Liquid Gold


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Oooh, I like that song, I'm humming it to myself! http://i236.pho

I introduced the liquid gold purely because of your recommendations karina and love it. I have to say that I've had no adverse reactions. I've also added in the glycolic mask and rejuvenating cream (both of which have high levels of glycolic acid) and now I'm going to try the eye gel complex but feel that over-use of these products could cause the skin to be more sensitive so I guess it's a case of finding the right balance and not going overboard.

My understanding of the glycolic acid was that it was a gentle form of exfoliation and less abrasive than, for example, microdermabrasion and, purely based on my own experiences, I'd say this was true.
I did not use the eye gel with cream on top but used at night as I use Clairns eye cream with an Spf in the day.For the price I would expect it to do the business.
I have used quite a few of the Alpha H products but only as a course of treatment. I liked the look of my skin, and how it felt when touched, but I always felt it was not hydrating enough.
I agree with grovesy, I quite like liquid gold and other products in the line, but I tend to use mine when I feel my skin needs an extra boost to cope with oiliness and outbreaks, which indeed clear after a few nights of LG, but I would not use it all the time, as I think it may get too much for my skin on a regular basis whilst it's perfect as a periodic treatment. I guess it is all about finding out what your skin likes and in what doses it likes it.
Sorry I was working yesterday until very late so didnt get online.

Thank You all for your kind wishes and thoughts towards Chloe, she has two more booked sessions of Cryotherapy each four weeks after the previous session. Her dermatologist is relatively hopeful that she will have little or no scarring after her course of treatment although her chin area looks particularly bad and is quite blistered afterwards.
She has been advised to use total sunblock on her face ( her and her boyfriend are off to Spain in an hours time), due to the damage caused, and that this is to be lifelong.

MUQ having lupus does not mean that you have sensitive skin , it means that your skin is photosensitive,which means sensitive to light, which is a totally different thing.

I dialyse at least 4 patients that have developed renal failure as a result of their Lupus, and are now on renal replacement therapy as a life preserving treatment.
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Blimey, Jabba! Your poor, poor daughter!!! :grouphug: Fingers crossed her skin improves...

I tried the range one time - persuaded by the anti-aging angle and it didn't work for me one bit. I have extremely sensitive facial skin and severe psoriasis on the rest of my body so can react at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, after using the LG, I developed a small patch of psoriasis in my left eyebrow and at the side of my nose which I didn't have before - not good... :(

My daughter also used it for a while for her acne-prone skin and it seemed to help tho' was no miracle by any means. Actually, it seemed to coarsen her skin, if that makes sense and I persuaded her to stop using it...
OMG Jabba, I just read your post. Poor Chloe having to go through all these treatments. I do hope that after all this she is left with no scarring at all. What an awful thing for the poor girl to go through.

I tried Liquid Gold and had a terrible reaction. They say to expect a slight tingling, but my face was burning so much and turned bright red within a couple of minutes, I raced to wash it off asap. I guess we're all different, but it is powerful stuff no doubt.
Sorry I was working yesterday until very late so didnt get online.

Thank You all for your kind wishes and thoughts towards Chloe, she has two more booked sessions of Cryotherapy each four weeks after the previous session. Her dermatologist is relatively hopeful that she will have little or no scarring after her course of treatment although her chin area looks particularly bad and is quite blistered afterwards.
She has been advised to use total sunblock on her face ( her and her boyfriend are off to Spain in an hours time), due to the damage caused, and that this is to be lifelong.

MUQ having lupus does not mean that you have sensitive skin , it means that your skin is photosensitive,which means sensitive to light, which is a totally different thing.

I dialyse at least 4 patients that have developed renal failure as a result of their Lupus, and are now on renal replacement therapy as a life preserving treatment.

Hope she has a lovely holiday and that using the total sun block means she won't have any reaction to the sun.

Good luck to her for the rest of her treatment!!!! Sending her :hug: and lots of positive vibes!!!
All Best Wishes to Chloe, and hope she has a lovely Holiday. Where in Spain is she going Jabba?
ime afraid that haveing lupus does mean i have sensative skin . i should know ime the one whos had it for the last 20 years and i still have it , when i was dying with lupus i had professors and every one that knew about lupus to come up with a cure to treat me to stop me from dying of lupus in the end ,

when i finally pulled through this illness , they found out i had lupus and told me what it was all about and the proffesors who treated me told me that people with systemic lupus like me will have very sensative skins ,

there are other kinds of forms of lupus not just systemic which i have , other forms of lupus can just effect people looseing their hair and other people can have problems with their kidneys and other body parts insides , and the other form of lupus is that it just effects the skin and nothing else ,

well with systemic lupus , mine can effect any body part in side and out, hair the lot mainly, it gives you fits migrains and all kinds of things, there is a whole list of things it effects ,
including one of the main things is the skin ,

so i should know about after 20 years , ive lived with it.
but lupus is a very serious illness ,

Aww Sweetie that's an awful illness to have to live with, the next time I feel down I will stop to think about your situation and say to myself my life isn't so bad after all:eek:
Karina, it can't be easy living daily with this kind of disease, but I'm sure your positive spirit makes a big difference. I hope you'll continue to keep the lupus in check as you're doing at the moment. Hugs xxx
Karina don't worry about it hun, you know what you have and that's all that matters <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0 ></a>
Great link Donna , very informative and Thank You.

MUQ you must have multi organ failure as you 'were dying from lupus' so how often do you have dialysis? I assume its the renal associations minimal guideline recommendation for patients for lupus patients i.e. three times a week, and if so where do you dialyse cos I must visit there as I am one of only 4 nurses who work in the Regional N.I. acute dialysis unit, and as part of my work visit all the units that dialyse these patients.

No one here is saying that it is easy to live with any auto immune illness ( I should know as I actually suffer from one) and I manage to work and continue my post graduate studies.

Also I would like to add that I work alongside several 'Professors', one of which tootsie is fortunate enough to start working with as part of her PhD, in researching Genetics associated with acute renal failure.
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i know exactly what happened to me very well indeed , and it be something will never forget ever in my life,
if people want to hear the truth , and not from some one here usuming what happened ,
i will say just one thing that i was treated very badly by my own practioners , it dont just take multi organ falier to die with lupus you can also die whe your doctors dont do anything to help you either too like mine didnt . i feel still very bitter about it after 20 years .

ime sorry to hear you have an immune too

Karina maybe you should make a thread about it and put all the doubts to rest.
big hugs MUQ! I sympathise with anyone who is suffering any kind of illness. I am glad the Liquid Gold works for you xxxxx
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