Liz Earle V Alexis


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LE lover

Registered Shopper
Sep 18, 2009
:hi: These two ladies must certainly be the most upmarket guests on qvc.
Liz Earle, is classy , elegant and obviously informed about her products. She can however be a tad patronising and lacking in a sense of Humour. When she is on i know i'll have to see some poor Aloe vera plant get chopped up, see endless articles that are "hot off the press) and hear about how superskin is applied to the dry patches on her little boys cheeks.

Alexis is informative, usually looks very nice apart from today, but i do find her very patronising. (sorry Alexis i don't have a guest bathroom) Again i know i'll have to hear the storys about her two boys or "mucky little pups" stealing mummy's favourite handwash or the story about the rose shampoo and conditioner she used on her wedding day, how she bathed her little boys in the milk shower gel( blimey i don't even let the oh use it) and lastly the story of the rose shower gel(something about four queens)

Both these ladies bring outstanding products to qvc and i know i'm getting quality from both.
Who do you prefer and why?
Both of them give off a total bitch vibe to me, I can imagine them turning their noses up when they meet their customers. I think Alexis is very pretty though
:hi: These two ladies must certainly be the most upmarket guests on qvc.
Liz Earle, is classy , elegant and obviously informed about her products. She can however be a tad patronising and lacking in a sense of Humour. When she is on i know i'll have to see some poor Aloe vera plant get chopped up, see endless articles that are "hot off the press) and hear about how superskin is applied to the dry patches on her little boys cheeks.

Alexis is informative, usually looks very nice apart from today, but i do find her very patronising. (sorry Alexis i don't have a guest bathroom) Again i know i'll have to hear the storys about her two boys or "mucky little pups" stealing mummy's favourite handwash or the story about the rose shampoo and conditioner she used on her wedding day, how she bathed her little boys in the milk shower gel( blimey i don't even let the oh use it) and lastly the story of the rose shower gel(something about four queens)

Both these ladies bring outstanding products to qvc and i know i'm getting quality from both.
Who do you prefer and why?

I think I prefer Liz. As you say LE lover, both ladies are classy and know their products and the market they appeal to, but the 'I-can-talk-more-pretentious-cobblers-than-you' competition that seems to run when AY and Alexis present together is maddening in the extreme. It was unbelievable last night and made me very angry indeed. Liz doesn't spout so much nonsense when the presenter buts in, one steely glare from Liz is usually enough to shut all but the most foolish up.
I would plump for Liz. She looks brilliant - natural, feminine and well-groomed but it's not over the top. Her clothes are fab. She has her own style which suits her. She comes across as very calm and sensible. Of course, she is a brilliant businesswoman and must be pretty steely. I enjoy listening to her, though to be fair it is a little repetitive and dull.
Alexis is a gorgeous glossy creature but comes across as a little affected and pretentious. She does boast a bit about her lifestyle which alienates some viewers I would think. Alexis does have a speech impediment which is hard to listen to after a while.
I like watching both, and think that they're elegant and classy. Can't say I prefer one over the other. Having said that, I don't think for one moment that they'd be easy to get on with. Can't imagine them being very friendly in real life somehow! But I do appreciate the fact that they make an effort to be smart and well groomed and as the above poster said, they do know their stuff - even if we've heard it several times!
I think As you say LE lover, both ladies are classy and know their products and the market they appeal to, but the 'I-can-talk-more-pretentious-cobblers-than-you' competition that seems to run when AY and Alexis present together is maddening in the extreme.

PMSL, hilarious Calvin & so true! :grin:
Anyway, back to the question......

I wouldn't have either round for dinner - Liz is a little on the dull side & Alexthith is rather condescending.......& equally dull!
If push came to shove, it would have to be LIz, who is 'classy' in a natural, relaxed, confident way (& would therefore undoubtedly make better company!) than Alexthith, who comes across as somewhat pretentious & affected, which is very wearing after a while!

As a salesperson/guest in isolation, it would have to be Liz, without a shadow of a doubt, for the simple reason that I still know nothing about l'Occitane after all this time, apart from the fact it originates in France......oh & how much the various products cost individually! lol
A few forum members met Alexis at NewYearNewYou a few years ago. She could not have been less friendly or communicative if she'd been solidified in a block of soap!

At a customer event where all other company reps were smiley and talkative and generous with free gifts and samples, Alexis was muttering that she'd run out of samples as soon as anyone approached, scowled at everyone else.

Jude x
Liz always seems to have this self satisfied smirk on her face. Perhaps after her perfume bombed its not there?:giggle:

Alexia has this sort of Sloan Ranger vibe about her. I wash my hair in the shower creams you know. Yeah and do you bring them to the hairdresser with you too? Pants you do.
Alexis does have a speech impediment which is hard to listen to after a while.

Appears that this is turning into a bit of a bitch fest thread to me. I don't think someone having a speech impediment is an appropriate comment to make in any way shape or form.
none of them would be friends of mine. alexis is obviously stuck up and i am not grande enough to be friends with liz earle and to be honest i dont see the as friends just sales people selling selling lovely smellies..
As a salesperson/guest in isolation, it would have to be Liz, without a shadow of a doubt, for the simple reason that I still know nothing about l'Occitane after all this time, apart from the fact it originates in France......oh & how much the various products cost individually! lol

Indeed. Thankfully, their staff are much more forthcoming and aren't pushy on the sale either. I also don't have to hear about their children constantly. Don't get me wrong, I love kids but how many times can one listen about someone else's children smelling of honey & lemon or nicking the soap? :sleepy:
A few forum members met Alexis at NewYearNewYou a few years ago. She could not have been less friendly or communicative if she'd been solidified in a block of soap!

At a customer event where all other company reps were smiley and talkative and generous with free gifts and samples, Alexis was muttering that she'd run out of samples as soon as anyone approached, scowled at everyone else.

Jude x

So agree with you....thats exactly what happened....and I love Loccitaine products, using them for many years b4 qvc when I lived in France, she was certainly no ambasador for the company tbh I felt like telling her to "... where the sun dont shine":cheeky:
Heaven help anyone in my household who nicked any of my L'Occitane, it's MINE!!
re Liz v Alexis, I love the way Liz looks, her hair and skin are beautiful and she knows her stuff.
The two of them are doing a good job of selling a lifestyle of fragrant, apple cheeked children, calmness, glossy skin/ hair and good old fashioned fresh air country living. Aaaaah ain't life sweet!
IRL I bet they're just the same as you and I. Stressed, have bad skin/hair days and sometimes their children are just plain smelly!
As to who I prefer........ hmmm.....Alexis I think, but only because I prefer L'Occitane to LE.
I'm plumping for Alexis.I use both ladies' products although I don't tend to stay around for the whole show for either.Liz is a bit mumsy for me - I like Alexis,bit more glamourous,I like to hear about her family and pregancies etc - I've rarely heard about liz mention her family,her lifestyle (only to flog her products) despite her mother earth look.

So Alexis
Liz is a bit dull but a really good example of why healthy food/healthy lifestyle/regular skincare does you good. her skin is gorgeous and radiant most of the time particularly for a lady over 40 :D I actually have faith in her products...

Alexis is a bit condescending and really sells the sizzle not the steak.... she was mumbling about how sweet cherry smelled of candied fruits and then rambled on about how exclusive and expensive candied fruits are.... errr I,m not washing with candied fruit

l'occitane hmm its nice but I don't go nuts over it. nice enough smells. their handcream is good, but seems overpriced for bath products, when the ingredients are essentially the same as supermarket stuff. I don't buy the fact that your skin knows the difference between normal lavender and high altitude lavender only harvested by midgets on alternate fridays in June being any better for your skin. All bath products leave me dry.

I recently bought some treacle moon stuff from tesco's in the vanilla version and it smells scrummy and about a 5th of the cost and it doesnt leave me as dry as the l'occitane liquid soap did!.
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I will admit that I rarely watch the beauty shows because they bore the arse off me and I don't believe any of the highly exaggerated sales patter anyway. However, based on my rare forrays into that territory I give my vote to LE. It's obvious she knows her own products inside out (unlike Lulu who has no idea what she's rambling on about :rolleyes:) and presents her products without the hard sell almost bullying tactics of AY. Added to that she looks absolutely gorgeous and classy. Alexis on the other hand is summed up brilliantly by Medusa :SUE: and is extremely irritating with all that ridiculous flowery hyperbole she spouts I want to muzzle the daft mare. :devil: :pPC:
Appears that this is turning into a bit of a bitch fest thread to me. I don't think someone having a speech impediment is an appropriate comment to make in any way shape or form.

I disagree, she is a sales person and if you cant listen to her for more than a nano second then its a problem.
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