply, etc?
I`m convinced they`ve made this tsv from leftover special offer gifts from L`Occitane Uk, hence there only being a few thousand of them. It just seems funny that L`Occitane have recently had 2 freebie offers if you spent over a certain amount. One was a set of 5 x 10 ml handcreams and the other was a set of 5 x miniature perfumes if you bought a full sized perfume. I bet they`ve ordered the boxes and packaged them to make this tsv. I wouldn`t put it past them !
They were pushing the 5 small shower gels to go with it which would have meant spending over £50.00 for piddly little items.
someon e hasalready left an unfavourable review

I normally hate it when someone leaves a review before they've received the goods, but I'll make an exception in this case, because I bloody agree with them. (and I don't think the person who left the review has ordered it anyway).
I wonder, did they deliberately not get as much stock for today because they knew it was poor value? It’s interesting ... I didn't see the shows but I'm reading here they sold "over 3,000”. Let's say 3,500 (it’s probably less or they would have said nearly 4,000) - that means they have taken under £80,000 before P&P. Compare that to the Liz Earle TSV in mid-May (£49.98 before P&P), when they sold all the 25,000 by about 2.00pm and grossed approx £1,250,000! What does this tell us about sales ploys, ability to negotiate a good deal, quantities brands can and are prepared to supply, etc?

Maybe it's telling us that while you can fool some of the people some of the time, you can't fool all of the people all of the time?

It's such a shame, as it could have been a wonderful opportunity to showcase the scents in a great value set. Instead we have the sort of sizes that would be useful for luxe DIY crackers... maybe it should have been a TSV for Christmas in July?!?!
Well im surprised it sold out, It will be interesting to read the reviews over the next few days to see what people who bought it think of it.

I guess it was a success for Q and Loccitane but lets hope this isnt the start of "Mini" Tsv's ....
I can't access the TSV at all even to see the comments! Maybe it's been taken down....

If you go on Today's offers, and scroll down to the picture of the TSV, there's a buy now button. Press that, and it will take you to the item (that's what I did just now). Failing that, scroll further up on this thread and you'll see the item number - you will be able to search for that.

Item number is 208212

Link : http://www.qvcuk.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?partNumber=208212&storeId=10252&langId=-2&catalogId=10152&viewType=gallery&resultsWithTopSellers=false&sc=SRCH&pageSize=96&keyword=208212&uattrmb=&ddkey=http:CatalogSearch

There are 2 reviews - one positive and 1 negative. The one with the most "is this helpful = yes" votes is the negative one. I've added my vote on both ("is this helpful = no" for the positive review). :devil:
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If you go on Today's offers, and scroll down to the picture of the TSV, there's a buy now button. Press that, and it will take you to the item (that's what I did just now). Failing that, scroll further up on this thread and you'll see the item number - you will be able to search for that.

Got it!
Thanks for that I will remember for next time!
I see there are now four reviews: three with 1 star, one with 5 stars. So overall a 2 star rating at this point. I think it is going to be worse than the Liz Earle BPOTM but does anyone remember a worse reaction to a TSV in the past?
I see there are now four reviews: three with 1 star, one with 5 stars. So overall a 2 star rating at this point. I think it is going to be worse than the Liz Earle BPOTM but does anyone remember a worse reaction to a TSV in the past?

no i cant tbh. running low on soap so found some marsailles soap companies online. with the money i would spend on a l'occy set on qvc for a few weeks worth i can buy enough soap for well over a year. free postage from france with a £20 spend
Thank goodness I read your posts about this one. If I hadn't I would have tuned in, seen the nice presentation box, seen the boxes of perfumes and my brain would have pictured the handcreams as the usual 30 ml sizes I have had before and I would have ordered this. I would have been very disappointed once I received it, what a rip off. What is happening to QVC? What happened to the "VALUE"? I don't think things will go back to how they used to be with TSVs which were a bargain full of goodies at an amazing price.
no i cant tbh. running low on soap so found some marsailles soap companies online. with the money i would spend on a l'occy set on qvc for a few weeks worth i can buy enough soap for well over a year. free postage from france with a £20 spend

Do you have a link Boffy ?
I see there are now four reviews: three with 1 star, one with 5 stars. So overall a 2 star rating at this point. I think it is going to be worse than the Liz Earle BPOTM but does anyone remember a worse reaction to a TSV in the past?

Well, I'm going to keep on checking for more reviews and voting positively for the negative reviews where they are criticising the value for money, I feel so strongly about the outrageously bad value this set offers. If you are a handcream devotee, each of these tubes would maybe last you a day - so the 5 tubes would leave you seriously short during a 2 week holiday!
just over £5 for 250g bar of soap in dozens of scents. you nearly spend that on a 100g bar now as l'occitane keep shrinking the size. cant wait to get my goodies
just over £5 for 250g bar of soap in dozens of scents. you nearly spend that on a 100g bar now as l'occitane keep shrinking the size. cant wait to get my goodies

Thanks I've just ordered some Rose & honey soaps plus shampoo & conditioner,can't believe it's free P&P.

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